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A TRADE UNION-BASED WORKERS’ EDUCATION ON OSH (WEALTH) PROGRAM:. Focus on Trade Union Reproductive Health Care and Rights. Target Implementation Period: August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012
A TRADE UNION-BASED WORKERS’ EDUCATION ON OSH (WEALTH) PROGRAM: Focus on Trade Union Reproductive Health Care and Rights
Target Implementation Period: August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 • Rationale: The promotion of reproductive health care and rights (RHCR) in the workplace has not been given much attention by the Federation of Free Workers (FFW) in the past. CBAs of FFW local unionist tend to focus on the economic aspect with limited provision on health care which, at times are just written but barely implemented provision. • Justification: With that, the FFW Workers’ Education on OSH (WEALTH) Program, a comprehensive education and training initiative for workers, was formulated to sensitize trade unionists on the imporatance of OSH. Considering the broad scope of OSH, the FFW WEALTH Program: Focus on Trade Union RHCR mainstreams as part of workers’ OSH that needs immediate attention. • Target Group: FFW trade unionists (direct) and their families (indirect)
OBJECTIVES • To mainstream the importance of reproductive health care and rights among FFW trade unionists. • To develop a pool of trade union-based peer counselors and facilitate the enhancement of their knowledge and skill in counseling and group facilitation on RHCR promotion. • To develop trade union information, education and communication materials mainstreaming RHCR in FFW. • To exact participation from trade unionists in espousing workers’ RHCR through mobilizations and awareness raising activities. • To integrate workers’ RHCR as part of a comprehensive services benefits provision under Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Activities & Outputs Towards Objective 1: To Mainstream the importance of reproductive health care and rights among FFW trade unionist. 1.1 Five (5) Orientation Seminar-Workshops on Workers’ RHCR Duration: 2 days live in Participants : (80) Union Presidents or Local Union OSH Committee Heads. Output: - Committed union Presidents supporting the program, Union-based peer Counselors & - FFW trade unionists responses on RHCR.
1.2 Five (5) Monthly Workers’ RHC clinic cum Forum Duration: 1 day Participants: (80) FFW union-based counselors,(50) trade unionists, BSO members, (25) National Office Staff Members and their families. Output: Medical Check Ups Monthly RHC forum on Month 1 1. Family Planning 2. Maternal & Child Health and Nutrition Month 2 3. Prevention & Management of Abortion and its Complications. 4. Prevention and Management of Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) Month 3 5. Education and Counseling on Sexuality and Sexual Health 6. Breast & Reproductive Tracts Cancers & Other Gynecological Conditions. Month 4 7. Men’s Reproductive Health 8. Adolescent & Youth Health Month 5 9. Violence Against Women & Children 10. Preventive & Treatment of Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction
1.3 (16) Plants-Level Orientation Seminar (by Union-based Peer Counselors) Duration : 1 day Responsible : (16) FFW union-based counselors Output: RHCR awareness raising among FFW trade unionist Towards Objective 2: To Develop a pool of ftrade union-based pper counselors and facilitate the enhancement of their knowledge and skill in counseling on RHCR promotion. 2.1 Three (3) Peer Counseling and Group Facilitation Training Duration : 3 days (live in) Participants: (80) Union based peer counselors (20) participants per session. Output: - Enhanced knowledge and skills of union-based peer counselors. - Re-Entry plans of union-based peer counselors.
2.2 Forum-Workshop on Promoting Workkplace Reproductive Health Care and Rights Duration: 2 days live in Participants: Union-based RH Peer Counselors Output: - Policy recommendations for strengthening workers’ RHCR in the workplace. - Framework for engaging management to support unions’ initiative on RHCR in the workplace. Towards Objective 3: To develop trade union information, education and communication materials mainstreaming reproductive health care in FFW. 3.1 Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials Development Duration: 6 months Responsible: Writer, layout artis, video expert,cartoonist, Silkscreen printer Output: Comic Book, Leaflets, Stickers, and Training Module. 3.2 IEC Materials Pre-Testing through (3) Focus Group Discussions. Duration: 1 days Participants: Union-based peer Counselors and FFW leadership Output: Comic Book, Leaflets, Stickers, and Training Module.
Towards Objective 4: To exact participation from trade unionists in espousing workers’ reproductive health care through mobilizations and awareness raising activities. 4.1 AIDS-ibit Duration: 1 days Responsible: Project Coordinator Output: Awareness raising among FFW trade unionists, BSO and Staff. 4.2 AIDS Symposium cum Film Viewing Duration: 1 day Participants: FFW Union-based RH peer Counselors Output: Enhanced knowledge of FFW Union-based RH Peer Counselors.
Towards Objective 5: To incorporate workers’ reproductive health care as part of a comprehensive services benefits provision under Collective Bargaining Agreements. 5.1 Consultation-Workshop on Strengthening Workers’ RHCR in the workplace. Duration: 2 days live in Participants: Union Presidents Output: - Policy recommendations for strengthening workers’ RHCR in the workplace. - Framework for engaging management to support unions’ initiative on RHCR in the workplace. 5.2 National Conference on Workers’ RHCR in the Workplace. Duration: 3 days live in Participants: FFW Governing Board Output: - FFW Resolution on the Institutionalization of the Workers’ Education on OSH (WEALTH) Program. - FFW Resolution to Strengthen Workers’ RHCR in the workplace by extending Health Care Benefits Provisions in the CBA.