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INSIGHT Tabulators. Election Workers’ Training November 2, 2010 Election. Louise Stine. County Clerk Clerk of the Circuit Court. *. Carolyn Toliver Election Administrator & Frank Sampsell Chief Deputy. PATIENCE. COURTESY. PROFESSIONALISM. BEFORE THE POLLS OPEN.
INSIGHTTabulators Election Workers’ Training November 2, 2010 Election
Louise Stine County Clerk Clerk of the Circuit Court * Carolyn Toliver Election Administrator & Frank Sampsell Chief Deputy
The Insight tabulator will print the zero totals report. • Verify all counts are zero on this tape and that the public counter on the tabulator is at zero.
The Totals Tape • Sign the zero tape where indicated. DO NOT DETACH THE TAPE! • Only one copy of zero tape is needed. (Precinct number and public counter will be displayed on LCD display) Sara Jones Ann Green Joe Smith Mary Haines
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE ZERO TOTALS TAPE ? IN THE MORNING: After the tape has been signed, it is left attached to the printer - DO NOT DETACH. AFTER THE POLLS CLOSE: It is left attached to the first totals tape that is run. IT IS THEN PLACED INTO THE LOCAL CLERK’S ENVELOPE.
Ballots, Ballots, Everywhere! Due to the length of the ballot, there may be a need to remove ballots from the ballot container that is under the tabulator. If this occurs, two workers from different political parties shall remove the ballots and store them in a locked and approved ballot container. The container does NOT need to be sealed with a state-approved seal until after the election.
ASSISTING THE ELDERLY OR A VOTER WITH DISABILITIES • If a voter asks the election workers for assistance, the voter does not need to give a reason for the request. • Be careful to not say anything that would influence the voter’s choices.
Assisting Voters Cast Ballots • A complete record must be made on the Remarks Page whenever a voter receives assistance • Under state law two inspectors of different political parties must assist the voter • Under federal law a voter who is blind, disabled or unable to read or write may designate a person to assist him or her
ASSISTING THE ELDERLY OR A VOTER WITH DISABILITIES (continued) • The voter’s assistant may be of any age. If a voter brings someone to assist them in the voting booth, follow these steps: • Ask the voter if he or she requires assistance due to blindness, disability or inability to read or write. Advise the voter thata simple yes or no answer is sufficient. • The assistant must be asked if he or she is the voter’s employer or agent of the employer or of a union that the voter belongs to. • Make a note on the remarks page of the poll book if a voter brings someone to assist them in the voting booth.
REMEMBER Unlike a primary election....in a general election a voter can vote a straight party and also vote for candidates in another party.
Federal I.D. Requirements *Not allowed to sign affidavit on back of Application to Vote.
Acceptable Forms of Federal I.D.* *Must be current and valid. • Photo I.D. • Driver’s license (any state) • Personal ID card (any state) • Government-issued ID card • Passport • Student ID card • Military ID • Employee ID • Tribal ID • Other Documents • (Must Contain Voter’s Name & Address) • Vehicle registration • Electronic Benefit Transaction card (EBT) • Dept. of Social Services card (DSS) • Medicare or Medicaid card • Veteran’s ID card • Lease agreement for public housing or subsidized housing • Public housing ID card • Tuition statement or bill from public college or university • Correspondence from federal, state or local government • Discharge certificate, release papers, pardon or other official document issued in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment or sentence. • Discount card issued by public transportation authority • Marriage license • I.D. That Must Contain • Voter’s Name & Address • (Issued within last year) • Paycheck or stub • Social Security check statement • Government or military paycheck or stub • Tax return check or statement issued by IRS or State of Michigan • Gas, phone, or other utility bill • Bank or credit union statement
Michigan I.D. Requirements Are Required At All Elections
Acceptable Forms of Michigan I.D. • Photo I.D. • Driver’s license • Personal state ID • U.S. Passport • Military ID • Student ID from high school, college or university • Tribal ID Procedure if Photo I.D. Leaves Voter’s Identity in Question. If voter offers a reason (hair loss, weight gain, etc.) and that resolves the issue, you may issue a ballot to the voter. You may also ask the voter for additional ID. If neither of these resolve the issue, you then issue an AFFIDAVIT ballot. The voter DOES NOT have to complete the 4-Step Procedure.
