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How are museums classified in Poland? Here are results of our research . Ewelina dzida, Oliwia Konopka, Natalia Niewiadomska. Comenius project : A trip to history through museums. What is a museum ?. A museum is an institution
HowaremuseumsclassifiedinPoland?Hereareresults of ourresearch. Ewelina dzida, Oliwia Konopka, Natalia Niewiadomska Comenius project: A trip to historythroughmuseums
Whatis a museum? A museumis an institution whichis set up to collect, investigate and look afterhistoricorartisticitems /fromthe Internet/ whichis set up to collectworks of artfromdifferentfieldsin order to protect, conservation, scientific research and promotion/from Encyklopedia Popularna PWN/ In biggermuseumsonly a smallamout of antiques isdisplayed as permanetortemporaryexhibotions, therest of themisstoredinappropriatelyprepared store rooms.
Whataremuseum’sfunctions? Protection (collecting, organizing and systemizing of antiques) Education (creatingthepossibility of communingwithantiques as a cognitive and aestheticexperience) Esthetic (developing sensitivity to thebeauty of theculture)
Types of museums: We devidemuseumsaccording to: • abuilding, itsspace, mood and form • ‘temple’ museums ( so calledmuseum – sanctuary) • repository museums • a type of the exhibit item (functional division) • architecture museums • archeological museums • artistic museums • etnograthic museums • art museums /galleries • Galleries of sculptures • Galleries of paintings • an owner of a museum (who runs it) • museums funded by theMinistry of Culture and National Heritage • municipal museums • district museums • county museums • province (Voivodeship) museums • museums of university
Classification card: Place: National Museum, Szczecin Object: Coin of 20 PLN Department: Numismatics Materials & techniques: Copper - nickel, mint/strike Country, place, workshop: PRL, Warsaw Mint Number of inventory: MZ/1462/MP Value: - Finddate & theway of purchase: 1 VII 1999r., Donated by A. Seweryn Date of thefulfilment of thecard & thename of theresponsible person: 22 X 1999r. , Jacek Feduszka, Origin, patricipationinexhibitions: - Bibliography:- J. Parchimowicz, Monety polskie od roku 1916, Szczecin 1996, poz. 248 (ThePolishcoinsfrom 1916, Szczecin, entry 248) Number of book of receiving: 4738 Height: - Width: 29mm Length: - Format: - Weigth: 10,15 Date of made: 25 VIII 1975r. Number of inventory of plates:- Description, sygnatures, Opis przedmiotu, sygnatury, notes/inscriptions: OBVERSE: national eaglefrom PRL inthecentre, thedate on thesides, inscriptionattheborder : „„ThePolishPeaple’s Republic; on thereverse: theleft profile of a woman’shead , theinscription on therim: „ International Year of Women” State of conditions:Good Conservatoryprocedure: - Place of keeping of an object: – Additional data: -
Numizmatyka: Zbiory Działu Numizmatyki liczą ponad 30 tys. zabytków pochodzących z czasów starożytnych po najnowsze. Historia gromadzenia publicznych zbiorów numizmatycznych sięga XIX w. i związana jest z muzeami szczecińskimi powstałymi na bazie zainteresowań kolekcjonerskich miłośników i badaczy zachodniopomorskiej historii i starożytności związanych z Towarzystwem Historii i Starożytności Pomorza. Zabytki numizmatyczne pozyskiwano przede wszystkim dzięki odkryciom i znaleziskom.
To create this presentation we used the materials and knowledge from a ‘live’ history lesson, encyclopedia PWN and http://www.muzeum.szczecin.pl/