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Williamsburg Area Advertising Tracking 2011 Post-Campaign Survey

Williamsburg Area Advertising Tracking 2011 Post-Campaign Survey. August 19, 2011. Methodology. Executive Summary. Advertising Recall. Williamsburg advertising recall has risen slightly and remains one of the most recalled. Those most likely to recall Williamsburg advertising:

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Williamsburg Area Advertising Tracking 2011 Post-Campaign Survey

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  1. Williamsburg Area Advertising Tracking2011 Post-Campaign Survey August 19, 2011

  2. Methodology

  3. Executive Summary

  4. Advertising Recall

  5. Williamsburg advertising recall has risen slightly and remains one of the most recalled • Those most likely to recall Williamsburg advertising: • Residents in the DC media market (64%) • Respondents ages 55+ (63%) • Respondents with older children (13-15: 58%; 16-17:60%) • Upscale respondents (college degree+: 56%; $100K+: 58%) +4 In the past 30 days, do you recall seeing an advertisement campaign for any of the following places?

  6. Ad recall is up in DC and Raleigh/Durham, unchanged in NYC, and down in Philadelphia No Change -6 +7 +14 In the past 30 days, do you recall seeing an advertising campaign for… Williamsburg, VA? *Results display %Yes/Recall

  7. Television remains by far the most cited source of Williamsburg advertising. Graphic depictions are the most common online ads Where do you recall seeing the advertisement for Williamsburg? *Results shown among those who recall seeing the ads. N=556

  8. Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens remain the most recalled aspects of advertising 2009 2010 2011 Thinking specifically about advertising for Williamsburg, Virginia, please describe the advertising for Williamsburg, Virginia.

  9. Specific information about Williamsburg is conveyed more clearly through non-online sources Thinking specifically about advertising for Williamsburg, Virginia, please describe the advertising for Williamsburg, Virginia.

  10. Advertising Impact

  11. Williamsburg’s colonial/historic associations are more top of mind with respondents who have seen advertising Yes, Recall Williamsburg Ad No, Do Not Recall Williamsburg Ad What are the first words or phrases that come to mind when thinking about Williamsburg, Virginia?

  12. Ad-generated interest has rebounded significantly in DC and Raleigh/Durham and remains solid in Philadelphia and NYC On a 0 to 10 scale, with 0 being no interest at all, and 10 being a great deal of interest, how much interest in visiting the Williamsburg area did the advertisement generate for you? *Results shown among those who recall seeing ads.

  13. Interest in visiting is still higher among respondents who recall Williamsburg ads, but has risen with those who do not recall ads Respondents who have seen Williamsburg advertising show more interest in leisure trips, while those who have not seen ads prefer vacations Yes, Recall Williamsburg Ad No, Do Not Recall Williamsburg Ad On a scale from 0 to 10, where “0” is not at all interested and “10” is very interested, how interested are you in a vacation/an overnight leisure trip to the Williamsburg area?

  14. While interest in visiting Williamsburg is up, actual visit likelihood has fallen among respondents who recall advertising Total Likely: 35% Total Likely: 60% Total Likely: 51% Total Likely: 22% Total Likely: 33% Total Likely: 35% +2 Points -9 Points Yes, Recall Williamsburg Ad No, Do Not Recall Williamsburg Ad How likely are you to visit the Williamsburg, Virginia area for vacation/overnight leisure trip in the next twelve months (2009: six months)?

  15. Perceptions of Williamsburg

  16. Williamsburg’s attractions are a significant draw to the area, but cost, distance, and having been there before can work against it Take a family vacation/leisure trip Not take a family vacation/leisure trip What are some the reasons that you would choose to take/not take a family vacation/overnight leisure trip to the Williamsburg area?

  17. Distance from Williamsburg is a particular issue in the Philadelphia and NYC media markets • New York, NY • Too Far Away (15%) • Prefer Somewhere Else (10%) • Boring (10%) • Already Been There (9%) • Kids Too Young (7%) Top Five Reasons for Not Visiting Williamsburg by Media Market • Philadelphia, PA • Too Far Away (16%) • Already Been There (10%) • Boring (10%) • Not Interested (10%) • Prefer Somewhere Else (10%) • Washington, DC • Already Been There (20%) • Too Expensive (15%) • Boring (11%) • Not Interested (9%) • Prefer Somewhere Else (9%) • Raleigh/Durham, NC • Too Expensive (16%) • Already Been There (10%) • Prefer Somewhere Else (9%) • Economic Situation (9%) • Too Far Away/Busy (7%) What are some the reasons that you would choose to not take a family vacation/overnight leisure trip to the Williamsburg area? *Results shown represent top five reasons

  18. The top two factors when planning a vacation are whether the destination is “a fun place” and “a good value for the money” Attribute Importance Ranked by Mean Score When planning a family vacation, please rate how important the following items are in determining where you go. Please use a 10-point scale, where a 0 means the item is not at all important, and a 10 means it the item is extremely important.