REMEMBER ! Michigan I.D. requirements apply for ALL elections. Federal I.D. requirements apply for: 1. Voters who registered by mail. 2. Voters who never voted in Michigan before.
I. D. Questions What Do You Check On A Voter’s ID? • The voter’s photograph 2. The voter’s name Does The ID Need the Voter’s Address? No. Picture ID that does not show the voter’s address is acceptable.
Can A Voter Be Challenged Because They Do Not Have Picture ID? No. However, if the challenger “has good reason to believe” that the voter is not qualified to vote in the precinct, the voter may be challenged. If You Know The Voter, Do You Still Have To Ask For ID? Yes, all voters are required to show ID or complete and sign the ID affidavit.
ID REQUIREMENTS Michigan ID Requirements After voters complete Application to Vote forms, ASK EVERY VOTER FOR PICTURE I.D. Acceptable Forms of ID 1. Driver’s License Or Personal ID Issued By Any State 2. Federal Or State Government-Issued Photo ID 3. U. S. Passport 4. Military Photo ID 5. Student Photo ID From A High School Or Accredited Institution of Higher Education 6. Tribal Photo ID Procedure If ID Cannot Be Established All voters must sign the “Affidavit of Voter Not in Possession of Picture ID” before voting. This Includes voters that you personally know. Additional Implementation Points A voter not in possession of picture ID and who refuses to sign the affidavit may not vote and should be referred to the clerk. Such a voter would not be eligible for a provisional ballot. Picture ID that does not show the voter’s address is acceptable. Voters cannot be challenged just because he/she is not in possession of picture ID.; they may be challenged if a challenger has “good reason to believe” that the person is not qualified to vote in the precinct. • Federal ID Requirements • This only applies to voters whose names appear • on the QVF poll list with an I.D. requirement in • the NOTES section (for voters who have never • voted in Michigan or who registered by mail). • Acceptable Forms of ID • 1. Picture ID • 2. Paycheck • 3. Government Check • 4. Utility Bill • 5. Bank Statement • 6. Government Document Which Lists Voter’s • Name and Address • Procedure If ID Cannot Be Established • Voter must sign the affidavit for Michigan ID • requirements. • Voter must vote a provisional ballot and ballot • must be secured as an “envelope” ballot. • Perform the following steps: • 1. Check the ID box on the outside of the • provisional ballot security envelope. • 2. Mark the outside of the envelope “Federal ID • Requirement”. • 3. Give voter the provisional ballot notice. • The completion of the Four-Step Procedure • Form is NOT necessary (this is only necessary • when the voter’s name does not appear on the • QVF list).
THE “MOVE” ACT “MOVE” = Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act. This was signed into law in October 2009. Michigan passed 4 bills to conform with this federal legislation in the spring of 2010.
MOVE ACT Continued The new laws allow: 1. Military and overseas voters the opportunity to receive AV ballots via the internet. The voter would receive the ballot via email, print the ballot, vote it and then mail it back to the clerk. 2. Establishes a 45-day delivery deadline.
THE “MOVE” ACT & ABSENTEE BALLOTS On election day, if you receive an absentee ballot in a plain envelope and not a regular AV envelope, it is probably a ballot that comes under the “MOVE” Act. You will need to follow the following procedures to properly process a “MOVE” Act ballot.
Processing a “MOVE” Act Ballot • Open the envelope. • Without looking at the ballot, remove the signature certificate. • If there is no signed signature certificate, mark the envelope as “rejected”. • Compare the signature on the certificate with the signature on the Application for an Absentee Ballot. • If the signature does not agree, contact the clerk.
