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“Excel Still More” 1Thessalonians 4:1,10. God has never accepted mediocrity . He didn’t accept it: in the days of Noah , 1Pet.3:20 ; from Israel when they believed the 10 unfaithful spies, Num.14:26-32 ; from the Church in Laodicea, Rev.3:15-17 . The obvious lesson is
“Excel Still More”1Thessalonians 4:1,10 God has never accepted mediocrity. He didn’t accept it: in the days of Noah, 1Pet.3:20; from Israel when they believed the 10 unfaithful spies, Num.14:26-32; from the Church in Laodicea, Rev.3:15-17. The obvious lesson is that He will not accept it from us either! Things at Southside are going very well: Sunday morning attendance is averaging 120+; The website just exceeded limits due to traffic; Most are growing spiritually exponentially. But they were going well in Thessalonica too, 1:1-10. And yet, they were told
If we acknowledge that God has never accepted mediocrity, or being just “average”in our devotion and service to Him, then we must also admit that He expects us to “excel still more” in all aspects of our devotion and service to Him and His Cause. • So, what does “excel” mean exactly? περισσεύω [perisseuo /per·is·syoo·o/] 1ato be over, to remain. 1b to exist or be at hand in abundance. 1b1 to be great (abundant). 1b2 a thing which comes in abundance, or overflows unto one, something falls to the lot of one in large measure. 1b3 to redound unto, turn out abundantly for, a thing. 1c to abound, overflow. 1c1 to be abundantly furnished with, to have in abundance, abound in (a thing), to be in affluence. 1c2 to be pre-eminent, to excel. 1c3to excel more than, exceed. 2 to make to abound. 2ato furnish one richly so that he has abundance. 2b to make abundant or excellent. “Abounding” is used of a flower going from a bud to full bloom. “Excel Still More” 1Thessalonians 4:1,10
Then in what areas are we expected by God to “excel”? >Caution: Guard against a “minimalist” attitude (How little can I do and still be “accepted”?)cf. Luke 17:10 >The answer is “ALL OF THEM”! >God has blessed us abundantly with physical and spiritual provisions- shall we return His abundance with paltry penance, dull devotion, and stingy service? 2Cor.9:8Eph.1:7-8 • We certainly cannot “match” the abundant blessings of God with equally reciprocated devotion, but surely we ought to try! “Excel Still More” 1Thessalonians 4:1,10
So again, in what areas are we expected by God to “excel”? • This is not a competition, but our righteousness surely ought to exceed that of the self-righteous, Matt.5:20; Gal.6:4 • Our love should abound, Phil.1:9; 1Thess.3:12 • The use of our gifts should abound to edification, 1Cor.14:12 • Our efforts in the work of the Lord should abound, 1Cor.15:58 Paltry penance, dull devotion,andstingy service ,oraboundingandexcellingstill more- which best describes your spiritual life? “Excel Still More” 1Thessalonians 4:1,10
What happens when we truly “excel” in our devotion and service to God? • Our joy, our peace, and our hope abounds, Rom.15:13 • Our comfort abounds,2Cor.1:5 • Grace abounds, cause for thanksgiving abounds, and the glory of God abounds, 2Cor.4:15 What about it? Are you excelling/aboundingin: Righteousness, Love, Edification, &, Work? “Excel Still More” 1Thessalonians 4:1,10