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This article provides an overview of the principles and roles of surgery and radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients, along with steps in the management of cancer patients. It covers the different types of cancer treatments, including loco-regional treatments such as surgery and radiotherapy, and systemic treatments. The principles of cancer surgery are also discussed, along with surgical interventions in cancer and the roles of surgery in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
Summary • Cancer treatment- classification • Principles of surgical oncology - historical perspective - roles of surgery in cancer patients - surgery in multidisciplinary terapeutical plan • Principles of radiation oncology - physical and chemical basis of radiation action - biological basis of radiation therapy - clinical practice of radiation therapy
PRINCIPLES OF CANCER SURGERY Surgical interventions in cancer
Definitions • Surgery is the oldest treatment for cancer and, until recentlly, the only one that cure cancer patients. • Surgery remains the primary method of treatment of most solid malignancies. In some cases is the only chance for cure for cancer patients.
Surgery- history • Historically, surgery is the sole methods used to treating cancer. • The earliest disscussion of surgical treatment of tumors appears in 1600B.C in Edwin Smith papyrus belived writing dating back 3000 B.C. • Surgeon is the part of a multidisciplinary team. • Surgeon is frecquently the “entry point” for patients who are newly diagnosed with cancer • Surgeon must have knowledge of the biology and natural history of the cancer to be treated.
Roles for Surgery • Prevention of Cancer • Diagnosis of Cancer • Treatment of Cancer • Currative: Resection of the Primary Cancer • Palliative: Cytoreductive Surgery Metastatic Disease Oncologic Emergencies Palliation Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
1.Prevention of cancer • Hyperplastic and dysplastic lesions need not always progress to cancer, but when they do, the process can take years, if not decades. • Cancer requires several genetic alterations during a course of somatic evolution. • Cancer cells are widely believed to have a “mutator phenotype.”
Roles for surgery - prevention of cancer • Multiple endocrine neoplasia(MEN) tip 2- profilactic thyroidectomy for medullary familial cell thyroid carcinoma. • Patients with Barett’s oesopagus(with high grade dysplasia)- prophylactic oesophageal resection. • Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer-there are a role for preventive total gastrectomy • Ulcerative colitis – total colectomy • Hereditary colorectal cancer: familial adenomatous polyposis coli and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) accounts for 5% of all CCR cancers. • Breast cancer carry a mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are a high risk of developing ovarian cancer- oophorectomy. • Patients with maldescendent testis(cryptochidism) have a higher chance of developping testicular cancer (x 20 times) - orchidopexy
2. Surgery for diagnosis – diagnostic procedures: acquisition of material for diagnosis • Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNA) – involving aspirating tissue fragments through a needle guided into area in which disease is suspected; aspiration of cell-cytology. • Core needlebiopsy-the retriveral of a small core of tissue, ussing a specially designed “ core-cutting”, the specimen is usually sufficient for histologic diagnosis of most tumor types. 14-gauge needles.
3. Surgery for diagnosis – diagnostic procedures: acquisition of material for diagnosis Open byopsy: • Incisional biopsy – removal of small segment of a larger tumor for diagnosis, a wedge of tissue. • Excisional biopsy-total excision of the entire suspected tumor tissue with little or no margins. • Laparoscopic surgery for diagnosis and staging • Laparatomy, lymphadenectomy, sentinel node biopsy (SNB).
Principles guide the performance of all surgical biopsies • Needle tracks or scars should be placed so that they can be conveniently removed as part of subsecquent definitive surgical procedure. • Care should be taken to avoid contamining new tissue planes during biopsy procedure; avoid development of large hematomas. • Care should be taken to avoid using instruments that may have come in contact with a tumor when obtaining tissue from a potentially uncontamined area. • Adequate tissue sample must be obtained to meet the needs of the pathologist for diagnosis of selected tumors, electron microscopy, tissue culture, or other tehniques may be necesarry. • It is important to mark distinctive areas of the tumor to facilitate subsequent orientation of the specimen by the pathologist< he hanling of excised tissue is the surgeon’s esponsability. • Placemnt of radiopaque clips during byoposy and staging procedures is sometimes important to delineate areas of known tumor and guide the subsequent delivery of radiation therapy in these areas.
