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Second Language Acquisition on Children (Government vs. Private Schools) in Pronunciation ( f , v )…. Najwa Zainalla Al Kurbi. 200610792. Content :. Introduction Literature Review Methodology Research question Participants Data analysis Data Analysis Results Conclusion and discussion
Second Language Acquisition on Children (Government vs. Private Schools) in Pronunciation ( f , v )… NajwaZainalla Al Kurbi 200610792
Content: • Introduction • Literature Review • Methodology • Research question • Participants • Data analysis • Data Analysis • Results • Conclusion and discussion • Reference
Introduction: • “Second language acquisition and learning defined as learning a language, which is different from your native language. Second Language acquisition is a long process, which includes several stages”( Vandana Singhal,2011).
Introduction: • “Second language acquisition is learning a second language after a first language is already established. Many times this happens when a child who speaks a language other than English goes to school for the first time. Children have an easier time learning a second language, but anyone can do it at any age with different abilities.” (www.asha.org11,2011).
Con, introduction: • Language is tangled with our mental life our perceiving, our remembering, our attending, our comprehending, our thinking. In short, all of our attempts to make sense of our experience in the world..(Lindfors, 1991, p. 8) • The aim of this research is to find if there any differences in pronunciation between (Gov. and Private schools) students in (f,v).
Literature Review: Second Language Acquisition andFirst Language Phonological Modification: • The paper was discuss about the English speakers who learned Spanish will, if they produce: • the value for English / p, t, k/ less aspirated than monolingual English speakers. The result was shown that there is no difference in /p/ and /t/, but in /k/ they produce less aspiration in English than monolingual speakers. • the value of Spanish /p, t, k/ more aspirated than monolingual Spanish speakers. His finding was there was no difference.
Critique: • Although the value are from one classification (voiceless stops), they have difference in one value. It means there is\ are reason(s) for this point. • Also there are different levels in producing the sounds with the same consonant.
Methodology: • Research question: • Is there any differences in pronunciation (f, v) between (Gov. and Private schools) student ? • Participant: • 12 children (age 5-7) 7(Gov. school), 5(Private school) • Task: • Give list of words (33 words), pronounce it. • Question and answer.
Info. (Gov. and Private School) • I did survey for teachers and parents of the children, and this is my finding: • Teaching language: almost English and two Arabic subjects (Islamic & Arabic) in Gov. school and one subject (Arabic) in Private school. • Teachers ID: Gov. (English teacher for English subject, Emirati, Lebanese and Egyptian teacher for other subject ), Private (English teacher for English Subject, Emirati, Indian and Syrian)
Continue: • Learning hours: 6 hours for both. • Children's ID: Arab Student in both. • Parents status: between high and low education level.
Data Analysis: • Divide the words in two group: • Pronounce as native speaker • Pronounce in different way • The children in private school pronounce the words almost as English native speaker. • My notes was that Government students pronounce some word differently: • Life • Vienna • live
Results: 58,3%
Results: • The reason of pronouncing words as native speaker for Private school children is that there are some foreign (British) children in their class. So the connection between them lead to imitate foreign children. • There is no relation between high/low Education level of parents and children's pronunciation: • For example: the children #16 pronounce “favorite, feel, various and variety” as high rate of native speakers although his parents classified as low education level • Another children #12 pronounce “ variety, lovely and move” although her parents are middle education level.
Conclusion and Discussion: • To sum up, there are little differences between the two groups. • Private school students more accurate in pronunciation than government school students. • The relationship between students in one school play great role in acquiring the language. • Maybe, there is/are effective factor(s) relate to the, curriculum.
References: • Beverly A. Clark (2000), First and Second language Acquisition in Early childhood. • Lord.G (2008), Second Language Acquisition and First Language Phonological Modification, University of Florida. • American Speech Language- Hearing Association, http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/second.htm. Access on 17-11-2011 • Singhal V (2011), Defining Second Language Acquisition, Edited Linda M. RhinehartNeas