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Evaluation . Clock it FM !!. BY JENNY BERRISFORD . Textual analysis Radio 1

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  1. Evaluation Clock it FM !! BY JENNY BERRISFORD

  2. Textual analysis Radio 1 This news bulletin was fast paced; it had an upbeat quick tempo bed that enhanced the lively quick bulletin. It began with a jingle clearly stating the station we were listening to. It also had an indent at the beginning this was played throughout to break up the stories, stopping confusion, also adding interest within the listeners ear to keep them continually listening. The content on the news began with hard news, with a story on India. This was followed by a story of knife crime and Gordon browns thoughts on it this story was broken up with an interview part of the way through it. The next story was a story about a man that was jailed for life after murdering someone who spat at his dad. The next was a lighter piece with news on Woolworths and the caos it had an interview with someone that had been fired. The next pieces of news were lighter again and were about celebrities, it had a quick interview with Simon Cowal and Robbie Williams this would keep the person listening entertained as the persons voice will of changed therefore the ear doesn’t get bored and turn off, also they would recognise there voices and want to see what they have to say unlike a news reporter just repeating what they had said. In the bulletin the speaker changed again when reading the sport, the content of the sport was rugby, football, formula 1 a vary of sports would connect to a wider audience, the sports news was also broken up with interviews. It varies the tone, enhancing the ear to listen. • Our radio seem to conform to other radios as like others it stated the radio name at the start of the bulleting so it was clear to the audience. • Our bulleting was like radio 1 as it had a bed that was ubeathttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq69lyMj9Pg • It also continued throughout the news broad cast. Our news bulletin conformed to the generic conventions of a stereotypical news bulletin, targeted at a younger audience The content on the news began with hard news, this was very much like other stations, then followed by soft and local news. It also ended with traffic and weather. • We also conformed to radio one as we changed presenters for different topics so for gossip the presenter was different and for the traffic and weather the anchor was different to alter the tone the listener is hearing to keep them engaged. We also used various SoundBits and vox pops to keep the listener listening. -- click to listen This is a sound bite of Jonathon Ross

  3. Have we stereotyped in anyway? These images conform to the stereotype of teenagers spending all there time on their phones. These images conform to the stereotype of teenage drinking . • Our media product represents different social groups as it is aimed at certain target audience, this would be teenagers to mid 20s. So our stories were biased toward the teenage target audience. • One our stories conformed to the stereotype that all teenagers are at parties getting drunk! it was based around teenage binge drinking, it stated ‘a girl died from excessive alcohol consumption’ the story was about how the prices had been lowered to 69p to attract Customers this causing a rise in excessive drinking as it is cheap to do so. • This story is aimed at the teenage audience as many teenagers do drink so they could connect with the story whereas and older group of people wouldn’t really care about it. We stereotyped our audience, with the stereotype al teenagers drink heavily, with putting this story in we are stereotyping our audience ‘as all of them would get drunk’ so therefore would connect to the story. • One of the storeys was about how mobiles were effecting teenagers sleep, giving them headaches and memory loss. This story was again biased to the teenage audience as older people wouldn’t use there phones as much, so would care about the story. So by using the story we are conforming to the stereotype all teenagers use there phones a lot so therefore would care about the story.

  4. Bower Media Bower media might distribute our station as they create similar successful radios. Bauer media is a multi platform company. It Delivers radio stations to huge audiences , a quote from Bauer media website ‘one in four Londoners listen to a Bauer Media radio station every week with Kiss 100 and Magic 105.4’. Bower media broadcast many radios with a similar target audience to what our bulletin was aimed at. Kiss target audience has a 15-34 age range, and has a slight female bias. Bayer media describes it to have the most listeners in this target audience in the U.K. Our bulleting would appeal to Bauer media as it is very similar to kiss as the target audience is the same and our bulletin is also slightly bias towards girls.

  5. We could also pitch our bulletin to? • I feel radio one would benefit from our broadcast as they have a similar target audience. Both the younger generation not with just the news but the songs played and the discussions they have. • We had radio 1 in mind as many people listen to radio 1. so we wanted to create the up beat radio station like radio one. While producing, we had this in mind so we were constantly thinking of ways to keep the listeners engaged very much like radio 1 does. • We had signal one in mind when creating the broadcast we wanted it to have stories that the listeners could connect to. • We also felt like radio 1, signal had the target audience we aimed for. • Signal ones locality is Staffordshire and Cheshire. Our locality was Crewe and Nantwich. I feel signal one would benefit from the broadcast as the stories would be relevant to the listeners of signal 1 as the locality is in the same region. Both these stations are very different BBC radio one is a huge broadcaster there news is herd by people all over the country where as signal works with a small locality. The BBC is a public service broadcasting institution where as signal is an independent broadcaster. So both would be good pitch to however radio 1 would be a better company as your news would be herd nationally where as only Staffordshire and Cheshire would hear it the broadcast on signal one. Id possibly broadcast the bulletin to signal one and start with a smaller company and then develop to the bigger company BBC.

