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Studies in 1Thessalonians. Presentation 05. Seeking to Please God Chapter 4v1-12. Presentation 05. Introduction.
Studies in 1Thessalonians Presentation 05
Seeking to Please God Chapter 4v1-12 Presentation 05
Introduction I wonder how many gardeners have plants that are healthier and bigger than they were last year and how many have plants that are less healthy? How many have plants that have neither improved nor deteriorated? Few would fall into this final category because all life is marked by either growth or decay. This is equally true of our spiritual lives. It is impossible to stand still in our relationship to God. Spiritual life is either growing or decaying, it is never static. With this in mind, Paul begins the practical application of his epistle. He looks for growth because he knows that God is looking for growth. How do we grow? Paul provides a number of answers. Presentation 05
Obedience Verses 1-2 make it clear that we are to give ourselves to obedience. And obedience requires an acknowledgement of authority. But whose authority? First, the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. His spoken Word! In the early church, before the N.T was written, the teachings of Jesus were circulated from church to church. People were able to stand up and say “Jesus taught such and such...” Presentation 05
Obedience Secondly, there is the authority of the O.T. scriptures. An authority that Jesus himself recognised. Referring to the O.T. Jesus said, “He who belongs to God hears what God says” Jn 8.47. Jesus never said, ‘There are parts of the O.T. that are a bit suspect’ or, ‘We can cut bits of the O.T. out because they belong to a different age’. We simply cannot say as some claim, that the O.T. has no weight or importance. Presentation 05
Obedience Thirdly, there is the authority of the apostles themselves. This is a derived authority. Jesus made it clear in Jn. 16 that when the Holy Spirit was given to the church one of his unique roles would be to bring to the disciples’ minds what Jesus had taught. In addition he would inspire their writing and so safeguard a body of truth to be handed down to the church from age to age. Therefore, pleasing God involves accepting this instruction as authoritative and obeying it. Even if the views of contemporary society are contradicted by it. No one said that obedience would be easy! Presentation 05
Obedience As soon as we reject the authority of scripture and succumb to the pressures of society, then our personal life and our church life will be marked, not by growth but, by decay. Some have tried to argue that by rejecting this authority and modifying our standards to the world outside then we make the church more credible and attractive to others. Whenever we adopt that approach we hammer another nail into the coffin of the church’s decay! Sadly, the church has allowed the world to dictate is morality, in recent years. Presentation 05
Sanctification Secondly, in v3 Paul encourages a commitment to sanctification - the process whereby we grow in holiness and Christlikeness of life. Note the context of this instruction - that of sexual purity v3.... The Greeks, unlike the Jews, had very lax moral standards, they did not have centuries of biblical morality shaping their society. Life had hitherto been a sexual free for all. What was this biblical sexual morality? Quite simply that sexual relationships were to be experienced exclusively within a relationship of heterosexual marriage in contrast with the sexual promiscuity of the age. Why does the Bible teach what it teaches on the matter? Presentation 05
Sanctification First, when God created humans we read, ‘he made mankind in his image’. Gen1v27. And in the same breath we are told that he created them ‘male and female’. In other words, the richness of God’s image is to be viewed as male and female compliment one another in a binding relationship. Clearly, far more than procreation is in view. The way in which the image of God is presented to the universe is at stake. Other sexual relationships, whether pre-marital, adulterous or homosexual distort the image of God and violate God’s purpose for creation. Presentation 05
Sanctification Secondly, we read in Eph. 5v23ff that the heterosexual marriage bond has been established to reflect the relationship between Christ and his church - Bride and Groom, with respective responsibilities and privileges. And so anything that deviates from this committed male-female relationship distorts, debases and mars our understanding of the church. For this reason the Bible speaks with such severity of sexual acts of promiscuity, bestiality and homosexuality. Presentation 05
