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Explore the implementation of modern teaching methodologies that activate learning processes based on ICT technologies. Discover how m-learning can improve the quality of education and engage students through dynamic and interactive learning experiences.
M-learning inthemethodology of e-learning In most EU countriestherearenoticeablechangesintheeducationalprocessinthearea of education. Thereiseven a talk aboutchangingtheparadigm of education as a result of theimplementation of newtechnologiesinteaching and learning processes. Whilefacingtheconstant development of newtechnologies, theneed to modernizeteachingmethodologyemphasizesgettingstronger - learnersneednewincentives to stimulatecuriosity. Gettingaccustomed to thedailyfacilitiesraisestheexpectationthatthey will alsotaketheir place ineducation. • Ewa Lubina Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Methodologicalconsiderations of m-learningIn recentyears, therehasbeen a noticeableincrease of activityintheimplementation of modern teaching • methodologieswhichactivateteachingprocesses based on ICT-technologies. Thisis a stimulus for changeinallareas of the teachingprocesses, such as: • modernization of workingmethods; Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
introduction of newpractices and laboratories lessons, learning time; • a changeintheselection, presentation and methods of distribution of teaching materials; • a changeinmethods and organization of thework of teachers, pupils and students; • a changeintheorganization and settlement of workinghours; Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
improvement of workingmethods; • personalization of learning profiles (adaptation to theneeds of individuallearners); • changing group workmethods; • changingtheassessment of students and pupilsachievements; • a changingtheway of supportingthelearners. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
E-learning specialistshassignaledtheneed for suchchanges for a long time. Traditionalmethodologicalstructureenrichedwithe-learning and oftenwith m-learning, is a way to thequality of teachingimprovement. Thedynamics of learning isbased on thealternatinguse of differentways of learning: a student attendstraditionalclasses and additionallylearnsusingthe materials sent to him via the Internet ordownloadedfrom mobile devices Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Duringtheprocessstudentshavethepossibility to comment on the materials, projectsortasks and participateinvariousforms of group work. Theteachers plan substantive work oorganization and the ICT specialists plan thetechnicalside. Itisobviousthat, theyouthgenerationisnowaccustomed to variety and expectsmorethaneverdynamism and intellectualstimulations. Themethodologicalstructureswhichcombinedifferentforms of worksatisfytheseconditions. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
In theacademiceducationtheconstantattempts to introducenewtechnologiesintothe learning process - inthecase of m-learning arestillweak, theycan be assumed to be rathersomekind of experiments. Theuse of mobile technologieshasbecome an urgentneed and answersthestudentsexpectations.In 2005 attheUniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia inSpain an interestingexperience was implemented. Theintroduced system combinedthetraditionalteachingmethodology, e-learning patterns and creation of newpatternswiththeuse of m-learning methods. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Theeffectiveness of theproject was highlyappreciated. Schoolswhichtook part init, praisetheuse of mobile devices inteaching and learning, because of ittechnical and methodologicalattractivenessinteaching, itseducationalvalue, interactivity, as a stimulant of students’ motivation, flexibility, evenbecauseitallowedthem to cutthecosts. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
In theacademicexperience m-learning proved to be a powerful technology whichhas a great opportunity for thefuture development. Theopinionisbased on thefactthatalmostallthestudentshave mobile phones, and many of themhave a PDA too. Thegrowingaccess to the mobile devices as well as theimprovementincommunicationinthe learning processallowbetteruse of boththestudents and teachers learning potential and alsoindividualizes and increasestheintensity of theprocess. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Learningsupported by mobile technology intheSpanishenterprisefocuses on learners. All applicationsconcentrate on theactivitiesperformed by the student. The system uses ten applications, most of themareoperated by mobile phones. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Traditionalmethodologicalstructureenrichedwith e-learning and oftenwith m-learning, is a perfectway to improvethequality of teaching.Itgoeswithoutsayingthatthegeneration of youngpeopleisaccustomed to variety so theyouth, morethaneverexpectdynamism and intellectualstimulations. Themethodologicalstructurecombiningdifferentforms of worksatisfytheseconditions. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Theauthorsstronglybelievethat a priorityintheorganization of the system and intheselection of applicationsmust be theiravailability - the financial availability, whichallowsthepoorerpeopleaccess to them. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
Summary The blending of educational practice with modern technology has become an important task and undertaken attempts are fully justified. Those who implement e-learning and m-learning practices, have been suggesting suggested the implementation of this way of teaching to the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System). These are only suggestions, but they have started the process of thinking about it and the process of modernization of the education system in Europe. Teresa Frączkiewicz, Katarzyna Staniszewska
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