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Yu. Bocharov , A. Gumenyuk , A. Klyuev , A. Simakov

A New Data Acquisition System based on Asynchronous Technique. Yu. Bocharov , A. Gumenyuk , A. Klyuev , A. Simakov. Objectives. To compare architectures Analog FIFO per channel vs. Dig.FIFO per ADC

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Yu. Bocharov , A. Gumenyuk , A. Klyuev , A. Simakov

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  1. A New Data Acquisition System based onAsynchronous Technique Yu. Bocharov, A. Gumenyuk, A. Klyuev, A. Simakov 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  2. Objectives • To compare architecturesAnalog FIFO per channel vs. Dig.FIFO per ADC • To estimate a data loss for systems based on architectures compared by a Monte Carlo modeling • To define the ADC specifications 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  3. A New Readout System Architecture Main FeatureDigital FIFO per ADCagainstAnalog FIFO per channel As an example – 2 ADC per 128 AFE channelsOther variants – 1, 4 ADCPD – peak detector 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  4. Step 1 When a hit occurs in a channel PD locks the this channel in and sends EVENT signal to the control unit 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  5. Step 2 The control unit writes a channel numberand a time stamp into a Dual-port Memory/FIFO. Any type of arbiter may be used to prevent conflicts of writing 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  6. Step 3 The High Speed ADC converts the outputs of channels which numbers are stored in FIFO 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  7. Step 4 Converted data conjunctly with a channel number and a time stamp are transmitted to the external memory bus 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  8. Step 5 When the conversion is finished a control unit initializes PD and corresponding MEM content and connects ADC to the next channel or switches it to a shutdown state if FIFO is empty 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  9. Structure of the arbitration logic for analog de-randomizer (2007) 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  10. Simulation of the synthesized arbitration logic 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  11. Arbitration logic Area Estimation (Encounter, Faraday standard cells, UMC 0.18) 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  12. Total of hits per cycle probability (%) for128 (a), 64 (b), 32 (c) channel systemat 5% channel occupancy for Poisson processMean – 6.4, 3.2, 1.6 a b c 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  13. % 1 2 MSPS CBM-XYTER data loss as a function of total ADC-channels throughput at the best (1) and worse (2) – numerical simulation 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  14. Analytical estimation of a data loss for a new readout system λ – Poisson distribution parameter, M – number of channels per ADC, θ – channel occupancy, μ – max number of channels may be A-D converted within one cycle 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  15. % 3 2 1 MSPS Data loss of a new readout system as function of ADC throughput @ 32 (1), 64(2), 128(3) channels per ADC – analytical and numerical 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  16. Figure of merit (FOM) commonly used for ADC characterization Pd– power dissipationENOB – effective number of bitsfs – sampling frequency (ENOB spec) 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

  17. Summary ADC specs @ Pd = 1 mW/channel andENOB = 6.6 bit (100 quantization levels)Max data loss level = 0.01% • CBM-XYTER120 MSPS, 128 mW, FOM < 10.7 pJ - 1 AD/chip60 MSPS, 64 mW, FOM < 10.7 pJ - 2 AD/chip30 MSPS, 32 mW, FOM < 10.7 pJ - 4 AD/chipAdvantage – reduced ADC requirements • New architecture160 MSPS, 128 mW, FOM < 8.0 pJ - 1 AD/chip105 MSPS, 64 mW, FOM < 6.1 pJ - 2 AD/chip75 MSPS, 32 mW, FOM < 4.3 pJ - 4 AD/chipAdvantage – elimination of 512 analog MEM cells 11-th CBM Collaboration Meeting. GSI Darmstadt Feb. 26-29, 2008

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