  19. Attribute scores have risen across the board Williamsburg Attributes Ranked by 2011 Mean Score Based on anything you know, read or may have heard about the Williamsburg, Virginia area, please rate the following statements about the area. Please use a 10-point scale, where a “0” means the statement DOES NOT DESCRIBE THE WILLIAMSBURG AREA AT ALL, and a “10” means it DESCRIBES THE WILLIAMSBURG AREA EXTREMELY WELL.

  20. Advertising is moving the needle for Williamsburg being viewed as “a good value for the money” Williamsburg Attributes Ranked by 2011 Mean Score Based on anything you know, read or may have heard about the Williamsburg, Virginia area, please rate the following statements about the area. Please use a 10-point scale, where a “0” means the statement DOES NOT DESCRIBE THE WILLIAMSBURG AREA AT ALL, and a “10” means it DESCRIBES THE WILLIAMSBURG AREA EXTREMELY WELL.

  21. Recall Advertising: Attribute Performance vs. Importance Yes, Recall Williamsburg Ads Performance scores given by respondents who have seen Williamsburg advertising are more aligned with importance than those given by respondents who do not recall ads. Notably, the difference between importance and performance is less than one numeric point for half of the attributes tested. However, Williamsburg’s performance scores still lag behind the four most important attributes – including “is a good value for the money.” Performance A place to learn and discover new things A place that has something for everyone A place that is easy to get to A fun place A place with lots of entertainment Is a good value for the money Has all sorts of recreational opportunities for kids and adults A place that has something for every budget Importance

  22. Do Not Recall Advertising: Attribute Performance vs. Importance No, Do Not Recall Williamsburg Ads Respondents who do not recall advertising have a notably less favorable image of Williamsburg. There are only two attributes for which performance is relatively in line with importance. Both are among the least important factors tested. Williamsburg’s performance scores are further below importance for the remaining six attributes. There is particular room for improvement on being “a fun place,” “a good value for the money,” and a place that has something for everyone.” Performance A place to learn and discover new things Has all sorts of recreational opportunities for kids and adults A place that is easy to get to A place that has something for every budget A fun place Is a good value for the money A place with lots of entertainment Importance A place that has something for everyone

  23. Vacation vs. Staycation

  24. The number of families taking vacations and leisure trips continues to rise Over the past twelve months (2009: nine months), how many family vacations/overnight leisure trips have you taken?

  25. Williamsburg still lags behind a number of more popular destinations Top Vacations Top Leisure Trips Where did you go on your family vacation(s)/leisure trip(s)? *Results among responses equal to or greater than 5% for 2011

  26. The likelihood of families taking a vacation/leisure trip is at an all time high Total Likely: 77% Total Likely: 74% Total Likely: 87% Total Likely: 82% Total Likely: 86% Total Likely: 94% Total Likely: 94% 2011 2010 2009 2007 Somewhat Likely Very Likely How likely are you to go on a family vacation/overnight leisure trip in the next twelve months (2009: six months)? *Note: In 2007, the question was worded, “During the next six months, how likely are you and your family to take a trip or vacation that would require you to stay in a hotel or motel for two or more nights?” Results: 45% Definitely will, 32% Probably will, 23% Might or might not, 0% Will not Not At All Likely Not Very Likely

  27. Williamsburg receives several mentions for future vacations/ leisure trips, but many other destinations remain more popular Top Future Leisure Trips Top Future Vacations Which destination(s) are you considering for future vacations/overnight leisure trips? *Results among responses equal to or greater than 5% for 2011

  28. Respondents located in markets closer to Williamsburg show higher interest in visiting On a scale from 0 to 10, where “0” is not at all interested and “10” is very interested, how interested are you in a vacation/an overnight leisure trip to the Williamsburg area?

  29. Respondents are more likely than ever to go on a vacation/ leisure trip, but less likely to travel to Williamsburg than in 2010 Total Likely: 48% Total Likely: 38% Total Likely: 27% Total Likely: 47% Total Likely: 48% Total Likely: 31% 2010 2011 2009 Somewhat Likely Very Likely Not At All Likely Not Very Likely How likely are you to visit the Williamsburg, Virginia area for a vacation/overnight leisure trip in the next twelve months (2009: six months)?

  30. Reported visits to Williamsburg are down slightly from their 2010 high 2010 April 2008 July 2008 2009 2011 Have you visited the Williamsburg, VA area for a family vacation/an overnight leisure trip in the past twelve months (2008/9: six months)?

  31. Insight → Action

  32. Insight → Action

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