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Planning for the Future

Discover the core values, goals, and initiatives of Fort Lewis College's strategic plan for 2012-2016 focusing on student success, program development, pedagogy, enrollment management, efficiency assessment, and leveraging location advantages.

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Planning for the Future

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  1. Planning for the Future

  2. FLC Strategic Plan: 2012-2016 VISION: We strive to be the finest public liberal arts college in the western United States. MISSION: Fort Lewis College offers accessible, high quality, baccalaureate liberal arts education to a diverse student population, preparing citizens for the common good in an increasingly complex world.

  3. FLC Strategic Plan: 2012-2016 CORE VALUES: Student success is at the center of all college endeavors. The college is dedicated to the highest quality liberal arts education that develops the whole person for success in life and work. • Academic freedom is the foundation for learning and advancement of knowledge. • Diversity is a source or renewal and vitality. The college is committed to developing capacities for living together in a democracy, the hallmark of which is individual, social, and cultural diversity. The college is further dedicated to our historical mission to educate the nation’s Native Americans. • Informed and engaged citizens are essential to the creation of a civil and sustainable society. • Service to Southwest Colorado and the Four Corners area, including access to the college, is a public trust. • Connected knowing, independent learning, and collaborative learning are basic to being well educated. • Evaluation of all functions is necessary for improvement and continual renewal.

  4. Increase Student Success Strategic Plan Goal #1: Increase Student Success • Improve student retention and graduation rates • Improve student advising • Require students to select their majors no later than their third term • Provide a clear curriculum map to graduation • Relate curricular and co-curricular activities more closely to each other • Promote Study Abroad and International/Foreign Exchange • Improve freshman experiences • Enhance support for excellence in teaching • Explore opportunities for a Center for Teaching and Learning • Assessment • Create a uniform faculty review process • Create faculty profiles • Develop other outcome measures • Investigate other key performance indicators for student success • Improve faculty compensation

  5. Develop Areas of Strength Strategic Plan Goal #2: Develop selected programs in areas of strength—ones with significant market demand and which will operate at a surplus within a reasonable time • Focus on targeted graduate degree programs • Education • Business • Focus on undergraduate professional programs • Focus on selected post baccalaureate certificate programs • Focus on degree completion program • Review curriculum for streamlining and deletion of programs which are weak and/or lack demand • Create curriculum architecture map • Manage the margins

  6. Pedagogy Strategic Plan Goal #3: Implement pedagogically appropriate technologies for the curriculum and the population that the courses are currently serving • Develop and support alternative curriculum and instructional delivery models including both on-line courses and hybrid courses • Increase flexibility in course models (e.g., evening, summer, cohort, etc.)

  7. Enrollment Management Strategic Plan Goal #4: Enhance the comprehensive undergraduate enrollment management plan • Develop specific recruitment initiatives to increase effectiveness for overall student enrollment and for various populations of students (e.g., Hispanics, Native Americans) with specific targets of two percent per year • Assess the discount rate with a goal of increasing net tuition revenue • Emphasize Fort Lewis College’s identity as a public liberal arts college with a commitment to Native American education • Refine the marketing plan to promote Fort Lewis College and consider a name change • Refine the marketing plan to promote Fort Lewis College • Consider a name change

  8. Assess Efficiency & Effectiveness Strategic Plan Goal #5: Continuously assess the efficiency and effectiveness of all programs and services at Fort Lewis College • Provide for the long-term fiscal sustainability of the college • Develop a budget model and benchmarks to support this plan which are fiscally responsible • Establish a process to update the strategic plan annually, and relate it explicitly to the budget and benchmarks • Create a college-wide evaluation schedule • Develop a culture of urgency and accountability consistent with these goals

  9. Capitalize on Location Strategic Plan Goal #6: Capitalize on Fort Lewis College’s location • Develop and enhance relationships with the surrounding area schools, organizations, and businesses • Area schools • Organizations • Businesses • Use the natural advantages of the Durango area wherever possible in planning the college’s curricular and co-curricular offerings. Invest in and promote those academic programs, athletic programs, and co-curricular activities that take advantage of our strategic location

  10. FLC Strategic Planning Committee Administration: Dene Thomas Barbara Morris Glenna Sexton Steve Schwartz Ken Pepion Carol Smith Doug Lyon Linda Schott Maureen Brandon Community Members: Steve Short Chuck Carson Gordon Thomas Students: Adam Betancourt Amber Neumann Alysha Guthrie Jacob Brettin Natalie Janes Faculty: Jim Cross Chuck Riggs Heidi Steltzer Anne McCarthy Rob Milofsky Ryan Haaland Justin McBrayer Majel Boxer Ana Hale Stephanie Owings Suzanne Wilhelm Simon Walls Eric Huggins Richard Fulton Lloyd Chittenden Cameron Cooper Ayla Moore Jennifer Trujillo Sharon Sears Carl Lienert ShereByrd Amy Wendland Staff: Michele Peterson Richard Miller Matt McGlamery Wayne Kjonaas Haeryon Kim Yvonne Bilinski Jeff DuPont Shirena Long Marc Goldfarb Mitch Davis Connie Rauen Carolyn Hagen Gary Hunter Margie Deane Gray

