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Sources. How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Susan Ambrose, et al. Jossey -Bass, 2010. Recommended by Eileen Stenzel , Ph.D., Human Services Program Director; Associate Professor of Human Services. Sources.
Sources How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Susan Ambrose, et al.Jossey-Bass, 2010. Recommended by Eileen Stenzel, Ph.D., Human Services Program Director; Associate Professor of Human Services
Sources • Gen. Ed. Revision, CCSJ led by junior faculty, agreed to support oral communications skills across curriculum: • Alex DaSilva • Kurt Jordan • Aimee Krall-Lanoue • Valerie Pennanen • Kirk Robinson • Ginger Rodriguez • Undergraduate research conference -- poster presentations: Alex DaSilva
Sources • Antonia Koslow, Instructional Technologist. • Blackboard support and troubleshooting. • Camera and software.
Context ccsj.edu Calumet College of St. Joseph, Northwest Indiana • Diverse • Mission to underprepared, at-risk students. • Commuters – respect their time and access to technology. • Small classes.
What kinds of practice and feedback enhance learning? Ambrose, Susan A., et al., How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2010), 125-130. • Frequent, goal-directed practice coupled with timely, targeted feedback are critical to learning. • Practice: activity in which students engage skills. • Feedback: info given to students about their performance, guides future behavior. • 2 must be effectively combined.
PRACTICE Ambrose, 127. • Focused on a specific goal / criterion. • Clearly specified criteria: rubric or guidelines. • I personally prefer a checklist. • Explicitly communicated. • Relates to what students need to learn. • Appropriate level of challenge. • Frequent and lots of times.
FEEDBACK Ambrose, 127. • Targeted: one thing at a time. • Commendation and Recommendation–my opinion. • Timely: at a moment when the student can apply it to the next assignment. • Personal: my opinion--face to face is most effective.
Why use oral assignments and assessments? • “You can’t cheat on an oral exam.” • 62% of undergraduates admit to plagiarizing writing assignments. • Clemson University Study (Chronicle): • When you can talk about it, you know it. (jc) • Opportunity for appropriate level of challenge through follow-up questioning. • Employers are seeking interpersonal communication skills.
What Employers Want • Four-year degrees. • Oral communication. • Critical thinking. • Problem solving. • Working collaboratively with others. • Making ethical decisions. Eleanorhenderson.com National Survey, 2010, Hart Research, courtesy of CCSJ career services.
Assignment • “Research Reports” • Student finds information about a specific topic, reliable source. • Makes one PWP slide summarizing the info. Do not duplicate info in previous posts! • Posts this to Blackboard forum by deadline. (pull up BB)
Assignment • “Research Reports” • I assess slides, assembleslides into a single presentation, add. Note possible questions. • Ideally, students should print out the whole PWP before class, read it, and bring it. • Student presents slide in class briefly and takes questions. • Other students’ questions count for participation. • Reports can be assigned as needed when further questions arise.
Assignment • “Research Reports” Feedback • Guidelines/checklist in syllabus, adapted from writing and speech rubrics. (pull up in Word). • Students receive a copy of their slide with the feedback on slide only in the notes section on the day they give their report (see examples below, slides 17, 20, 23). • With selected report / delivery guidelines.
Assignment • “Research Reports” Feedback 4. I have the same copies ready in lesson plan. 5. I assess their delivery as they speak. • post the whole PWP to Blackboard ASAP (pitfall, public) or give the students a copy next class. • One timeI video-record and post the video with the assessment. Students are assigned to view and to assess their own video. 6. Enter grade in BB gradebook student sees its impact on average.
Assignment • “Research Reports” Feedback • One-on-one, face-to-face feedback is most effective. • Feedback can be given in class: • mostly commendations. • Careful recommendations. • Catch plagiarism.
Jonathan W. Kerr Socrates Socrates was the first great Greek philosopher to be Athenian by birth, and lived in what has been called that city’s golden age. Believed that what we needed to know was how to conduct our lives and ourselves. Would go around Athens raising basic questions of morality and politics. Challenging those who thought they knew the answer. He exposed the ignorance of individuals in power and authority, causing him to be much loved and hated. Said that he had no positive teachings to offer, only questions to ask. He was arrested and executed on charges of corrupting the young, and not believing in the gods of the city. “The Death of Socrates” by Jacques-Louis David in 1787. Condemned to death or exile by the Athenian government for his teaching methods which aroused skepticism and impiety in his students, Socrates heroically rejected exile and accepted death.
