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First Day of classes Into to Big Era 1 an overview. Creation Myths. The big bang the expanding universe Galileo and the telescope. The life of a star Types of Stars. Formation of the Galaxy Formation of the Planets Galileo and the Telescope. Newton and Gravity Aristotle
First Day of classes Into to Big Era 1 an overview Creation Myths The big bang the expanding universe Galileo and the telescope The life of a star Types of Stars Formation of the Galaxy Formation of the Planets Galileo and the Telescope Newton and Gravity Aristotle George Gamoff, Ralph, Alfer, WMAP Mission WMAP Mission Hubble Teliscope The Great Debate Heliocyntrism Review for quiz Quiz George Lamentra Primeval Atom, Hoyle, Nucleosynthisis and the steady state
Labor Day No School George Lamentra Primeval Atom, Hoyle, Nucleosynthisis and the steady state Hoyle, Nucleosynthisis and the steady state Our Planet and its development. Land, Water, Life The Habitable Zone Plants Animals Intelligent life The Drake Equation Overview of big Era 1 Video, Presentation of projects Review: Big Era 1 Test: Big Era 1 Into to Big Era 2 Geography and the environment Early development of man, Neanderthal and the Homo sapiens Development of early river valley civilizations Interactions with the Environment Early migration of Africa, Eurasia, Australia Migrations across the oceans, of the Colvis people Artifacts Social interaction Video on the psychology of human interaction, The Nomadic hunter gatherer or the sedentary society Generalizations/Enduring Understandings, Cultural Interactions, State Formation Understandings, Cultural Interactions, Economic Structures, Social Structures
Irrigation systems and the Sedentary lifestyle Environment Geography and climate. Demography population changes and shifts The beginnings of the use of tools. And their development Artifacts from the Smithsonian Quiz: Papers due for history of early man Neanderthal vs the Homo sapiens Emergence of agriculture and technological change Nature of village settlements Impact of agriculture on the environment Introduction of key stages of metal use Basic features of early civilizations in different environments: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley civilization Jeopardy review game Big Era 2 review and overview. Key ideas , and important questions Big Era 2 Exam Intro to Big Era 3 No School Parent Teacher conferences No School Parent Teacher conferences The Dawn of Domestication Animals, and plants The Agricultural Revolution The Big Picture The Agricultural Revolution Settling down The Agricultural Revolution Travel and Communication Revolution Innovation and Technology The Agricultural Revolution Social Structures Innovation The Agricultural Revolution Productivity and Society The Agricultural Revolution Productivity and Society Continued The Agricultural Revolution City States Government City States Government Art, sculpture, jewelry artifacts. Review for quiz
City States Common Identity City States Art and Buildings City States, Religion and its Role City States Creation of New social Classes The Art of War Communication, Technology, Agriculture Video on Big Era 3 Class Review and turning in Projects for big era 3 Test Day Big Era 3 Big Era 4 Introduction Social Stratification The Religions: Hinduism,, Buddhism Judaism, Islam, Christianity Greek Philosophy and the Philosophers Communications and Trade Advances in Technology Improvements in Agriculture Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break
Deforestation and the downside of it. The Art of war and the advancement in Technology Advances in Commerce and Taxation The rise and fall of empires: Tyranny and Despotism Rise and fall of Empires Over Expansionism The Rise and fall of Empires: Over exploitation Slavery in the early Empires The development of the written language and Early trade Communication Technology and Trade Advances during Big Era Video on City States. The fall of the Roman Empire Review for Big Era Exam! Research papers are due Big Era 4 Exam! Intro to Big Era 5 Population fluctuation and the causes Population fluctuation and Climate Change Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation
Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Review of fluctuation of the population. Population changes .Population Fluctuation: Irrigation and improvements Population changes: Disease The Spread of Disease and large scale Trade Trade and the exchange of Ideas Trade and the exchange of Ideas The Development of Science. Trade and the exchange of Ideas The Printing Press Trade and the exchange of Ideas Weapons Advances in Warfare. Projectile weapons Warfare: The Mongol Domination MLK Holiday No School Control of the Oceans Greek warfare Nautical Advances: Navigation, Sail Construction :Oceanic Trade: Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Ocean Connecting Themes Communication Technology, Trade Group A present individual class projects from Big Era 5 Group B present individual class projects from Big Era 5 Review for Big Era 5 Test Exam Big Era 5 Intro into Big Era 6 Global Economy
The Rise of European Power The Rise of European Power: Organized Military The Rise of European Power: Technology Gun Powder The Rise of European Power: Trade Europe and the Americas The Columbian Exchange: Gold The Columbian Exchange: Social Mobility The Columbian Exchange: Crops and Animals The Columbian Exchange: The Great Dying The Columbian Exchange: Slavery Presidents Day No School The Columbian Exchange: Ship Building and Deforestation Culture: The Renaissance Culture: Corrupt Religion Culture The Protestant Reformation Scientific Advancements Since Big Era One Connecting Themes: Communication, Technology, Trade Video over Big Era Review Big Era 6 Exam Big Era 6 :
. :Introduction to Big Era 7 The Revolutionary Era The manufacturing of textiles in China The manufacturing of textiles in China Continued Manufacturing in Europe The Coming of Fossil Fuels and their effects on the Industrial Revolution The Rise of the Colonial Empires Colonial Empires: Industrial Revolution Colonial Empires: Population Growth and Exploitation of Labor Colonial Empires: Migration Field Trip: St. Louis History Museum Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Migration: Steam Powered Boats Migration: Railroads Colonial Empires: Idealistic Revolutions Scientific Revolutions Democratic Revolutions An End to Slavery: The Hourly worker Rise Of the Social Classes Nationalism and the shrinking countries
Nationalism case study: The Spirit of St. Louis Review Big Era 7 Exam Big Era 7 Intro to Big Era 8 Global Competition Earths Limited Resources, Land Food, Fuel Alliances and the start of World War I World War I: Technology and Modern Warfare Field Trip to Fort Leonard Wood Transportation Museum and Army Barracks WW I: The War Comes to an end Post War Financial Turmoil in Europe Fascism and Communism The Global economy: The Great Depression Combating the Depression, Inflation, and Stagnation What didn’t work Combatting the Depression John Maynerd Keynes Environmental Over Exploitation, The Dust Bowl WWII A New World Conflict WWII Technology and Modern Warfare WWII the Ending of war in Europe The Atom Bomb Ending of the war in the Pacific, Foreign Relations and the power gap. Project presentation Group A Project Presentation Group B Review Big Era 8
Exam of Big Era 8 Intro to Big Era 9 The Beginning of the Cold war The Introduction of Communism in Easter Europe The raising of the Berlin Wall, The Berlin Airlift On the Brink of Nuclear War. The Cuban Missile Crisis The Civil Rights Movement: Dr. Martin Luther King The 60’s The British Invasion. Death of a President The Vietnam War, Begins The Tet Offensive America puts a Man on the Moon The 70’s The End of the Vietnam war Watergate Massacre at the Olympics The Arab oil embargo The 70’s Continued Hostage Crisis in Iran The Palestinian uprising The Camp David Accord The 80’s An Actor Becomes President The Iran Contra Scandal Environmentalism Sandra day O’Connor The Booming Economy Revolution in the Media New Social Activism Drugs in Schools Aid Epidemic Begins The End of the Cold War The Soviet Union Collapses Revolution in Eastern Europe Iraq Invades Kuwait The Gulf War Begins and ends in 100 days The Rise of Technology The Breakup of the former Yugoslavia The Technology Boom Carries the world into the New Millennium The world Trade Center is attacked America goes to war in the Middle East Financial Crisis in Europe America in Recession Review of Big Era 9 Big Era ( Final Last Day Of Classes