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Chapter 18. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 18. Jesus knows all things (John 18:4 ; cf. 2:24-25; 6:64; 13:1, 3, 11)! Violence, wars & bloodshed have no place in spreading or defending Christ’s cause! Jesus told Peter to put his sword away (John 18:11).
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 18 • Jesus knows all things (John 18:4; cf. 2:24-25; 6:64; 13:1, 3, 11)! • Violence, wars & bloodshed have no place in spreading or defending Christ’s cause! • Jesus told Peter to put his sword away (John 18:11). • Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not a fighting, warring kingdom (John 18:36). • The gospel (the preaching of it) is God’s only means of saving the world (Rom. 1:16)! • If you warm yourself with the enemies of Christ, you’ll get burned (John 18:18, 25-27)!
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 18 • The kingdom of our Lord is not an earthly kingdom (John 18:36; cf. Dan. 2:44)! • It was never intended to be, nor the King to be an earthly King (as the Jews wished)! • The King (Jesus) reigns over His kingdom (cf. 1 Cor. 15:25; Rev. 1:6; 3:21). • His kingdom is His church (cf. Matt. 16:18-19; Col. 1:13), made up of Christians.
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 18 • Truth (i.e., the truth) is that which perpetuates & maintains the kingdom (18:36-38)! • Jesus came to present truth & testify in its behalf, that man might be “of the truth.” • Those who readily hear, accept, love and obey truth are “of the truth.” • Those who do not love, hear, accept & live by truth are in bondage (8:31-36; 2 Th. 2:10).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Jesus’ disciples • Went with Jesus from the upper room to the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18:1). • Protected by Jesus (their Good Shepherd) from arrest & death (18:8, 11, 19-21). • For the ultimate purpose that they might not be lost spiritually (18:9). • Judas (John 18:2-5) • Judas knew where to find Jesus; Jesus was not hiding (18:2). • Judas came with a small army to betray Jesus (John 18:3). • No longer standing with Jesus, Judas “stood with them,” a clear choice (John 18:5).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Roman cohort & Temple officers (John 18:3-9) • Cohort was 1/10 of a legion, thus normally 600 men, but sometimes 1/3 of that. • The band of soldiers came with lanterns and torches, in case Jesus was hiding. • They were armed with weapons, to deal with and put down any trouble. • The temple officers were sent by the chief priests and Pharisees (John 18:3). • They were part of the temple guard, functioning like “temple police” (7:32, 45).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Roman cohort & Temple officers (John 18:3-9) • They came to the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus. • Jesus twice asked the troops & officers, “Whom are you seeking?” (John 18:4, 7). • Jesus was bold, taking the initiative, taking control of the situation. • When they said they sought Jesus, He quickly identified Himself (John 18:5). • “When He said, ‘I am He,’ they drew back and fell to the ground” (John 18:6). • They expected trouble and resistance, but received fearless cooperation. • In fear and awe, startled by His majesty, they recoiled & fell over each other.
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Roman cohort & Temple officers (John 18:3-9) • They arrested Jesus, bound Him like a criminal and led Him away to be tried (18:12). • One of the officers struck Jesus with the palm of his hand & reproached Him (18:22).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Simon Peter • One of two disciples carrying a sword (Lk. 22:38), he vowed to die for Jesus (13:37). • Peter cut off the right ear of Malchus, the high priest’s servant (John 18:10). • Followed at a distance & came to courtyard where Jesus on trial (18:15-16; Lk. 22:54). • Peter stood with the enemies of Jesus by the fire & warmed himself (18:18, 25). • Peter denied three times that he was one of Jesus’ disciples (John 18:17, 25-27).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Malchus (John 18:10) • Servant of the high priest, whose right ear Peter cut off with his sword (John 18:10). • Annas, father-in-law of Caiaphas (John 18:13, 19-24) • While unseated as high priest by Rome, Jews still regarded him as their high priest. • Annas asked about His disciples & doctrine, trying to find a charge to make (18:19). • He sent Jesus bound (like a dangerous criminal) to Caiaphas the high priest (18:24).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • Caiaphas (John 18:13-14, 24, 28) • Put in place as high priest (25-36 A.D.) by the Romans, instead of the Jews. • He had earlier expressed his opinion about letting Jesus die (18:14; cf. 11:49-50). • The other disciple (cf. 20:2) • Not identified by name, but believed to be John, followed Jesus to His trial (18:15). • He was known at the high priest’s residence & secured Peter’s entrance (18:16).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • The servant girl who kept the door (John 18:16-17) • Recognized John & knew he was a disciple; surmised that Peter was one also (18:16). • Asked Peter a simple question, but formed it to make a negative answer natural (17). • Servants of the high priest & Jewish officers (18:18, 25) • Knew Peter (by their fire) was not “one of them” & that he showed up when Jesus did. • Asked Peter a simple question, but formed it to make a negative answer natural (25).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • A relative of Malchus (John 18:26) • About an hour after the previous question, Peter was confronted by an eyewitness. • The form of this question calls for an affirmative answer, not as natural/easy to deny.
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • The Jewish leaders • They sent to have Jesus arrested and brought to trial (18:3). • They had heard Jesus’ purposes and plans, and they knew His teachings (18:20-21). • They led Jesus from Caiaphas to Pilate (John 18:28-40). • Those hypocrites wouldn’t enter the Praetorium, lest violate their tradition (28). • They had no justifiable charge or grounds for trial or death penalty (30). • They were not satisfied with any punishment short of death (18:31). • Little did they know they were fulfilling prophecy by demanding crucifixion (32). • They malignantly chose a murderer that the sinless Son of God might die (39-40).
An Overview/Theme of John 18:“Cast of Characters in the Trials of Jesus” • The rooster (John 18:28) • The first one to get Peter’s attention & get him focused. • Just as Jesus had predicted (13:38), Peter’s mind awakened…. • Pilate • Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea, 26-36 A.D. • Although a vile man, he wasn’t willing to ignore law & due justice (18:29, 31, 38-39). • Pilate questioned Jesus, believing He was innocent but not much more (18:33-40). • Pilate found no fault/guilt in Jesus and would not condemn Him to death (18:38). • Pilate lacked the courage to release Him (John 18:39-40; cf. Luke 23:7).
How Chapter 18 Helps to Fulfill the Overall Purpose of the Gospel of John • Jesus’ own prophecy was coming true regarding the manner of His death (John 18:32). • “I Am” Statement: “I am a king” (John 18:37). • Pilate’s unbiased testimony: “I find no fault in Him at all” (John 18:38).