Sanctification The Thessalonians, in coming to faith in Christ, were in the process of exchanging value systems and world views. It was not just a set of beliefs that were being exchanged but a code of conduct. And so Paul describes what is to be ‘avoided’. The word ‘avoid’ translates as, ‘make a clean cut with.’ N. B. the immorality of the Gentiles is linked with the fact that they ‘did not know God’ v5. This assertion is fundamental to the teaching of the Scriptures cf. Rom 1:18ff where ‘ungodliness,’ is followed by ‘the unrighteousness of men’. Presentation 05
Sanctification Should we be surprised homosexual practice has become increasingly acceptable in Western society? No! for Rom. 1v18ff teaches that when men suppress their knowledge of God - dismiss his revelation - then they do not remain morally neutral - moral decline sets in! Where there is little interest in godliness and holiness of life society enters a period of decline. Where there is no spiritual growth there is moral decay. When we sweep God and godliness aside moral decline occurs which manifests itself in deviant sinful practice. And frighteningly such practice is viewed increasingly as acceptable. It is given an air of respectability despite the fact that society is falling into a moral sewer. Presentation 05
Sanctification Why does ungodliness always lead to unrighteousness? Because ungodliness is not merely lack of godliness, but a revolt against God. “Men do not like to retain God in their knowledge” Rom 1v28. God’s rightful place is usurped by the proud, arrogant, independent spirit of man. Julian Huxley famously said, “For my own part, the sense of spiritual relief which comes from rejecting the idea of God as a supernatural being is enormous”. Exactly! The biblical idea of the revolt of man could scarcely have been expressed more plainly than in these words. And this is precisely why ungodliness always comes to grief. Whether in national or individual life, the exclusion of God always leads to a moral breakdown for God has made us for Himself! Removing God not only leaves man incomplete but dissatisfied. Presentation 05
A New Ambition Paul wants his readers to develop a new ambition but in doing so he is pastorally sensitive to the fact that exhortation with encouragement can be disheartening. If we are always being exhorted without any recognition or praise we can get to the place where we feel we are not doing anything right! Exhortation is always easier to take on board when it is mixed with encouragement and praise. And Paul tells them that they are doing well by loving one another. News of this characteristic had spread throughout Macedonia. But great as that was it could be improved upon. Presentation 05
A New Ambition Michelangelo, perhaps the greatest Renaissance artist, was never satisfied with any of his paintings. In time he would always find flaws as he became aware of ways in which they could be improved upon. Similarly a healthy dissatisfaction with anything less than perfection keeps the Christian pressing on in the race of sanctification. Once we think we have arrived in any area of Christian development and look for a comfortable armchair to sleep on, then alarm bells ought to ring! The N.T. does not recognise contented slumbering Christianity. Presentation 05
A New Ambition There were some in Thessalonica who had begun to opt out of the Christian race. In order to await Christ’s return they gave up their work and became a burden to others. Indeed, it was a laziness of spirit that led to inactivity. They reasoned, “Jesus is coming, let’s just contract out of the world and wait for him”. Years ago I spoke to a Christian who was so appalled at the way the world was changing, he said all he wanted to do was to withdraw into a corner and wait for Jesus return. Now says Paul such an attitude is contrary to the spirit of love. Presentation 05
A New Ambition Instead, we must pursue a quiet adherence to the ordinary duties and responsibilities of life. This not only pleases God but witnesses to the dignity and integrity of our faith. And so the exhortation, ‘Let it be your ambition to keep calm’, or ‘to lead a quiet life.’ Don’t allow yourself to be panicked into unwise action that will impoverish the family of God both materially and spiritually. Presentation 05
A New Ambition In many spheres of Christian service it is possible to sit back and do nothing and as a result the work of God suffers decay. Others make a great fuss about the Lord providing for the work in which they are engaged. They ensure that as many as possible hear of their financial needs and then they sit down idly waiting for money to pour in saying, “The Lord will provide”. It is true, God does provide but often his provision comes through our own hands. We need constantly to ask does the manner of our commitment to service in God’s kingdom bring pleasure to his heart? Presentation 05
Conclusion What direction are we heading in? Is it marked by spiritual growth or spiritual decay? Our attitude to scripture, to holiness of life and the right kind of ambition will help shape and determine that direction. May we know God’s help to ensure that, the response we make in these important areas of our lives, will bring pleasure to him. Presentation 05