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Interaktive Power Points. Ninja Nagel Goethe Institute. Power Points. Wer hat einen Beamer im Klassenraum ? Wie oft benutzt ihr Power-Points? Was macht ihr mit Power-Points?. Was sollte man nicht machen !. Gute Power Points müssen. Gute geplant sein
Interaktive Power Points Ninja Nagel Goethe Institute
Power Points Wer hat einen Beamer imKlassenraum? Wie oft benutztihr Power-Points? Was machtihrmit Power-Points?
Gute Power Points müssen • Gutegeplantsein • Rückmeldungen an die Schülergeben • Animation • fotos • Oder hyperlinks
Wiebenutztihr PPT in euereKlasse? Was sindeigentlichInteraktive Power-Points?
Meine Power Points • Einfach • Schwarz und weiß • Hilfestellungfür die Schüler • Schülerkönnen den Unterrichtsablaufmitverfolgen. ZumBeispiel
DienstagLT: Intro Kapitel 5 • Portfolios • Intro Vocabulary + Learning Targets • Los geht’s • Video
Kapitel 5Gesund Essen In diesemKapitellernst du: • Express regret and downplay • Express skepticism and make certain • Call someone’s attention to something and respond • Express preference and strong preference
Los geht’sTB p. 124/125 Mitdeinem Partner lies Seite 124/125 in deinemTextbuch. Use the vocabulary list on page 149 to help you with new words. Dannmache # 1 + # 2 auf Seite 126 Schreibe die Antworten in dein Composition Notebook
# 1 Was passierthier? • When do the students buy something to eat and drink? Who sells it to them? 2. What does Thorsten ask for? What does he buy? Why? 3. What does Wiebke have on her sandwich? 4. What did Wiebke have for breakfast? 5. What did Wiebke serve her friends the day she made lunch for them? During break, students’ mothers An egg sandwich, a banana, egg sandwiches are sold out Tofu and bean sprouts Bread and sausage Vegetable soup, chicken with noodles, salad and fruit
# 2 Genauerlesen Pausenbrot • Was hat die Wiebke von zuHausemitgebracht (brought with)? • Was isstWiebkezumFrühstück? • Wiefindet Thorsten Tofu? • Was isst David alles? • Was hat WiebkefürihreFreundeihreFreundenichtgemacht? • WelchesGemüsemag David nicht? Brot, Wurst Prima, esist fast wie Quark Schokolade, Quarkbrötchen Spinat Spinat
Hausaufgaben: Copy Vocabulary 5-1 on page 149 + Fill out Bingo Sheet (+ match)
LT: expressing regret and downplaying Mitdeinem Partner lies die grüne Box auf Seite 129 und fülleSeite 4 in deinem Handout aus!
LT: expressing regret • When you need to express regret, you could say: 1. ______________ which means ______________ 2. ______________ which means ______________ 3. ______________ which means ______________ 4. ______________ which means ______________ Ichbedaure I regret Es tut mirLeid I am sorry That’s too bad! Was füreinPech! leider unfortunately
LT: respond to an expressing of regret and downplay B. To respond to an expression of regret and to downplay your response, you could say: Das machtnichts! Schon gut! Nicht so schlimm! Which all mean: __________________________ It’s alright/okay!
LT: indicate that you want something else C. To indicate you’ll do something else instead, use ____________ or __________________ • _______________which means_____________ • ______________ which means _____________ D. Which of the expressions of regret sounds most formal? _________________ and the least formal? ___________________ eben halt In that case I will take Dannnehmeicheben Danntrinkich halt I will drink instead Ichbedaure Was füreinPech!
bedauern Ich bedaure... Was für ein Pech! Ich hab leider nur...
Landeskultur (TB S. 135) Was essen die Deutschen?
Landeskultur (TB S. 135) Was essen die Deutschen?
LT: Possessives (TB p. 136) 4. Write a sentence using a possessive Adjective. _______________________________________ 5. What endings do they take?______________ 6. The Dative Plural of almost all nouns ends in _______ 7. If the plural form of the noun already ends in ____, no further _____ is added Ichliebemeine Mutter. Er hat Butter auf meinemBrot. the same as “ein” words N N N in these examples: “auf” is Dative
YES! I love Frolicking! Our LAST Civ to frolick in…ANCIENT ROME
GEOGRAPHY = SWEET LOCALE Less mountainous = UNITY Few good ports = TRADE 15 mi inland = no sea invasion On Tiber = Trade is easy! FIRST PEOPLE Latins start to call themselves “Romans” Etruscans live there too! Eventually die out Culture diffuses into Roman Culture Roads, Potery, Metal, Drains, Sewers, Parades! GEO & 1st PEEPS
ROMAN GOV’T = A “REPUBLIC”voters elect officials to run govt Only Adult males could vote!
Social Classes = 2 **They join together to form the Nobility of Rome & Dominate the Senate!
Army & Conquering ARMY • Every adult male with a little property • Strict • Most important = LEGION • 4,500-6,000 • Eventually defeated Macedonians! CONQUERING • Gave citizenship to close cities, • partial citizenship to far cities • Could own property & marry but NO VOTE • Alliances too • Didn’t demand $
People are actually happy to be taken over by rome! People of Conquered Lands would often do this when they were taken over by the ROMAN REPUBLIC…
FAMILY • Most important • All children, married sons, family slaves • Paterfamilias = father has absolute power • Women have higher status than Greek chicks.
ROMANReligion Spirits in everything, especially the home Could learn what God wanted by… looking at internal organs from sacrificed animals or Flight of Birds! Proper performance of rituals is key for Romans.
Now, you’ve had the “time of your life” & learned about the Foundingof the Roman Republic! HW: for THURS Read Ch 7 section 2 Quiz Tomorrow?!? AS A GROUP, you may choose to do the homework OR work on your movie…please be respectful of those who choose to do their homework and work QUIETLY!
Jetzterstelltihreine Power-Point. • SuchteuchbitteeinenParter und arbeitet an einem Computer..…
Eure PPT sollenthalten • EinSeitemiteurenNamen. • EineSeitemiteinemFoto (Clipart, oder internet) • EineSeitemitInformationenübereuch. (einenSatz) miteinemanderenHintergrund. • EineSeite, in derihretwaseinfliegenlasst. • EineSeite, mitdem was ihrwollt.
Oder hiersindnochandereVorschläge… • Von Andrea: http://pwidergren.net/ • Oder http://gbs.glenbrook.k12.il.us/Academics/ForeignLanguage/german%20page.htm “Danke Frau Dost”
Let’s play: Los geht’swirspielen..Jeopardy!