  6. The audience we aimed for was teenagers to twenty years old we felt this would be a good target audience as it is similar to our age so we felt we new this group well. • These people would also listen to the radio regularly, from our survey we found people tend to mostly listen to the radio when driving or getting ready. So new drivers between,17 and 25 (our target audience) would listen to the radio a lot. Also one of our questions in the questionnaire was ‘would you be interested in a new radio station?’ people around this age group of 17-25 said they would so we aimed towards these as we new that audience would listen. Target audience

  7. language • We tried to use language that was easy to listen to so short sentences. We also keep our stories short, as teenagers wouldn’t listen to long stories they would turn off. • Our gossip corner the langue used was chatty and relaxed. This would be easier to listen to we decided this would be good for gossip as we felt the gossip areas would be what the wanted to listen to most. • Structure • We created a specific structure to connect to audience • began with 2 pieces of hard news , we only did 2 pieces as we felt the bulletin would be to serious for younger people. • Then we had the softer news • Then the local news • It ended with a chatty happy gossip and sport section which would end the broadcast on a positive note. Also the gossip area would stereotypically be the main area the audience would want to listen to BED/ Jingles We chose the bed to be upbeat to keep a younger audience engaged, it also went all the way through the main news stories, it then changed when the gossip and sports corner started. The variety in sound would keep the person listening and indicate a different section. What did we do to connect with a specific target audience ? • Stories • We also had local stories, one where the chlorine water effected the hole of Nantwich this would be important for a local audience as it showed the views of others in the same situation so they would feel confuted that others we in the same situation they are in, therefore making them connect to the story making them want to listen to it. Another local story was a teenage girl from a local college died from alcohol and binge drinking, this would be important to a local audience as they would feel as though they could again connect with the story making the close location would make the story seem more real. • We also had stories that would connect to the teenage audience such as the binge drinking story, this would connect with them as most teenagers drink so they could relate to the topic. • Another story that connected to the teenage audience was the story based on how mobile phones were effecting teenage sleep, this would relate to them to wonder if there phone keeps them awake. We also did vox pops for the stories so the audience can see what other thoughts of people in a similar situation. We also asked people of a similar age so that the audience felt that they could identify and were being spoken to directly.

  8. What I learnt from the technical side In the studio whilst someone was reordering there needed to be silence as the microphones would pick up background noise. People talking would make the broadcast seem less professional the microphones would pick up very small amounts of noise. Vox pops make a story a lot more interesting it varies what the people are listening to. I learnt vox pops need to be done in a chatty area to create the atmosphere needed to make them seem real. In the studio The levels must be set for each broad cast. Stories must be clear and easy to read as it easy for the anchor to trip up on there lines. Also it needs to make clear sense to a person listening. The levels need to be set for each individual person Vox- pops the anchor has to be close to the microphone in order to sound clear if the person is sitting far away then there voice will be quiet or muffled and general outside noises will be herd. also if they are to close there will be feed back. The person must stay at the same distance all the way through the broadcast.

  9. I also learnt about Abdobe Audition when editing Editing Abdobe audition • I learnt that abdobe audition is a easy way to edit a radio bulleten. • In abdobe audition you can change the tone of the voice by adding different effects this was good for indents or stings so it sounded less like a persons voice and flowed with the bed. • I learnt about being able to cut into a story when there is a natural break to cut parts of the story or correct mistakes. • Simple cuts can be made from the script or the beds to make them fit properly or if there are small mistakes. • You can loop tracks to continue them our bed wasn’t long enough for the hard news so we looped the track to make it continue to the end. • Can use fades to make the end of the track and the beginning of the new track flow perfectly and don’t seem unnatural. • I learnt you can put an equaliser on a persons voice this ‘rounds of’ there voice making it sound more clear • In abdobe audition you can have many tracks so the hole bulletin can go on it, also a different tracks are used for each person specking and each piece of music (bed , indent or sting)

  10. I have learnt how to describe a textual analysis using the correct words, these are • pitch – sound can be low or high in frequency. • Volume- is the sound loud or quiet. • Cadence – does the sound rise and fall? Is it rhythmic or monotone. • Texture – is the sound rough smooth or soft. • Tempo- speed or rhythm of a sound. • I have learnt when scripting …. • not to use ‘I’ and instead use ‘you’. • Have to describe details visually, so the listener understands what you mean, it may seem ok when reading it but it cant be hard to listen to. • Don’t use Clichés • Like • Ermm • Right • Don’t over exaggerate in the headline. • I feel I developed skills to create good stories that were easy to listen to, I also felt I learnt how to speck natural and relaxed well asking a question during the vox-pops What I learnt that I didn’t no in the preliminary task stage! Looking back at the preliminary task I have learnt a lot such as … I have also learnt about the technical side of the radio through editing. I have also learnt the correct terminology for sounds e.g. beds stings idents sound bites and vox pops. I have also learnt the order a news bulletin goes in starting with hard news, then entertain, sport and weather. At beginning I new a little about interviews from the preliminary task now I no a lot more and how they are recorded.

  11. Final product I like the final product, I feel it achieve what we set out to do as it is an upbeat radio broudcastsimilar to radio one, I feel we did enough stories to connect to the target audience and enough to fit the specific locality. I feel It could have been better if we had created sponsors for area. I found in doing the textual analysis many stations had sponsors for there areas of news for example ‘weather sponsored by Wilma windows’. I think this could of added variety and changed our broadcast a little.

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