  11. FLC Committees Academic Standards Committee: Beverly Chew, Chair Jim Collier Elaine Labach Erich McAlister Justin McBrayer Carrie Meyer Dawn Mulhern Delilah Orr, Vice Chair Scott White  Andy Burns Crystal Fankhauser (Matthew Krichman is transitioning to her position) Susan Foster Kathy Kendall Matthew Krichman Karen Nakayama Theresa Rodriguez Jenn Wagnon Assessment Committee: Erik Juergensmeyer Sarah Roberts-Cady Peter McCormick Bob Stremba Jennifer Stollman Janice Templeton Richard Miller Curriculum Committee: Suzanne Wilhelm Sherry Barnes John Gadbois John Baranski Olivia Burkhart Paul Booth Kristine Greer Pam Arbeeny Gerald Crawford Nathan Guss Katherine Jetter Elaine Labach Stephanie Vie

  12. FLC Committees Evaluation Task Force: Leslie Goldstein Susan Moss Stephanie Owings Carl Lienert Ryan Haaland Robert Milofsky Mary Ann Erickson Kristine Greer Gordon Cheesewright Advising Committee: Andrew Burns Carol Smith Beverly Chew Ginny Davis Mary Ann Goff Kim Hannula Anthony Holmquist Anne McCarthy Kaori Takano Compensation/Equity Sub-Committee Task Force: Deb Walker Chuck Riggs John Baranski Ryan Haaland Angie Rochat Matt McGlamery Jeff Dupont Michele Peterson First Year Experience/EGC Task Force: Justin McBrayer Marc Goldfarb Ayla Moore Les Sommerville Kathy Fine-Dare Gary Gianniny Peter McCormick Bridget Irish Learning Management/Technology Sub-Committee: Matt McGlamery Rick Mull Carrie Meyer ChiaraCannella Susan Moss (representing Evaluation Task Force) Ken Pepion Janice Templeton

  13. Strategic Planning Academic Affairs Strategic Milestones

  14. Strategic Planning Enrollment/Retention

  15. Undergraduate Enrollment in Colorado: Four-Year Institutions Source: DHE/SURDS

  16. Fort Lewis College Enrollment:

  17. Fort Lewis College Enrollment: By Year and Residency

  18. Regional Demographics: Colorado HS Grads Source: WICHE (2008)

  19. Regional Demographics: New Mexico HS Grads Source: WICHE (2008)

  20. Regional Demographics: Western USA HS Grads Source: WICHE (2008)

  21. Enrollment by Residency - cont

  22. Enrollment by Residency - cont

  23. Measures: Enrollment

  24. Measures: Student Full-Year Equivalent

  25. Measures: Degrees

  26. Retention (2007 cohort)

  27. First-Year Retention (by cohort year)

  28. Graduation Rates (2004 cohort)

  29. Graduation Rate Trends (6 year rates)

  30. Strategic Planning Complete College Information www.completecollege.org

  31. Workforce and Economy • Degree attainment is an imperative for students and families, and also for the future of the state and its economy. A college degree increases personal income and economic strength, levels of workforce participation, health, productivity and dollars to the state, as well as volunteerism and civic, cultural and artistic involvement. In addition, college degree attainment decreases rates of incarceration, as well as participation in Medicaid and other social service programs. A study by CEOs for Cities found that, for the Denver area alone, increasing four-year degree attainment by 1% has the potential to add $1.8 billion to the city’s economy. Statewide, that number is estimated to be several billions of dollars. • Similarly, improving the number of residents with degrees statewide is crucial in order to meet the future jobs and workforce needs of the state. According to a recent study, Colorado ranks 5th among the states for the percentage of jobs in 2018 that will require a postsecondary education and 3rd for those that will require a bachelor’s degree. Colorado simply does not have enough degreed adults to meet these demands. Having a more educated workforce better positions Colorado to be competitive in the marketplace of the future.

  32. Affordability/Access While paying for a college degree can seem like a daunting task, many options exist to help students achieve their goals. In fact, the good news is that, according to the College Board’s Trends in College Pricing 2010 report, “because of increases in grant aid and tax benefits, average net tuition and fee prices are lower in 2010-11 than they were five years earlier, after adjusting for inflation.”

