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Learn about formal semantics in programming and how it aids in defining program behavior accurately and ensuring correctness through various abstraction levels and analysis methods.
Spring 2014Program Analysis and Verification Lecture 2: Operational Semantics I Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University
Today What is semantics and what is it useful for? Natural operational semantics pages 19-32 Structural operational semantics pages 32-50
What is formal semantics? “Formal semantics is concerned with rigorously specifying the meaning, or behavior, of programs, pieces of hardware, etc.” / page 1
What is formal semantics? • “This theory allows a program to be manipulated like a formula –that is to say, its properties can be calculated.”GérardHuet & Philippe Flajolet homageto Gilles Kahn
Why formal semantics? • Implementation-independent definition of a programming language • Automatically generating interpreters (and some day maybe full fledged compilers) • Verification and debugging • if you don’t know what it does, how do you know its incorrect?
Levels of abstractions and applications Static Analysis(abstract semantics) Program Semantics Assembly-level Semantics(Small-step)
Semantic description methods Today Next lecture Not in this course Used for verification Concepts that will be introduced even later • Operational semantics • Natural semantics (big step) [G. Kahn] • Structural semantics (small step) [G. Plotkin] • Denotational semantics [D. Scott, C. Strachy] • Axiomatic semantics [C. A. R. Hoare, R. Floyd] • Trace semantics • Collecting semantics • [Instrumented semantics]
Syntactic categories n Num numerals x Var program variables a Aexp arithmetic expressions b Bexp boolean expressions S Stm statements
A simple imperative language: While Concrete syntax: a ::= n | x | a1+a2 | a1a2 | a1–a2 b ::=true|false|a1=a2|a1a2|b|b1b2 S::=x:=a | skip | S1;S2| ifbthenS1elseS2 | whilebdoS
Exercise: draw a derivation tree y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1) S S ; S
Concrete syntax may be ambiguous z:=x; x:=y; y:=z S S S ; S S ; S z := a S ; S S ; S y := a x y := a x := a x := a z := a z z y y x z:=x; (x:=y; y:=z) (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z
A simple imperative language: While n a b l r Abstract syntax: Notation: n[la,rb] – a node labeled with n and two children l and r. The children may be labeled to indicate their role for easier reading a ::= n | x | + [a1, a2] | [a1, a2] | –[a1, a2] b ::=true|false|=[a1, a2] |[ a1, a2] | [b] |[b1, b2] S::=:=[x,a] | skip | ;[S1,S2]| if[b, S1then, S2else] | while[bcondition,Sbody]
Exercise: draw an AST y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1) ; := while
Semantic categories ZIntegers {0, 1, -1, 2, -2, …} T Truth values {ff, tt} StateVar Z Example state: =[x5, y7, z0] Lookup: x = 5 Update: [x6] = [x6, y7, z0]
Example state manipulations [x1, y7, z16] y = [x1, y7, z16] t = [x1, y7, z16][x5] = [x1, y7, z16][x5] x = [x1, y7, z16][x5] y =
Semantics of arithmetic expressions • Arithmetic expressions are side-effect free • Semantic functionA Aexp : State Z • Defined by induction on the syntax tree A n = n A x = x A a1 + a2 = A a1 + A a2 A a1 - a2 = A a1 - A a2 A a1*a2 = A a1 A a2 A (a1) = A a1 --- not needed A - a = 0 - A a1 • Compositional • Properties can be proved by structural induction
Arithmetic expression exercise Suppose x = 3 Evaluate A x+1
Semantics of boolean expressions • Boolean expressions are side-effect free • Semantic functionB Bexp : State T • Defined by induction on the syntax tree B true = tt B false = ff B a1 = a2 = B a1a2 = B b1b2 = B b =
Operational semantics • Concerned with how to execute programs • How statements modify state • Define transition relation between configurations • Two flavors • Natural semantics: describes how the overallresults of executions are obtained • So-called “big-step” semantics • Structural operational semantics: describes how the individual steps of a computations take place • So-called “small-step” semantics
Big Step (natural)Semantics S, ’ By Luke (personally authorized right to use this image), via Mighty Optical Illusions
Natural operating semantics • Developed by Gilles Kahn [STACS 1987] • Configurations S, Statement S is about to execute on state Terminal (final) state • Transitions S, ’ Execution of S from will terminate with the result state ’ • Ignores non-terminating computations
Natural operating semantics side condition premise conclusion S1, 1 1’, … , Sn, n n’ S, ’ if… defined by rules of the form The meaning of compound statements is defined using the meaning immediate constituent statements