3.Surgery for staging • Staging is the classification of anatomic extent of cancer in an inndividual. Specific staging groups categorize cancers on particular anatomic sites. • Laparatomie and laparoscopic surgery for staging prior to definitive surgery: - ovarian cancer - oesophageal cancer - gastric cancer - pancreatic cance - liver cancer - prostatic cancer
3.Treatment of cancer • Resection of primary tumor: radical versus conservator • Curative surgery • Palliation surgery: cytoreductive surgery - debulking • metastasectomies • oncologic emergencies • reconstuction and reabilitation
Surgery for primary cancer There are three major challenges confronting the surgical oncologist in the definitive treatment of solid tumors: • accurate identification of patients who can bee cured by local treatment alone; • development and selection of local treatments that provide the best balance between local cure and the impact of treatment morbidity on the quality of life; • development and application of adjuvant treatments that can improve the control of local and distant invasive and metastatic disease.
Primary resection- principles of surgical resection • The primary goal of cancer is the complete extirpation of local and regional disease for local control and for decreasing the risk of local recuurrence. • Removing the primary lesion with adequate margins of normal surronding tissue to minimize the risk of local recurrences. • Knowledge of the most common avenues of spread of various histologic type (e.g. cancer spread mucosally, submucosally, along the fascial plans or along the nerves). • Knowledge about the possibilities of multidisciplinary approaches: adjuvant chemotherapy.
Currative resection: obtain adequate margins of resection • A complete margin of normal tissue arround the primary lesion ( R0 status) • Frozen sections used to evaluate tissue margins in instances of doubt • Complete removal of involved regional lymph nodes • Resection of involved adjacent organ • En bloc resection of biopsy tracts and tumor sinuses.
Area of dissection for lymph node dissection for radical nephroureterectomy should be from the superior mesenteric artery to the level of the inferior mesenteric artery, with the anatomic structures identified. The left colon can be reflected from the anterior surface of Gerota's fascia with exposure of the renal artery before ligation and division. The dotted line to the right of the descending colon indicates a line of incision on the left pericolic gutter that should extend superiorly to include division of the splenocolic attachments
Risk factors for metastasis: is necessary to associate another treatments at surgery? • Tumor size and regional lymph node involvement are consistently associated with distant relapse. • The involvement of regional lymph nodes is often, but not always, a harbinger for increased risk of distant metastasis. • When tumor cells appear to have aggressive traits on microscopic analysis, this often translates into increased risk for distant disease. • (1) Tumor grade • (2) Depth of invasion beyond normal tissue compartmental boundaries. • (3) Lymphovascular invasion.
Surgery for palliation • Palliative therapy should be considered for a patient with evidence of widespread malignancy and no hope of cure by resectional therapy. • Goals of treatment: significant improvement in quality of life and alleviation of symptoms which allows patients to resume as manyof their normal daily activities as possible. EXEMPLE: • relif of intestinal obstruction, • removal of tumors to control pain or hemorrage, • induction of a feeding jejunostomy to permitt adequate nutrition. • Malignant pleural effusion- thoracostomy tube, sclerosis. • Billiary obstruction- stent or choledochojejeunostomy • Bowel obstruction- colostomy with mucous fistula. • Bowell obstructon- gastrojejunostomy • Esophageal obstruction- stent, gastrostomy tube • Advanced breast mastectomy- salvage mastectomy.
Palliative surgery • Surgery for debulking ( surgery for residual disease) cytoreductive surgery • Second-look procedures • Surgery for metastatic disease • Surgery for reconstructio and rehabilitaion • Surgical management of complications therapies
Intraoperative appearance of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer, with multiple tumor implants involving the peritoneal surface of the upper abdomen.
Specialised surgical procedures Vascular accesss: • Percutaneous catheters • Indwelling cuffed catheters • Implantable infusion ports
The placement of operating ports in the insufflated abdomen provides access to the abdominal cavity for laparoscopic surgery. The exact locations for port placement vary based on the planned procedure as well as the patients' individual anatomic situation.
