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Probabilistically checkable proofs, hidden random bits and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. Jens Groth University College London. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A A A A A A A A A A. Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof.
Probabilistically checkable proofs, hidden random bits and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs Jens Groth University College London TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof Common reference string: 0100…11010 (x,w)RL Statement: xL Proof: Zero-knowledge: Nothing but truth revealed Soundness: Statement is true Prover Verifier
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs Adaptive soundness:Adversary sees CRS before attempting to cheat with false (C,) • Statement C is satisfiable circuit • Perfect completeness • Statistical soundness • Computational zero-knowledge • Uniformly random common reference string • Efficient prover – probabilistic polynomial time • Deterministic polynomial time verifier
Our results • Security level: 2-k • Trapdoor perm size: kT = poly(k) • Circuit size: |C| = poly(k) • Witness size: |w| |C|
Encrypted random bits Statement: xL CRS (x,w)RL Epk(0;r1) c1 01...0 c1 Epk(1;r2) c2 11…1 1 ; r2 Epk(0;r3) c3 00…1 c3 K(1k) (pk,sk) Epk(1;r4) c4 10…0 0 ; r4
Hidden random string - soundness Statement: xL (x,w)RL 0 1 0 1
Hidden random string – zero-knowledge Statement: xL 0 1
Using hidden random bits for NIZK Probably hidden pairs are 00 and 11 • Random bits not useful; need bits with structure • Use statistical sampling to get “good” blocks 10 11 00 01
Statements || = O(|C|)
Idea in Kilian-Petrank Zero-knowledge:Does ?1 correspond to T = 01 or F = 11? • Interpret pairs of bits as truth values • T = {01,10} F = {00,11} T 10 ?0 Soundness:F can only be opened one way F 11 1? F 00 0? Completeness:T can be opened as 0 or 1 T 01 ?1
Completeness Reveal: ?0 1? ?1 = 0 10 11 11 T F F
Soundness • If not a satisfying assignment there is a clause where all literals are false • x1 x2 x3 gives F F F • There is 50% chance to catch a cheating prover • 11, 00, 00 has no opening to XOR = 0 so prover caught • 11, 00, 11 can be opened to XOR = 0 so prover lucky • Will use repetition to decrease prover’s chance
Consistency problem • Cannot let prover designate truth-value pairs to literals because a cheating prover might choose an inconsistent assignment • Need to ensure prover chooses correct and consistent assignment
I see many bad blocks. Statistically the remaining hidden blocks are good. Consistency • Interpret 12-blocks of bits as 6 truth values • Good block = TTTFFF or FFFTTT TTTFFF FTFTFF FFFTTT FTFFTF
Consistency • Divide hidden random bit-string into 12-bit blocks • Call a block of 6 truth-value pairs for good if it is of one of these two forms TTTFFF or FFFTTT • Prover reveals all bits associated with bad blocks such that only good blocks remain
Using blocks Unrevealed bit-pair shows positive/negative literals for variable x1 = F x2 = T x3 = F x4 = F • Remaining good blocks 10? 011 TTT FFF TT? FFF 01? 110 FFF TTT FF? TTT 111 10? FFF TTT FFF TT? Negative literals Positive literals 01? 110 TTT FFF TT? FFF
Using blocks • After discarding bad blocks the remaining hidden blocks are statistically speaking mostly good • We assign each block to a variable xi in a deterministic way • Each block has 6 truth-values TTTFFF or FFFTTT • If xi = T reveal 5 bits in TTTFF? or FF?TTT • If xi = F reveal 5 bits in TT?FFF or FFFTT? • Revelations correspond to 5 appearances xi, xi, xi, xi, xi • The last unrevealed truth-value uniquely determines the assignment of truth-values to literals • The verifier now checks all clauses XOR to 0
Soundness • The prover has several degrees of freedom • Can choose which false statement to prove • Can choose the public key for the encryption scheme, each one of which will give different hidden random bits • Can choose the truth-value assignment • May leave a few bad blocks unrevealed • Use repetition to lower risk of cheating • Instead of revealing single bits for each literal we will reveal several bit-strings and in each clause all bit-strings most XOR to 0 • Statistical analysis shows with sufficient repetition a prover has negligible chance of cheating