  33. P-20 • P-20 is a holistic approach to education that looks at degree attainment as the culmination of a continuous process – from pre-school through higher education. Its goal is to ensure a seamless, integrated educational experience for all students in order to provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the 21st century economy. • In 2007, Gov. Ritter established the P-20 Education Coordinating Council to address education reform in the state of Colorado. Co-chaired by Lt. Gov. Barbara O’Brien, the Council has worked to develop recommendations to address the Governor’s long-term goals of reducing the high school dropout rate, cutting achievement gaps and helping more Colorado students continue their educations beyond high school.

  34. Completion • Completing a higher education degree creates many career opportunities for an individual that otherwise might not be available. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, having a college degree nearly doubles a person’s annual earnings. Census Bureau data showed that Americans age 18 and older with a bachelor’s degree earned an average of $51,554, while those with a high school diploma earned $28,645. Over the course of a lifetime, college graduates earn up to 85 % more than those who only earn a high school diploma. • In addition, college graduates have more jobs to choose from than those who don’t pursue education beyond high school. It is estimated that by 2018, 67% of all jobs in Colorado will require some postsecondary training. In particular, the report found that 81% of the new jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics occupations will require an associate’s degree or higher. • It is estimated that today there are 650,000 Coloradans who have earned some college credits, but left school without a degree. There are many efforts at the state, higher education institution and corporate levels to reach out to these students and help them finish their degrees. Completing just a fraction of these degrees could have a massive impact on the state’s economy.

  35. Compete College Action Plans • Develop and implement aggressive state and campus-level action plans for meeting the state's college completion goals, including strategies to: • Ensure all students are ready to start and succeed in freshman credit courses. • Redesign remediation efforts to substantially improve success. • Increase the number of students completing on-time. • Develop new, shorter and faster pathways to degrees and credentials of value in the labor market. • Utilize available financial resources to provide incentives to students and colleges for progress and completion. • Use consistent data and progression measures to create a culture that values completion.  This includes: • Using common metrics for measuring and reporting progress. • Publicly reporting year one benchmark data and annual progress on college completion, progression, transfer, job placement and earnings, and cost and affordability measures. • Disaggregating data by level and type of degree/credential, age, race, and income.

  36. Colorado is moving towards performance funding. Many states have already adopted it.

  37. Strategic Planning Financial Information

  38. As Has Been Noted….. “Twelve years from now, Colorado will generate only enough sales, income and other general-purpose tax revenue to pay for the three largest programs in the General Fund – public schools, health care and prisons. There will be no tax revenue for public colleges and universities, no money for the state court system, nothing for child-protection services, nothing for youth corrections, nothing for state crime labs and nothing for other core services of state government.” ------ Center for Colorado’s Economic Future

  39. State of ColoradoRevenues vs. Expenditures

  40. General Fund RevenueBy Source Over the past 10 years, the increase in Native American funding has supplanted the reduction in state funding. State funding in FY 2011-12 is slightly less than it was 10 years ago. State funding is down over $3.4 M from the high point in FY 2009-10. (The College is projecting another decrease in FY 2012-13 of over $1.0 M.)

  41. State FundingDependency State funding is at approximately the same level as it was 10 years ago. Over the same time period, the Native American appropriation has increased 140%. While Fort Lewis College has significantly increased its tuition over the past 10 years, the increase in Native American funding has kept us reliant upon the state. Considering both state funding and the Native American appropriation, in FY 2011-12 Fort Lewis College will receive almost 50% of its revenue from the state – this situation is NOT sustainable.

  42. State Funding as a % ofTotal General Fund RevenueFY 2009-10 While all the institutions shown are dependent on the state for funding, the smaller, regional schools show the highest dependency on state funds.

  43. Revenue/FundingFuture • Fort Lewis College must become less dependent upon the state for its funding. • As states reduce their budgets, the trend nationally is that institutions of higher education are becoming more tuition dependent. • We must diversify our revenue streams. How? • Tuition – rate increases & enrollment growth • Fundraising/Endowment Spending • Public/Private Partnerships • Grants & Contracts • Other?

  44. Fort Lewis CollegeTuition Rates Fiscal Year • Over the 10 year period from FY 2001-02 to FY 2011-12, resident tuition has increased 126%. Non-resident tuition has increased 81% over the same time period. • Assuming the college’s Financial Accountability Plan (FAP) is fully implemented, resident tuition will increase another 54% between now and FY 2015-16.

  45. FY 11-12 Tuition & FeesDisplayed High to Low by Resident Tuition Within the State of Colorado, Fort Lewis College has the third lowest Resident Tuition & Fees and is in the middle of all schools shown in Non-Resident Tuition & Fees.

  46. Maximizing Our Location • Academics • Geosciences • Adventure Education • Others • Extra Curricular • Cycling Club and other clubs • Outdoor Pursuits • Others • Downtown Welcome Center • USA Pro Cycling Challenge

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