Surgical interventions in cancer- summary of key points • Surgeon is part of multidisciplinary team. • Role of surgery in cancer management: - prevention of cancer ( criptorhidism) - screening of cancer ( genetic testing) - diagnosis of cancer based on a histologically confirmed diagnosis - staging of cancer - the classification of the anatomic extent of cancer in an individual. • Surgical treatment of cancer: - surgery for primary cancer - surgery of metastasis - surgery for debalking - paliative surgery - reconstructive and reabilitatative surgery - vascular access - surgery for oncologic emergencies
Reconstruction and reabilitation • Surgery techniques are being refined that aid in the reconstruction and reabilitation of cancer patients after definitive treatment • The ability to reconstruct anatomic defects can substanially improve function and cosmetic appearance • The development of free flaps using microvascular anastomotic techniques is having a profund impact on the ability to bring resh tissue to resected or heavily treatet areas. • Lost function, especially of extremities often can be restored by surgical approaches. This include lysis of contracture or muscletransposition to restore muscular function that have beendamaged by previous surgery or radiation therapy.
PRINCIPLES OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY L. Miron Clinica Oncologică, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţe “Sf. Spiridon” Iaşi
Definitions • Radiation oncology is a discipline specialised in the use of radiation for therapeutic purposes. • Radiation therapy (RT) is a treatment modality in which ionizing radiation is used for patients with cancers and other diseases. • 50- 60% of patients whith cancer receive RT • 40- 50% of cancers can be cured.
Historical perspective • 1896 Discovery of X-ray • 1898 Discovery of radium • 1899 Succesfull treatment of skin cancer with X-ray • 1915 Treatment of cervical cancer with radium implant • 1922 Cure of laryngeal cancer with a course of X-rays therapy • 1928 Roengen defined as unit of radiation exposure • 1934 Dose fractionation principles proposed • 1950’s Radiactive cobalt teletherapy ( 1 MeV energy) • 1960’s Production of megavoltage X-rays by liniar accelerators • 1990’s 3-dimension radiotherapy planning
Radiation oncology- summary • Physical and chemical basis of radiation action • Biological basis of radiation • Clinical basis of radiation
1. Physical and chemical basis of radiation action Types of radiation used in radiation therapy IONIZING RADIATION could be split: • Electromagnetic radiation:energy range used for RT can cause the ejections or orbital electrons and results in the ionization of atoms or molecules: - fotons ( are x-rays or γ-rays), - α particles,ß particles(atomic particles) and - γ-rays (energy way) • Corpuscular: electrons, protons, neutrons, heavy ions
Electromagnetic radiation Many types of radiation are used for treatment of both benign and malignant diseases. • The most form of irradiation is external-beam photons or electrons ( x-rays, γ-rays) bundles of energy. - x-rays is used to describes radiation that is produced by machines. - γ-rays define radiation that is emitted from radiatioactive isotopes (Cobalt 60, Cesiu 137, Radium, Radon, Poloniu).
2. Bilogical effects of radiation • Cellular kill occurs when critical targets within cell are damaged by radiation and the cell is unable to repair that damage.When X-rays pass through living tissue, energy is absorbed, resulting in ionisation of a number of molecules with generation of fast-mooving electrons and free radicals. • DNA is the main target for biologic effect of raditation. • DIRECT: DNA damage can be direct: single strand breaks, double strand breaks, and sugar damage, DNA-DNA and DNA-protein links. • INDIRECT: DNA dam age- water molecules surronding the DNA are ionized by the radiation. The ionizing of water creates hidroxil radicals, hidrogen peroxide, hydated electrons and other oyigen free radicals capable of interacting with DNA andcausing damage. ( 80% of cell is composedof water, suggesting that indirect damage of DNA is common). • Chromosome aberations results from faculty DNA double- strand break. • The major mechanism of DNA damage is liniar transfer of energy (LET) – low LET - fotons( x-ray), γ-rys and electrons are termed low liner energy transfer • LET high- protons and neutrons.
