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Kaliningrad , 201 4

«Kaliningrad Region Transit Potential and Its Place in the Transport System of Europe and WTO: Advantages and Challenges». Kaliningrad , 201 4. SWOT analysis of transit potential of Kaliningrad region. S trengths. Advantageous geographical position. Availability of non-freezing sea port.

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Kaliningrad , 201 4

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  1. «Kaliningrad Region Transit Potential and Its Place in the Transport System of Europeand WTO: Advantages and Challenges» Kaliningrad, 2014

  2. SWOT analysis of transit potential of Kaliningrad region. Strengths. • Advantageous geographical position. • Availability of non-freezing sea port. • All types of state border passage points are available. • Availability of two railway track standards: Eastern and West-European • Availability of the practical base for development of quality training for transport and logistics specialists. • Competitive prime cost of organization of imported cargos transit in the Russian Federation within intermodal traffic of sea + vehicle type RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kaliningrad

  3. Kaliningrad region 125 enterprises residents of special economic zone, Kaliningrad region - 2 billion USD Fishing Seaport of Pionersk Kaliningrad Fishing Seaport Kaliningrad river port Kaliningrad Maritime commercial port Port of Balyiysk Tourism Border Industry Transport

  4. Basic Ports in the South of Baltic Sea and Key Traffic

  5. Kaliningrad region Transport corridorI (ViaBaltica) Transport corridor I A Transport corridor IХ Transport corridor IX D Ferry Хельсинки Выборг С.-Петербург ! Финляндия Таллин Стокгольм Эстония Норвегия РОССИЯ Псков 600 km I Рига ШВЕЦИЯ Латвия Орша Клайпеда ЛИТВА Дания Копенгаген Каунас 300 km IX Россия Вильнюс Минск Калининград Гомель IXD Гданьск БЕЛОРУССИЯ I А в Киев Германия ПОЛЬША Варшава Берлин 5| DSV Transit through Kaliningrad, 2014

  6. Transitgeography S.Peterburg Kaliningrad Bremerhaven Bremerhaven Hong Kong Transit directions: ThroughKaliningrad(46days) ThroughKlaipeda(44 days) Through Riga (44days) Trough Tallinn(44 days) Trough Kotka(48 days) Trough St.Petersburg(49days)

  7. Thank you for your attention!Leonid Stepanyuk Managing Director OOO «DSV Transport»e-mail:leonid.stepanyuk@ru.dsv.comwww.dsv.com/ru www.dsvrussia.ru

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