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REALIGNING THE HEALTH CARE SAFETY NET Health Action 2014: Making the Promise Real. Presented by: DaShawn Groves, MPH Assistant Director of State Affairs National Association of Community Health Centers January 23, 2013 . America’s Voice for Community Health Care. The NACHC Mission
REALIGNING THE HEALTH CARE SAFETY NET Health Action 2014: Making the Promise Real Presented by: DaShawn Groves, MPH Assistant Director of State Affairs National Association of Community Health Centers January 23, 2013
America’s Voice for Community Health Care The NACHC Mission To promote the provision of high quality, comprehensive and affordable health care that is coordinated, culturally and linguistically competent, and community directed for all medically underserved people.
TODAY’S AGENDA • Health Centers Today • ACA Implementation • Health Center Funding • Medicaid • Marketplaces • Outreach and Enrollment • How you as advocates can help?
Health Center Funding Under Current Law Community Health Center Funding: FY 2010 – FY 2016
The Health Center FY2014 Request Total Funding of $3.8 billion, breaks down to: ~$1.6 billion in discretionary funding ~$2.2 billion in mandatory ACA Funding __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ = increase of $700 million– No new appropriations needed (Level discretionary + already-appropriated ACA dollars) What $700 Million can do. . . • $95 million in Base Grant Adjustments • $245 million for NAPs= 2.1 million new patients • $260 million for service expansions and expanded medical capacity grants for existing health centers. • $100 million for quality improvement, networks, other activities.
The Health Center Grant What purpose does the grant serve today? Enables CHCs to: • Locate in underserved areas where market won’t support other providers; • Remain open to all: uninsured, underinsured, patients others can’t or won’t see; • Provide comprehensive services which improve health and lower system costs. What role does the grant have in the future? The exact same.
To Expand or Not to Expand? SGR “Doc Fix” Defund ACA FY2014 Approps Sequester Immigration Reform Debt Ceiling
A Tale of Two Cities • Massachusetts Experience • LOTS more patients; existing patients voting with their feet (and staying); continued high #’s of uninsured • Business as Usual • Disparities amongst health centers
Health Centers in Marketplaces • Contracting issues • Essential Community Providers (ECP) • “Menendez” amendment; • “all products” clauses
Anticipated Additional Outreach and Enrollment Staff Hired through Supplemental HRSA Funding 14 91 NH WA 9 25 11 27 6 ME 29 VT MT ND MN 49 OR 61 MA 25 133 40 10 ID NY WI SD 5 69 21 WY MI RI 76 26 28 13 PA IA CT 75 NE 69 9 OH NJ 47 24 132 NV 411 IN 65 UT IL 53 CA 7 51 CO WV 32 DE 59 VA 52 KS MO KY 28 87 69 MD NC TN 38 45 47 30 OK AZ 45 DC NM AR SC 62 50 GA 50 AL MS 193 59 TX LA 3 25 GU AK 163 FL 0 to 21 21 to 30 21 30 to 50 HI 4 50 to 69 50 VI 69 to 412 PR
Estimated Number of Individuals Health Centers will Assist This Year 12,097 140,817 NH WA 18,421 17,939 14,341 2,582 ME 21,334 VT MT ND MN 71,493 OR 110,754 MA 13,184 137,637 26,474 8,699 ID NY WI SD 4,160 98,062 19,650 WY MI RI 74,886 37,030 23,167 23,115 PA IA CT 84,439 NE 73,201 10,600 OH NJ 87,995 17,144 195,745 NV 61,264 575,863 IN 181,909 UT IL CA 9,890 CO WV 25,088 29,313 DE 62,102 61,539 KS VA MO KY 42,424 48,465 70,434 MD NC TN 43,908 61,638 58,525 40,731 OK 5,729 AZ 41,050 NM AR DC SC 100,268 70,066 GA 44,368 AL MS 369,195 TX 416 93,385 158,160 27,476 GU LA AK FL 0 to 17,144 17,144 to 29,313 21,516 29,313 to 61,539 HI 11,500 61,539 to 98,062 40,376 VI 98,062 to 575,864 PR
202-457-6267 Outlook We will continue to SUCCEED and GROW Value in the quality care we deliver Value in expanding access and improving health Value in delivering cost savings PLUS some $20 billion dollars in jobs and economic activity for communities.
Where Can I Get More Information? • Our Website: • NACHC.org • Blog: • Health Centers on the Hill • NACHC Policy Shop • Washington Update: • Sign up to be a Health Center Advocate • Join the Campaign for America’s Health Centers today!
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