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WHAT IS HENNA NIGHT?. WHAT IS HENNA NIGHT?. Traditionally (in Turkey , at least ), henna night , or ‘ kina gecesi’ is a women's party that usually takes place the night before the wedding . The bride's closest friends and female family members gather to
WHAT IS HENNA NIGHT? • Traditionally(in Turkey, at least), • hennanight, or ‘kina gecesi’ is a • women'spartythatusuallytakes • placethenightbeforethewedding. • Thebride'sclosestfriendsand • femalefamilymembersgatherto • eat, dance, andsing. Sometimes • groomjoins.Theycrysometimes but • suddenlythey can start dancing. It is • socomplicated. But it is an important • nightforeveryonefor sure.
Theyturnaroundthebridewiththehennatray.The • bride'sauntgloatshennato her hand.But shedoesn’t • openher hand.Theauntasks ‘whydon’tyouopen • yourhand ?’ Then her mother-in-law put a goldcoin • in her handsothatthebrideopens her hand. After • puttingsomehenna in themiddle of her hand, they • put thecoin on it andthencover it with a special • glove. Thentheothers can put henna on theirown • hands. Thelovelyorangestain it leaves on their • handsstaysforweeks.
Traditionally, andstillformanyhennaceremoniesthegirls start with ‘yüksek yüksek tepelere’ songwhich is a verysadsongandturnaroundthebridedancingslowly. But shedoesn’tdance.Shesitsduringtheceremony. Afterthat her motherand her mother-in-lawdancewiththe ‘harmandalı’ songthen her sistersand her sisters-in-lawjointhem.Theydancetogether. But thatnightdoesn’tgo on withonlysadsongs.THeguestsandrelativesandalsothebridedanceallnightlongafterthehenna is gloated.
It is a sort of melancholicevening. Becausethefollowingday, thebridewillleave her father'shouse, whereshe has livedall her life, to start her new life in her husband'shouse. Thesongthat is sungespecially at hennanightswhichdemonstratesthemelancholy. It is called "Yuksek Tepelere". (Tothehighesthills)You can hearthemusichere:
Theyshouldn'tbuildhomeshighup in thehills Theyshouldn'tsendgirlstofarawaylands Theyshouldn'tneglectthemother'soneandonly May thebirdscarrythemessage I missmymother Bothmymotherandfather I missmyvillage
Ifmyfather had a horse, he couldjump on it andcome Ifmymother had a sail, shecouldopen it andcome Ifmysiblingsknewtheway, theycouldcome May thebirdscarrythemessage I missmymother Bothmymotherandfather I missmyvillage
It'squite a sadsong. Thosewerethedaysthatnoone had a phone, the internet etc. togetnewsfromeachother. That’swhythebride in thesong is sosad as shewouldn’t be abletosee her parentswhenevershewanted.
WHAT TO WEAR? Usuallytheywear a ‘Bindallı’. It is a traditionalcostume. Itreflectseverytingaboutthebride: Her sadness, her happines, her love, her familyandetc. Probablyshethinksabouttheseallnight. Also it reflectstheTurkishtradition. Itsummarizeseverythingabout us.Itcomesfromourancestors.It has a lot of redaccesories.Mostly it is a linenorvelvetrobeornatedwithgiltbranches, leavesandflowers. It has glittereddetails on it. EveryTurkishgirlwantstowear it becausewhenyouwear it youfeellike a bride.