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HENNA NIGHT trends. Formerly people called the ceremony as ‘ henna night ’ but now under the great influence of global trends , some people call it ‘ bridal shower ( hens night )’ . Because many things have changed recently because of
Formerlypeoplecalledtheceremony as ‘hennanight’ but nowunderthegreat influence of global trends, somepeoplecall it ‘bridalshower (hensnight)’.Becausemany thingshavechangedrecentlybecause of some global way of celebratingthings. Italso affectstheweddingcustoms in Turkeyto someextend. Let’shave a look at what has changedso far.
PLACE Usuallypeopleorganisetheceremony in bride’shouseliketheolddays. But somepeopleprefertorenthotels, mansions, specialsaloonsetc. forthisnight.
CLOTHES Beforenowbridesusedtowear a specialreddressgenerallyhand-madesewnornamentscalled ‘Bindallı’ (this is traditionalTurkishdressforhenanight.). Nowtheywearredeveningdress. Thecolor ‘ RED’ preservesthecustom.
Previously Nowadays
HENNA Beforenowpeoplegloated in a circularshape in themiddle of thebride’shandandalsoaroundtheirfingers. But nowtheyapplyinterestingforms. now
TREAT Inolddayspeopleofferedonlydriednuts andfruit in a smallbagtotheirguests. But now theygivecookies, redveilstotheyounggirls, hennarosesto put on thehenagloatedhands, ornaments, drinksetc.
GUESTS Onlywomen, girlsandlittleboyscouldjoin in theceremony in thepast. Noweverybody can come.
MUSIC Somepeopleevenhirekeyboardplayers,Turkishdrummersortheyrent a DJ.