Factors that effect the response of tumours to radiation • Biological effect of radiotherapy relate to both the dose of radiation and timing of delivery of this treatment. • It results in preferential paring of noramal tissue damage, allowing safe delivery of hiher total doses of radiation with increased cancer cell kill. • DNA repair – non homologous recombination - homologous recombination • Tumor oxigenation- role of hipoxia in radiotherapy • Strategies to increase tumor oxigenation- erytropoieins
4 Role of fractionation radiobiology Fractionation is the division of a total dose of external beam radiotherapy into a small, often once daily doses. • Reoxygenation- the damage of tissues by radiation depends largely on the formation of OH- radicals. • Repopulation – the normal tissue cells repopulate more adequtley than the malignant cells during treatment course. • Repair – repair machinery within cells can reverse partial damage caused by a small fraction of the radiation dose by sublethal damage ( SLD) repair. • Redistribution –cells exhibits differential sensitivities toward radiation at different phases of cell cycle. Cells are more resistant phase ( late S-phase), and more sensitive at the jonction G2/M phase. After a an initial fraction of dose, the cells are in more resistent phase S and may survie but then progress to the sensitive phase when given the second dose..
Tehnical modalyties • Ionizing radiation can be delivered in three technical modalities: • 1. External percutaneous beam irradiation (teletherapy) from sources at distance from the body: telecobaltotherapy and linear accelerators are used for fractionated radiation therapy. • External beam radiation therapy equipment comprises: Superficial X-ray machine, 50-150 KVp, 5-10 mA HVL=1-8 mm Al, TSD (Target-Skin-Distance)=15-20cm, e.g. Phillips-Muller 100kV tube (Figure 8.1) • Orthovoltage X-ray machine 150-500 KVp, 10-20 mA, HVL=1-4 mm Cu, SSD (Source-Skin Distance) = 40-50 cm • 60 Cobalt machine (Figure 8.2), 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV photon energy; with 50% penetration at 10 cm, SAD (Source-Axis Distance) = 80 cm (Figure 8.2) • Linear accelerators, 6-8-10-12 MeV, producing high energy photons or electrons (Figure 8.3). • 2. Brachytherapy, in which the radiation sources (137Cs, 192Ir) are in a close contact with the target volume (interstitial or intracavitary in remote afterloading units) producing continuous irradiation or as permanent implants of short-lived radionuclides such as 125I. • 3. Systemicirradiation from radioactive isotopes (131I, 32P, 89Sr) administrated intravenously, intracavitary, or via the digestive tube.
3. Clinical basis of radiation therapy • Clinical types of radiation therapy include: • teletherapy (e.g., treatment from a cobalt-60 source), • external beam x-rays (from a linear accelerator), and • brachytherapy (using a source of radiation inserted or implanted into the patient).
Radiosensitivity of normal tissues • High sensitive: lymphocites, germ cells • Moderate sensitive: epithelial cells • Resistant: CNS, connective tissue
Unit of mesure, tissues tolerance • The unit for dose of radiation is gray ( GY), energy absorbed per unit mass ( joules/ kilograme). • Tolerance doses in normal tissues Some tissue are particularly radiosensitive and doses to them must be limited in order to minimize the risk of late damage. If 2Gy/ fraction is given, then tolernce doses are: - testis 2 Gy - lents of the eye 10Gy - whole kidney 20Gy - whole lung 20Gy - spinal cord 50 Gy - brain 60 Gy
Basis for prescription of radiation therapy • Evaluation of tumor extent ( staging), including radiographyc, radioisotope, and other studies. • Knowledge of pathologic characteristics of the disease. • Definitions of goal of therapy ( cure versus palliation). • Selection of appropiate treatment modalities ( irradiation alone or combined with surgery, chemotherapy, or both). • Determination of the optimal dose of irradiation and volume to be treated, according to the anatomic, location, histologic type, stage, potential regional nodal involvement, and other characteristics of the tumor, and the normal structures present in the region. • Evaluation of the patient’s general condition, periodic assessment to tolerance to treatment,tumor response, and status of the normal tissues treated.
Treatment planning Suceeessful treatment planning is imperative to the success of a radiation treatment couse. • The optimal dose of irradiation depends of: the volume to be treated, the anatomic location, the histologic type of the tumor, the stage andpotential regional spread. • The dose-limiting factor usually is one or more normal structures of the region. • The goal is to identify the full extend and areas of possible spread.
Acute effects of radiotherapy (I) Occur within weeks of treatment: • Skin, GI tract, bone marrow • Severity depends on total dose of radiation and lenth of time over which radiotherapy is delivered • Treatment doses selected to that complete recovery is usual • Types: nausea and vomiting, parotid sweling, hypotension, fever, diarroea ( day 5).