Natural semantics for While x := a, [x Aa] [assns] axioms skip, [skipns] S1, ’, S2, ’’’S1; S2, ’’ [compns] S1, ’ if bthenS1elseS2, ’ S2, ’ if bthenS1elseS2, ’ • if B b = tt • if B b = ff [ifttns] [ifffns]
Natural semantics for While Non-compositional S, ’, while bdoS, ’’’while bdoS, ’’ while bdoS, • if B b = ff • if B b = tt [whilettns] [whileffns]
Example • 0[x1] • x:=x+1, 0 • skip, 00 skip, 00, x:=x+1, 0 0[x1]skip; x:=x+1, 00[x1] x:=x+1, 00[x1]ifx=0 then x:=x+1 else skip, 00[x1] Let 0 be the state which assigns zero to all program variables
Derivation trees • Using axioms and rules to derive a transition S, ’ gives a derivation tree • Root: S, ’ • Leaves: axioms • Internal nodes: conclusions of rules • Immediate children: matching rule premises
Derivation tree example 1 [assns] [assns] • z:=x, 01 • x:=y, 12 [compns] [assns] • (z:=x; x:=y), 02 • y:=z, 23 [compns] • (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z, 03 Assume 0=[x5, y7, z0]1=[x5, y7, z5]2=[x7, y7, z5]3=[x7, y5, z5]
Derivation tree example 1 [assns] [assns] • z:=x, 01 • x:=y, 12 [compns] [assns] • (z:=x; x:=y), 02 • y:=z, 23 [compns] • (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z, 03 Assume 0=[x5, y7, z0]1=[x5, y7, z5]2=[x7, y7, z5]3=[x7, y5, z5]
Top-down evaluation via derivation trees • Given a statement S and an input state find an output state ’ such that S, ’ • Start with the root and repeatedly apply rules until the axioms are reached • Inspect different alternatives in order • In While ’ and the derivation tree is unique
Top-down evaluation example [assns] [assns] x:=x-1, [y 2] y:=y*x, [y 1] [y 2] [y 2][x1] [compns] [whileffns] y:=y*x; x:=x-1, [y 1] [y 2][x1] W, [y 2][x1] [y 2, x 1] [assns] [whilettns] y:=1, [y 1] W, [y 1] [y 2, x 1] [compns] y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1), [y 2][x1] Factorial program with x = 2 Shorthand: W=while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1)
Program termination • Given a statement S and input • Sterminates on s if there exists a state ’ such that S, ’ • S loops on s if there is no state ’ such thatS, ’ • Given a statement S • Salways terminates iffor every input state , S terminates on • Salways loops iffor every input state , S loops on
Semantic equivalence • S1 and S2 are semantically equivalent if for all and ’ S1, ’ if and only if S2, ’ • Simple examplewhilebdoSis semantically equivalent to:ifbthen (S; whilebdoS) else skip • Read proof in pages 26-27
Properties of natural semantics • Equivalence of program constructs • skip; skip is semantically equivalent to skip • ((S1; S2); S3) is semantically equivalent to(S1; (S2; S3)) • (x:=5; y:=x*8) is semantically equivalent to (x:=5; y:=40)
Equivalence of (S1; S2); S3 and S1; (S2; S3) Assume (S1; S2); S3, ’ then the following unique derivation tree exists: S1, s 1, S2, 1 12 (S1; S2), 12, S3, 12 ’ (S1; S2); S3, ’ Using the rule applications above, we can construct the following derivation tree: S2, 1 12, S3, 12 ’ S1, 1, (S2; S3), 12 ’ (S1; S2); S3, ’ And vice versa.
Deterministic semantics for While single node #nodes>1 • Theorem: for all statements S and states 1, 2 if S, 1and S, 2 then 1= 2 • The proof uses induction on the shape of derivation trees (pages 29-30) • Prove that the property holds for all simple derivation trees by showing it holds for axioms • Prove that the property holds for all composite trees: • For each rule assume that the property holds for its premises (induction hypothesis) and prove it holds for the conclusion of the rule
The semantic function Sns ’ if S, ’undefined else SnsS = • The meaning of a statement S is defined as a partial function from State to StateSns: Stm (State State) • Examples: Snsskip = Snsx:=1 = [x 1] Snswhile true do skip = undefined
Small Step Semantics S, first step By Astronaut David R. Scott, Apollo 15 commander. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Structural operational semantics first step • Developed by Gordon Plotkin • Configurations: has one of two forms: S, Statement S is about to execute on state Terminal (final) state • Transitions S, • = S’, ’ Execution of S from is not completed and remaining computation proceeds from intermediate configuration • = ’ Execution of S from has terminatedand the final state is ’ • S, is stuck if there is no such that S,
Structural semantics for While x:=a, [xAa] [asssos] skip, [skipsos] S1, S1’, ’ S1; S2, S1’; S2, ’ S1, ’ S1; S2, S2, ’ [comp1sos] [comp2sos] When does this happen? if bthenS1elseS2, S2, if bthenS1elseS2, S1, • if B b = tt • if B b = ff [ifttsos] [ifffsos]
Structural semantics for While while bdoS, ifbthenS; while bdoS) else skip, [whilesos]