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The infinite pursuit of the paperless office

Matthew Marl. The infinite pursuit of the paperless office. Overview. Existing management commitment to the environment at Pembrokeshire College Environmentally sensitive new builds with biomass boilers / solar electric and heating.

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The infinite pursuit of the paperless office

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  1. Matthew Marl The infinite pursuit of the paperless office

  2. Overview • Existing management commitment to the environment at Pembrokeshire College • Environmentally sensitive new builds with biomass boilers / solar electric and heating. • Pursued and achieved Green Dragon environmental standard Level 4. • Winner of Green Gown awards for carbon reduction (two entries highly commended previous year).

  3. What next and how? • Investigate areas of highest expenditure first, environmental savings are often proportional to financial savings • Change behaviour • Raise awareness • Enlist the help of environmentally sympathetic staff and students and market the benefits • Make staff & students accountable, relate to real money and/or trees • Offer a viable alternative

  4. The infinite pursuit of the paperless office

  5. That’s quite a lot of paper………

  6. The cost (GROSS) • In paper £7,500 • In toner £22,500 • In printer maintenance kits £5,000 • In IT support time ???? • TOTAL £35,000 (NET)

  7. The Objectives • To reduce the overall volume of printing at Pembrokeshire College by 20%, saving £7,000 (GROSS). • To introduce a managed printing solution in co-operation with staff which raised awareness without impacting on people’s ability to do their job.

  8. The Objectives cont. • To improve the systems hosting electronic information to provide a viable alternative to printing by introducing a new Intranet web based information storage system. • To improve the uptake to the ‘Moodle’ learning environment by staff.

  9. Raising awareness

  10. Raising awareness cont.. • JISC – Greening ICT project (ERGO) Pledging system

  11. Monitoring progress • must be owned • Monthly reporting • List of repeat offenders for senior management review • Internal costs associated

  12. Outcomes • 341,771 pages saved during the academic year 09/10 representing • 16.3% reduction in printing (staff and student) • 40 fully grown trees - approx 7 tonnes of CO2/year • £5,700 (GROSS) saved on paper and ink • These are annual operational savings • Introduced toner & battery recycling for staff & students

  13. Outcomes cont.

  14. This academic year • No time for awareness raising until now • slight increase in printing over 2009-10 so far • Reprographics now part of computer services • Improve system for job submission • Implement system whereby big print jobs are automatically redirected to reprographics • Extend reprographics service to include document upload as an alternative

  15. This academic year cont.. • Charging system needs to be reviewed – • for recharging departments the print charge must reflect the real cost • Simplify management reporting and billing reports for finance, and align reprographics and printing

  16. This academic year cont.. • Interview / chat to highest users • What are they printing? • Why so much? • What systems can be implemented or improved to support teaching / job role without such heavy reliance on printing? • Design centralised printing model • Less printers, less consumables, lower cost per page

  17. Ongoing • Advertise the results and keep the momentum going • Make sure management continue to review printing • Market the benefits of a paperless office • Introduce league tables ??

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