Two new techniques • More efficient use of hidden random bits • Kilian-Petrank: |C|∙k∙(log(k)) hidden random bits • This work: |C|∙polylog(k) hidden random bits • More efficient implementation of hidden bits • Trapdoor permutations: kT = poly(k) bits per hidden random bit • Naccache-Stern encryption: O(log k) bits per hidden random bit
Traditional proofs I’d better read it very carefully Proof: The statement is true because bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. QED Statement: xL (x,w)RL
Probabilistically checkable proofs Proof: The statement is true because bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. QED Ok, let me spot check in random places Statement: xL (x,w)RL
Witness-preserving assignment tester • Polynomial time algorithms f, fw: f: C belongs to gap-3SAT5 fw: w x if C(w)=1 then (x)=1 • With the most efficient probabilistically checkable proofs (Dinur 07 combined with BenSasson-Sudan 08) we have || = |C| polylog(k)
Strategy • Want to prove C is satisfiable • Compute = f(C) and prove that it is satisfiable using Kilian-Petrank techniques from before • With the most efficient assignment testers we have || = |C| polylog(k) so statement is larger • However, since allows for a constant fraction of “errors” less repetition is needed to make the overall soundness error negligible • It is ok if the prover cheats on some clauses as long as cannot cheat on a constant fraction
Remarks • Probabilistically checkable proofs have been used in interactive zero-knowledge proofs • Prover commits to PCP • Verifier chooses at random some parts to check • Prover opens and reveals those parts of the PCP • We are using PCPs in a different way • The verifier will check all parts of the PCP • The checks have a small error probability • But unlikely that prover can cheat on a constant fraction
Implementing the hidden random bits model Statement: xL CRS (x,w)RL Epk(0;r1) c1 01...0 c1 Epk(1;r2) c2 11…1 1 ; r2 Epk(0;r3) c3 00…1 c3 K(1k) (pk,sk) Epk(1;r4) c4 10…0 0 ; r4
Naccache-Stern encryption • pk = (M,P,g) sk = (M) • M is an RSA modulus • P = p1p2…pd where p1,…,pd are O(log k) bit primes • P | ord(g) = (M)/4 and |P| = (|M|) • Epk(m;r) = gmrP mod M • Dsk(c): For each pi compute m mod pi c(M)/pi = (gmrP)(M)/pi = (gm(M)/pi)(r(M)P/pi) = (g(M)/pi)mChinese remainder gives us m mod P
Naccache-Stern implementation of hidden bits Statement: xL CRS 0 if m mod pi even 1 if m mod pi odd if m mod pi is -1 (x,w)RL ?1? ; 1 Epk(010;r1) c1 01...0 10? ; 2 Epk(101;r2) c2 11…1 ??1 ; 3 Epk(011;r3) c3 00…1 K(1k) (pk,sk) ??? ; 4 Epk(110;r4) 10…0 c4
Revealing part of Naccache-Stern plaintext • Ciphertext c = gmrP • How to prove that m = x mod pi? • Prover reveals such that P = (cg-x)P/pi • We can raise both sides to (M)/P • Gives us (M) = (gm-xrP)(M)/pi = (g(M)/pi)m-x • Implies 1 = (g(M)/pi)m-x • Since the order of (g(M)/pi) is pi this shows m = x mod pi
Revealing part of Naccache-Stern plaintext • Ciphertext c = gmrP • How to prove that m = x mod pi? • Prover reveals such that P = (cg-x)P/pi • Can compute the proof as = (cg-x)(P-1 mod (M)/P)P/pi • Can randomize proof by multiplying with s(M)/P • Generalizes to reveal m = x mod iSpi with a proof consisting of one group element
Zero-knowledge • Simulator sets up pk = (M,P,g) such that ord(g) = (M)/4P and g = hP mod M • Simulator also sets up the CRS such that it contains ciphertexts of the form c = sP mod M • For any m ZP we can compute r = h-ms mod M such that sP = gm(g-m)sP = gmh-mPsP = gmrP mod M • This means the simulator can open each ciphertext to arbitrary hidden bits using = r
Final step – showing the key is valid • The public key is pk = (M,P,g) • The verifier can easily check P is a product of small primes p1,…,pd • But needs to be convinced M and g are ok • Can do this with trapdoor permutation based NIZK • Statement is small so it does not affect total cost • Trapdoor permutations implied by Naccache-Stern • So we use a small seeder NIZK to build large scale NIZK from Naccache-Stern encryption
Summary • Technique 1: Reduce soundness error with probabilistically checkable proofs • Technique 2: Implement hidden random bit string with Naccache-Stern encryption