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Samantha Ducker  Assistant Degree Programme Director (Master of Clinical Research)

Using Adobe Connect to encourage collaboration within a fully distance, eLearning Programme – Our experiences and students perceptions. Samantha Ducker  Assistant Degree Programme Director (Master of Clinical Research) Module leader - Research Governance and Ethics (E-learning).

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Samantha Ducker  Assistant Degree Programme Director (Master of Clinical Research)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using Adobe Connect to encourage collaboration within a fully distance, eLearning Programme – Our experiences and students perceptions. Samantha Ducker  Assistant Degree Programme Director (Master of Clinical Research) Module leader - Research Governance and Ethics (E-learning) Lynne Rawles  E-learning Coordinator

  2. What is Adobe® Connect™? http://tv.adobe.com/watch/customer-stories-adobe-connect/johns-hopkins-university

  3. Background • Part time Masters in Clinical Research since 2008 • E-learning commenced 2010 • Involved in development since outset • Designed for medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health professionals

  4. Background 2 • Aim of course is to understand, develop, deliver and disseminate clinical research • E-learning designed using social constructivist, collaborative principles • Collaborative activities - discussion boards, blogs and wikis

  5. Lack of community • Blackboard - “one dimensional” • No virtual classroom • Participation “patchy” • Increasing numbers of students • No “live” interaction

  6. Our plan

  7. The reality

  8. Preparation and planning 2012 • April – contact Nuala in ISS • May – 1st team meeting to explore application and potential • June – Meetings for idea development • July - Meetings for idea development • August – Test meeting (back to drawing board!) • Sept – 2 further meetings to test new ideas (dress rehearsal) • Sept 26th – Live session

  9. Student feedback

  10. Our experience • Preparation/planning • Team work – roles • Insist on mics and headsets • Students keen to engage

  11. Timetable sessions into module • Tiring – 1 hour limit • Time management within sessions • Technical hitches/technical support • Increased confidence/reduced technical input

  12. Events to date • Sept– Welcome Meeting • Oct – Student led interactive session • Nov – Live staged mock ethics committee • Dec – Pre assessment session • Feb – Statistics session • May – Module welcome meeting • June – Student led discussion session

  13. Student engagement

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