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Purpose. This Web Guide is designed as a resource for the development and production of curriculum and multi-media materials for interdisciplinary studies of Impressionist art and Symbolist poetry Each site which has been included has been annotated, and selected because it offers some element whic
1. Impressionist ArtandSymbolist Poetry A Web Guide
2. Purpose This Web Guide is designed as a resource for the development and production of curriculum and multi-media materials for interdisciplinary studies of Impressionist art and Symbolist poetry Each site which has been included has been annotated, and selected because it offers some element which would make it particularly valuable to high school teachers and students interested in exploring these two interrelated currents in French intellectual history and in designing integrated materials to support their study.
3. Criteria for Choosing Sites Is it easy to get information from the site? Is the site clear, uncluttered, and easy to read?
Is it necessary to use special software to view the page? Is it free to obtain the information on the page?
Is the text well-written and literate?
Are graphics on the site appropriate and do they enhance the text material?
Is the page signed by its author? If so, is the author’s email address provided? Is it possible to ascertain whether the site’s author has some academic expertise on the topic? Can you determine whether by linking their own pages to this page other experts in the field validate the reputable nature of this page?
Is the page dated and current?
Is this site part of an official web site with a responsible sponsor? What is the domain of the document? Does the publisher list his/her qualifications?
Is this site a vehicle for advertising? Can you tell why and for whom the page was written?
Does the text contain a bibliography? Are sources cited properly?
Do most of the links provided on the page lead to active sites? Do they lead to useful sources? Are the linked pages of appropriately high quality? Do the linked pages contain reliable information?
4. French Painting of the 19th Century
This site contains on-line tours of various Impressionist artists (some with audio), in-depth studies of three paintings by Degas and Manet, and a virtual exhibition tour of works by VanGogh.
5. Impressionism - Wikipedia
A wikipedia article which presents an overview of Impressionism, a summary of its history, and a discussion of techniques, content, and composition. The article introduces and provides links to articles on individual Impressionist artists including Frédéric Bazille , Gustave Caillebotte , Mary Cassatt, Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas, Armand Guillaumin, Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir , and Alfred Sisley.
6. Impressionism – WebMuseum, Paris
This site is an extremely rich source of information and images. The article on impressionism introduces the movement, discusses its founders and its history, and provides links to individual artists. Individual artist articles contain informative text as well as a gallery of images. Many of the images have links to a separate article focused on that one painting which provides detailed explications of theme and technique.
7. Impressionism – WetCanvas Virtual Museum
An inviting site which contains a variety of internal links and which explores individual impressionist artists in the context of a particular theme (e.g. The Artist Becomes Indeptendent:Gustave Courbet; Composition for its Own Sake: Edouard Manet; Recording Figures and Movement: Degas and Renoir; Painitng of Time: Claude Monet; Color and Composition Systematized: Georges Seurat; The Artist as Rebel and Visionary: Paul Gaughin, etc.).
8. The First Impressionist Exhibition, 1874 – Mark Harden’s Archive
This page offers the opportunity to view the paintings by Monet, Pissarro, Morisot, Degas, Sisley, Boudin, and Cezanne which were exhibited in the first Impressionist exhibibion. Clicking on an artist’s name brings up images of his/her paintings with an opportunity to zoom in, to read what contemporary critics said about the painting, and to see the catalog entry for the painting. This site also contains the text of four articles (translated into English) from April and May, 1874 which represent the criticism of the Impressionists published at the time in response to the first exhibition of their work.
9. Paintings, Pastels and Drawings – Musée d’Orsay
In this list of selected masterpieces, there are representative works (often the best-known works) of the Impressionists. Clicking on the title of the work brings up an image of the painting as well as a short critical essay on the painting. (Symbolist artists including Puvis de Chavannes, Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, & Maurice Denis appear here as well.)
10. Movements in late Nineteenth Century Art – Mark Hudelson, Associate Professor of Art History – Palomar College
This page is a concise guide to the major art movements of the late nineteenth century. Each entry indentifies artists associated with the movement, typical subject matter and style, examples, and influences on future artistis and movements. It provides an easy overview for students who are beginning their study of 19th century art and helps students to place the artists they are studying in context.
11. Symbolism (arts) - Wikipedia
A link-rich wikipedia article which traces the roots of the Symbolist movement in literature from its origins in Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal through the poetry of Mallarmé and Verlaine. In the section on techniques it explores synesthesia and provides a link to an interesting interactive article on synesthesia. It provides quotations from Baudelaire’s poem “Correspondences” and Rimbaud’s poem “Voyelles” to illustrate the identification of one sense experience with another. It contains a discussion as well of symbolist artists and the influence of the Symbolist aesthetic on the music of Claude Debussy. The article goes on to note the important influence of Symbolism on the development of both Expressionism and Surrealism.
12. A Brief Guide to the Symbolists – The Academy of American Poets
The introductory essay provides a succinct overview of Symbolism as a link between the Romantic movement which preceded it and the Surrealist movement which followed it.
13. Biography – Stéphane Mallarmé
This page contains the 1891 interview of Mallarmé by Jules Huret translated and excerpted from an article by Henri Dorra, “Symbolist Art Theories,” published in 1994 by the University of California Press.
