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Update on IPWG for the CEOS PC Workshop International Precipitation Working Group. 2009-2010 Co-Chairs George J. Huffman Science Systems and Applications, Inc. and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD USA Christian Klepp Univ. of Hamburg and Max-Planck Inst. for Meteorology
Update on IPWG for the CEOS PC Workshop International Precipitation Working Group 2009-2010 Co-Chairs George J. Huffman Science Systems and Applications, Inc. and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD USA Christian Klepp Univ. of Hamburg and Max-Planck Inst. for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Outline • IPWG objectives • Recent accomplishments • IPWG actions related to CEOS PC • Summary 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
IPWG Objectives • IPWG was established under CGMS to: • • Promote standard operational procedures and common software for deriving precipitation estimates from satellites • Establish standards for validation and independent verification of precipitation estimates • Foster the exchange of data on inter-comparisons of operational precipitation estimates from satellites • Stimulate increased international scientific research and development in this field • Provide recommendations to national and international agencies regarding the utilization of current and future satellite instruments on both polar and geostationary platforms • Encourage regular education and training activities 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
TRMM Sat-Gauge (mm/h) 00Z 01 March 2000 IPWG Objectives (cont.) We want to get better at turning this into this 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Recent Accomplishments Maintain and update web page Membership update, promotion, and expansion Presentations at scientific forums • EGU 2009 • 8th GPM International Planning Workshop • Joint GEWEX and ILEAPS Conf. • Seminars at academic institutions IPWG-4 Preparation for IPWG-5 Interactions with ITWG, WGNE, GEO 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
IPWG Membership Update Anyone can participate! • Original focus was operational agencies… • Most recent workshop, about 50% research community ~30 nations are involved! • North America – USA, Canada, Mexico • Central America – Costa Rica • Europe – Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, U.K. • Asia – China, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, S. Korea, Taiwan • South America – Argentina, Brazil, Peru • Africa – Nigeria, S. Africa • Australia • Interest from – Egypt, India, Mozambique, Russia, Turkey 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Biennial IPWG Workshops IPWG-1: September 2002, INM, Madrid, Spain IPWG-2: October 2004, NRL, Monterey, US IPWG-3: October 2006, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia IPWG-4: October 2008, National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing, China IPWG-5: October 2010, Univ. of Hamburg and Max-Planck Inst. for Meteor., Hamburg, Germany • program being developed – training activity in parallel • announcement pending exact dates 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
4th IPWG Workshop 13-17 October 2008, Beijing, China National Satellite Meteorology Center, China Meteorological Agency 70 attendees from 20 countries Presentations and working group break-outs on research, applications, validation, new technologies All materials posted at http://www.isac.cnr.it/~ipwg/meetings/beijing/beijing.html ~30 papers submitted for a “special collection” in J. Appl. Meteor. and Climatol. 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Interactions with WGNE and GEO IPWG’s validation work is focused through the Program for the Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Products (PEHRPP) • This includes long-term regional-scale efforts in Australia, Japan, South America, the U.S., Western Europe • The Working Group on Numerical Experiments (WGNE) was invited to submit numerical model estimates for evaluation in PEHRPP and agreed • Contributing Centers to date are ECMWF, JMA, Meto-France, NCEP, NRL; GMAO and BOM are expected • Data are being released or not according to each Center’s policy IPWG is providing leadership for the GEO precip area • CGMS recommended the IPWG Co-Chairs for this role • Co-Chair George Huffman is the “point of contact” for WA-08-01d • A first task plan was submitted • Former Co-Chair Chris Kidd will represent IPWG at the GEO Water Cycle Integration workshop 21 November 2009, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
IPWG Actions Relevant to CEOS PC (1/2) Facilitate activities related to CEOS PC that have gained broader IPWG support • Standardization of MW radiometer calibration and inter-calibration measurements (ITWG interaction) • Community radiative transfer models • Community cloud resolving model data sets • Common retrieval algorithms • Common validation methodologies and data sets (WGNE interaction) Promote necessary actions required from space agencies via CGMS to improve satellite precipitation retrievals • L0 sensor information and history • Free and open data exchanges • Future mission plans; can we help with precipitation requirements? 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
IPWG Actions Relevant to CEOS PC (2/2) Provide forum to improve precipitation retrievals, their validation and applications • Algorithm intercomparisons (e.g., PEHRPP) • Standard validation template, expansion of routinely available data, and open participation to algorithm providers • Promote application needs and applications • Interaction with JCSDA and WGNE Develop training for and encourage new advances in current and emerging space-based precipitation work • IPWG web page for algorithms, data set information, etc. • Sponsor workshops and training activities • Participate at relevant meetings • Encourage broader international participation • Define linkages between IPWG and CEOS 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Final Comments The IPWG strongly endorses the activities of the CEOS PC • Concur with philosophy in the CEOS (PC) Work Plans and CEOS PC Implementation Plan IPWG is open to stronger linkages that enhance the success of the PC 3rd CEOS PC Workshop - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA