Diamante Poems Miss Cartwright
Line 1 - a one word nounLine 2 - 2 adjectives that describe the nounLine 3 - 3 verbs that the noun does (-ing)Line 4 - 4 things (nouns) that the top noun and the bottom noun hasLine 5 - 3 verbs that the bottom noun does (-ing)Line 6 - 2 adjectives that the describes the bottom nounLine 7 - a one word noun that is opposite the top noun
BoysGross badPlaying talking laughingUnderwear TV knickers ringsStanding waiting sittingGood cleanGirls http://www.timclarke.net/2C/diamante/boys_girls.html
Cat Lazy Clean Eating Sleeping Playing Paws Meow Woof Bone Digging chasing hiding Silly dirty Dog http://www.timclarke.net/2C/diamante/cat_dog.html
Food Hot cold Tempting steaming cooking Warm dry liquid runny Drinking slurping sipping Fizzy sweet Drink http://www.timclarke.net/2C/diamante/food_drink.html
BasketballFun TiringRunning Shooting ScoringBall People Court GrassKicking Stopping JoggingGood ExcitingSoccer
squaresymmetrical, conventionalshaping, measuring, balancingboxes, rooms,clocks, halosencircling, circumnavigating, enclosinground, continuouscircle
Now to make one • http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/diamante/