14. Charles Baudelaire – Huck Gutman, Professor of English, University of Vermont
In addition to providing a brief introduction to the poet, this page provides a link to audio files of lectures in which Professor Gutman examines four of Baudelaire’s poems. In the audio, he reads the poems (in Richard Howard’s translation) and discusses them.
15. Baudelaire – Počte.com
A rich site in which the French text of Baudelaire’s poems are accompanied by art work (by, among others, Chavannes, Moreau, Redon, & Caillebotte)—a valuable resource for a unit which pursues interdisciplinary threads between art and poetry. Some of the poems also have links to audio. (Check, for example, “L’Invitation au Voyage” set to music by Henri Duparc with orchestra directed by Kostelanetz and singing by Lily Pons.)
16. He called to the sky above the rooftops…Paul Verlaine
Biographical information and discussion of the art of Verlaine’s poetry presented in a readable, magazine article format presented by Label France, a publication of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
17. Arthur Rimbaud – Tous les Textes (1870-1875)
An annotated collection of Rimbaud’s poems.
18. Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine
A rich source of links to other sites, both internal and external, for information about Rimbaud and Verlaine.
19. Rimbaud – Arthur—150ičme Anniversaire de la Naissance – Conseil Régional – Champagne-Ardenne
An animated, multi-media French site constructed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Rimbaud’s birth, sponsored by the Council of Cultural Affairs of Champagne-Ardenne.
20. Bibliography Selecting Resources:
Beck,S. (2006, May 14). The good, the bad, and the ugly. Retrieved July 6, 2006, Web site: http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/eval.html
Kapoun, J. (1998). Five criteria for evaluating Web pages. Retrieved July 7, 2006, from Cornell University Library Web site: http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/webcrit.html
Schrock, Kathleen (2006). Critical evaluation of a web site - Secondary school level. Retrieved July 7, 2006, from Kathy's Schrock's Guide for Educators Web site: http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/pdf/schrockwebevalsec.dot
Schultz, A. The teacher's Cyber yardstick. Retrieved July 6, 2006, Web site: http://gaughin.thinkingdistance.org/file.php/32/4_RESOURCES/eval._ websites_- Teacher_sCyberYardstick_for_Evaluating_Web_Content.doc
(2005). Evaluating web pages: Techniques to apply and questions to ask. Retrieved July 7, 2006, from UC Berkeley Library Web site: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html
21. (2005). Web sites: Overview - Key ideas. Retrieved July 7, 2006, from The Ohio State University Libraries Web site: http://liblearn.osu.edu/tutor/les1/
Impressionist Art
Impressionism. (2006). In Wikipedia [Web]. Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved July 6, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impressionism
Impressionist Paintings. (2006). In Wikipedia [Web]. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Impressionist_paintings
Harden, M. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from The First Impressionist Exhibition, 1874 Web site: http://www.artchive.com/74nadar.htm
Hudelson, M. (2004). Movements in Late 19th century art. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from prof.hudelson's website Web site: http://daphne.palomar.edu/mhudelson/StudyGuides/19thCent_WA.ht ml
22. Pioch, N. (2006). Impressionism. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from WebMuseum, Paris Web site: http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/glo/impressionism/
Teach Impressionism. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Seattle Art Museum.org Web site: http://www.impressionism.org/teachimpress/default.htm
(1998). Paintings, Pastels and Drawings. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Musee d'Orsay Web site: http://www.musee- orsay.fr/ORSAY/orsaygb/HTML.NSF/By+Filename/mosimple+collect+ monet+index?OpenDocument
(2005). An Introduction to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Impressionism Web site: http://www.wetcanvas.com/Museum/Impressionists/History/index.html
(2006). French painting of the 19th century. Retrieved July 6, 2006, from The Collection - National Gallery of Art Web site: http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/french19.shtm
Symbolist Poetry
Arthur Rimbaud, Tous les Textes (1870-1875). Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Tout Rimbaud Web site: http://abardel.free.fr/tout_rimbaud/tout_rimbaud_sommaire.htm
23. Dinsmore, C. (1994). Biogrpahy - Interview - Mallarme. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Studio Cleo Web site: http://www.studiocleo.com/librarie/mallarme/biography.html
Gutman, H. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Charles Baudelaire Web site: http://www.uvm.edu/~sgutman/Baudelaire.htm
He called to the sky above the rooftops...Paul Verlaine. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from The Written Word Web site: http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/label_france/ENGLISH/LETTRES/VERL AIN/verlai.html
Lemaire, J. (2003). Baudelaire. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Poets.com Web site: http://www.poetes.com/baud/index.php
Perroud, P. (2003). Les Fleurs du Mal. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Baudelaire Web site: http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/baudelaire/baud_fm.html
Symbolism (arts. In Wikipedia [Web]. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. Retrieved 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolism_(arts
(1997). A Brief Guide to the Symbolists. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Poets.org from the Academcy of American Poets Web site: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/5674
24. (2006). Arthur Rimbaud sur le Web. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Arthur Rimbaud Web Site : http://www.mag4.net/Rimbaud/RimbaudWeb.html
(2006). 150eme Anniversaire de la Naissance. Retrieved July 11, 2006, from Rimbaud-Arthur Web site: http://www.rimbaud.arthur.fr/
25. The End Lorraine Witzburg
Dover-Sherborn High School