Processing a “MOVE” Act Ballot Continued • If there are multiple pages to the ballot, staple them together. • If the signature on the Application matches the signature on the Signature Certificate, place the ballot into the Auxiliary Bin. • 8. After 8:00 PM duplicate ballot.
Types of Jammed Ballots • Ballot has been processed/counted: • a. Workers unlock side door • b. Ballot is pulled out of the bottom of the tabulator and dropped into the ballot container • 2. Ballot has NOT been processed/counted: • a. Workers unlock side door • b. Ballot is placed into a secrecy sleeve and returned to the voter • c. Voter re-inserts ballot into tabulator
HOURLY PRECINCT CHECK 1. Check VOTING BOOTHS to ensure pens are still working and no campaign literature has been left in booths. 2. Check tabulator PUBLIC COUNTER NUMBER - this MUST match the number of apps to vote AND the number of names listed in poll book. 3. Check outside your precinct;CAMPAIGNERSmust be 100’ away from doorway to precinct.
Campaigning at Polls • Inspectors have the authority AND the responsibility to ask voters to remove campaign buttons and conceal literature or clothing bearing campaign information
WHAT IS AN EXIT POLLSTER ? How far away do they need to stand from the precinct door ?
Can the media film or take pictures in your precinct?
INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTERS 1. Only use marking pen in the voting booth 2. How to properly mark your ballot 3. Do not vote for more candidates than listed in the heading of each office 4. Remember to vote the front and back of your ballot 5. If there are “CERTIFIED” write-in candidates, explain the proper procedure for writing in a candidate’s name DO NOT OFFER VOTERS THE NAMES OF ANY WRITE-IN CANDIDATES.
REJECTED BALLOTS REMEMBER THAT ELECTION WORKERS CANNOT VIEW THE VOTER’S BALLOT. Election workers should read the following statements to any voter who has a ballot rejected due to a voting error.
REJECTED BALLOTS AND S.O.S. RECOMMENDED RESPONSES REJECTED BALLOT DUE TO BLANK BALLOT: “The tabulator has rejected your ballot because it does not read any votes on the ballot.” and “If you wish to cast votes on this ballot, return to the voting booth and re-mark your ballot with the marking pen in the voting booth.” and “If you do not wish to re-mark your ballot, we will be happy to accept it as presented; please know that no votes will count.”
REJECTED BALLOTS AND S.O.S. RECOMMENED RESPONSES VOTER HAS OVERVOTED “The tabulator has rejected your ballot because you have (cast more votes for an office than allowed) or (voted in more than one party primary).” and “If you wish to correct this error, we will be happy to supply you with a replacement ballot.” and “If you do not wish to correct this error, we will be happy to accept your ballot as presented; please know that any invalid marks will not be counted.”
THE SIX THINGS YOU CHECK ON THE PRECINCT POLL LIST: 1. Name - correct spelling 2. Address - correct number & spelling 3. Date of Birth 4. Was voter mailed an AV ballot? 5. Is there a challenge or verification for this voter? 6. Is there a driver’s license or state identification number?
Poll List Notes AV = AV Ballot was issued CH = Challenged MVIP = Must Vote In Person V = Verify
Voters Who Have Moved • Move made within same city or township ... • Have the voter complete an Election Day Change of Address Notice • Deliver the completed notice to the clerk at the close of the polls
Voters Who Have Moved (Continued) • Move made to a different city or township • If the move was made within 60 days of the election and the voter has not reregistered in the new city or township, have the voter complete a Cancellation Authorization • Deliver the completed notice to the clerk at the close of the polls
AutoMARK Reminders • Remove ballot stubs BEFORE voters use the AutoMARK terminal; place into plastic sleeve on front of secrecy sleeve with app to vote. • The terminal must be positioned so that the front is turned away from anyone in the precinct. • Voters requesting assistance in voting his/her ballot, must be offered the use of the AutoMARK. • Any voter who wishes to use the AutoMARK may do so. Voters should never be discouraged from using this equipment.