Jonathan W. Kerr The Nature Of Being (Aristotle’s key question) What are the objects in this world? What is it for something to exist? What is being? Magee, Bryan. The Story of Philosophy. New York: DK Pub, 1998. Print. (For both info and the picture) The School of Athens ( 5.77 m * 8.14 m ) was painted by the 27 year old Raphael (Raffaelo) Sanzio (or Santi) for Pope Julius II (1503-1513). This portion of the painting depicts Plato on the left and Aristotle on the right.
Jonathan W. Kerr Zeno, the founder of stoicism Zeno lived from 334-262 BC. From Citium, in Cyprus. Founded the Stoic school of philosophy. Magee, Bryan. The Story of Philosophy. New York: DK Pub, 1998. Print. This map shows the location of the island Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean (map image found at www.wikipedia.com)
The Life Of Heraclitus ? Going beyond natural philosophy and making profound criticism. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Heraclitus&view=detail&id=4D1953993EA1B0172FA654E9DC5B6BAAFC635E0F&first=60&FORM=IDFRIR Lived in Ephesus during the Classic period in Ancient Greece. Ephesus was the 12th city of the Ionian league and would later become the second largest city in the world. Heraclitus was the first western philosopher, who focused his attention on politics and ethics. Heraclitus was a self taught pioneer of wisdom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraclitus
Life of Pythagoras • Pythagoras was born on Samos, the Greek island in the eastern Aegean • He couldn’t touch a white cock, eat beans, or look in a mirror • Brotherhood was established to follow his religious ways • Reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoras • http://www.thebigview.com/greeks/pythagoras.html . Sculpture of Pythagoras AKA ( PIMP DADDY ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoras
Fearlessly Live Life • Principle of life is to devoid your life of fear. • The best route to life was to seek knowledge and live peacefully. • To place faith into superstitions is folly. Superstitious symbolism. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Non_aux_religions.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicureanism
Critical thinking skills • Summarizing: balancing brevity with informativeness effective bullet points. • Selecting and defining a field of inquiry. • Citing sources correctly and habitually. • Using your own words: truly comprehending your information. • Avoiding plagiarism. • Proofreading.
Critical thinking skills • Masteringinformation: memory, confidence eye contact your knowledge. • Discussing varied points of view in a non-confrontational way. • Distinguishing information from conclusions and judgments.
Compare and Contrast • The only comparison with I-FIRE and the Indiana Bishop’s views is that they both want to do what they think is better for their state, Indiana. • I-FIRE wants illegal immigrants OUT, where as Indiana Bishops wants to help these undocumented people earn a better living. • One is based on religious values while the other is based on what is right and what is wrong. • WHO IS RIGHT? Indiana Bishops vs. I-FIRE The Bishops of Indiana are concerned with immigrants and the issues affecting them. Welcomes all who wish to share the same way of life. Indiana Bishops feel immigrants should have: -Driver’s permits for both driving and securing automobile licenses and insurance. -A process to help undocumented immigrants get ownership of property. -Health care and education. -Equal access to emergency and protective services http://www.indianacc.org/bins/site/content/documents/StrangerEnglish%20%282%29.pdf?_resolutionfile=ftppath|documents/StrangerEnglish%20(2).pdf
Some Anecdotal Results Students choose an appropriate field of inquiry. Habitually cite sources. Explain the terms they use. Make more eye contact. One very reticent student speaks with confidence in public (Fall, 2010) Tremendous rise in engagement in conversation.
Changes in RR grades: 6 reports, 6 weeks out of a 15-week course. *Rachel not in class: points for slide only.
Some Pitfalls • Students have problems with technology. • Be flexible with deadlines in the beginning, firm later. • Offer alternatives to those who do not have access. • Time consuming to prepare, assess. • To prepare @20 slides = hour and a half. • Conveying feedback after report – no ideal method yet.
Oral Assessment • Oral exams and defenses. • (pull up Intro guidelines) • Midterm video, posted in Blackboard with assessment: essential. • Students assigned to view and assess video. • (pull up Blackboard, Summer 2011 Intro) • Final exam video, posted in Blackboard with assessment. (create report showing median and average for midterm and final exams)
Create a system Schedule exams with break time for yourself. Download videos to chip, assess, and type assessment. Label clips Upload clips and assessments to Blackboard. Store clips, off of hard drive!
Philosophy paper defense: Ta-Tiairra Essex Spring, 2011. Watch clips with assessment on paper handout.