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Junior Great Books 2012 Program at OLV For Grades 2-5. “Time to Sign Up!”.
Junior Great Books2012 Program at OLVFor Grades 2-5 “Time to Sign Up!” Junior Great Books is a reading enrichment program for students in grades 2-5 designed to foster critical thinking and analysis. It will be held on a weekly basis for 7 weeks in the winter months (Jan.-Mar.) during lunch recess. If your child is interested in the Junior Great Books program for winter 2012, please complete this form and return it to school with a participation fee of $25** made payable to Our Lady of Victory School. The fee covers the cost of the book, supplies, and a reward for successfully completing the program. The program will begin the week of January 9th. Students who participate are asked to read a story selection twice prior to the discussion group. Attendance will be taken on a weekly basis. Two or more unexcused absences will result in the students being dropped from the program. Please return no later than Thursday, November 17th, the day before Thanksgiving break! You can also go to the OLV school section of the website, www.olvnorthille.org, to look up more information about the program at Program & Organizations/Student Groups/JGB. You can also contact Tracie Swiecki at swieckifamily@gmail.com or 734-459-0199 if you have questions. Child’s Name Grade Teacher’s Name Parent Signature Parent E-Mail ** If you have a used book, you can join for $8. For grades 3-5, the book must be used from the last four years only, as the series was all newly updated for these grades in 2008. Second grade has a new series this year.