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Entry Task: Sept 10 th Monday

Entry Task: Sept 10 th Monday. This information does not count as an entry task question!! Sign off & Discuss Phys / Chem ws Discuss it Self Check on Phys / Chem properties and changes. Physical and Chemical Change Worksheet.

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Entry Task: Sept 10 th Monday

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  1. Entry Task: Sept 10th Monday This information does not count as an entry task question!! • Sign off & Discuss Phys/Chemws • Discuss it • Self Check on Phys/Chem properties and changes.

  2. Physical and Chemical Change Worksheet

  3. True or False. If false, correct the underlined portion of the statement so that it is true. _____1. A physical change is a change of matter from one form to another without a change in chemical properties. _____2. A physical change is a change that occurs when a substance changes composition by forming one or more new substances. _____3. Color change is evidence that a chemical change may have occurred. _____4. Fizzing or foaming is evidence that a chemical change may have occurred. T CC PC T

  4. True or False. If false, correct the underlined portion of the statement so that it is true. _____5. Production of light is evidence that a physical change may have occurred. _____6. Production of heat or light is evidence that a chemical change may have occurred. _____7. A change in odor is evidence that a physical change may have occurred. _____8. Chemical changes can be reversed by physical changes. CC T CC CC

  5. Identify each of the following as either a Physical change (P) or a chemical change (C). 1.You cut your hair. _______ 2.Making a peanut, pretzel and cereal mixture. _______ 3.Baking soda reacts with vinegar and forms a gas. _______ 4.A piece of metal is bent in half. _______ 5.An aspirin is crushed into fine powder. _______ 6. Copper turns green when exposed to the environment. _______ 7.Two clear liquids are mixed and a yellow color forms. PC PC CC PC PC CC CC

  6. Identify each of the following as either a Physical change (P) or a chemical change (C). 8.Baking cookies. _______ 9.Diamonds are used to scratch glass. _______ 10.A tree burns to form ashes. _______ 11.A piece of paper is crumpled up. _______ 12.Water freezes to form ice. _______ 13.Food spoiling. _______ 14.A candle burning. _______ 15.A candle melting. _______ CC PC CC PC PC CC CC PC

  7. Analyzing Graphs The graph at the right plots the amount of light transmitted (% Transmittance) through a reaction flask as a function of time. Initially, the flask contains only air. After a short period of time, a light blue solution is added to the reaction flask. After another period of time, a clear solution is added to the flask, and the entire solution turns dark blue. Air only Light blue Clear Dark Blue

  8. Analyzing Graphs 1. At what time is the light blue solution added to the reaction flask? ~2 minutes Air only Light blue Clear Dark Blue

  9. Analyzing Graphs 2. At what time does the dark blue solution begin to form? ~7-8 minutes Air only Light blue Clear Dark Blue

  10. Analyzing Graphs 3. The %Transmittance levels off at about 8 minutes. What is happening in the reaction flask? ~less than 25% Air only Light blue Clear Dark Blue

  11. Analyzing Graphs 4. After 15 minutes, another solution is added to the reaction flask and the % Transmittance returns to 100%. Did another reaction take place? Please explain your answer. Yes, because the substance changed into another substance. Air only Light blue Clear Dark Blue

  12. Analyzing Graphs 5. Two clear, colorless liquids are allowed to come to room temperature (22 °C). The timer is started and then the two solutions are mixed together to form another clear, colorless liquid. Looking at the graph to the right, at what time were the two solutions mixed together? ~ 3 minutes Start mix Both solutions

  13. A Thought Experiment A sealed flask of a clear, colorless liquid is left sitting on an interior sunny windowsill. After about an hour, there are droplets of a clear liquid on the glass above the solution, which has turned yellow. After two hours, the solution is dark brown with clear, colorless droplets of liquid on the glass. After sitting on the windowsill for a week, the walls of the flask have a silvery lining and both the solution and the droplets are clear and colorless. 6. Which of the following is not an indication that a chemical reaction has occurred? (a) formation of liquid droplets above the solution (b) the solution color changing from clear to yellow (c) the solution color changing from brown to clear (d) formation of a silvery metallic foil on the walls of the flask

  14. A Thought Experiment A sealed flask of a clear, colorless liquid is left sitting on an interior sunny windowsill. After about an hour, there are droplets of a clear liquid on the glass above the solution, which has turned yellow. After two hours, the solution is dark brown with clear, colorless droplets of liquid on the glass. After sitting on the windowsill for a week, the walls of the flask have a silvery lining and both the solution and the droplets are clear and colorless. 7. The formation of the silvery lining is an example of which of the following indicators of chemical change? (a) evolution of a gas (b) distinct color change (c) precipitate formation (d) temperature change

  15. A Thought Experiment A sealed flask of a clear, colorless liquid is left sitting on an interior sunny windowsill. After about an hour, there are droplets of a clear liquid on the glass above the solution, which has turned yellow. After two hours, the solution is dark brown with clear, colorless droplets of liquid on the glass. After sitting on the windowsill for a week, the walls of the flask have a silvery lining and both the solution and the droplets are clear and colorless. 8.(Short answer) There is only one reaction taking place in the flask. What is one possible reason for all of the color changes? Condensation happened Droplets Clear to yellow- reaction The solution turned dark brown- could be same reaction just more reactants to deal with. Eventually, all reactants will become a silvery product- just a very long time to happen

  16. A Thought Experiment A sealed flask of a clear, colorless liquid is left sitting on an interior sunny windowsill. After about an hour, there are droplets of a clear liquid on the glass above the solution, which has turned yellow. After two hours, the solution is dark brown with clear, colorless droplets of liquid on the glass. After sitting on the windowsill for a week, the walls of the flask have a silvery lining and both the solution and the droplets are clear and colorless. 9.(Short answer) An observant chemistry student is enjoying a glass of iced tea during lunch (not in the lab!), and she notices that the color of her drink changes as the ice in the glass melts. Is a chemical reaction occurring? Why or why not? Melting ice is a physical change and causes her tea is becoming diluted with water.

  17. Physical/Chemical Self Check

  18. Identify the following as a chemical (C) or physical property (P): ______1. blue color ______2. density ______3. flammability (burns) ______4. solubility (dissolves) ______5. reacts with acid ______6. supports combustion ______7. sour taste P P C P C C P

  19. Identify the following as a chemical (C) or physical property (P): ______8. melting point ______9. reacts with water ______10. hardness ______11. boiling point ______12. luster ______13. odor ______14. reacts with air P C P P P P C

  20. Identify the following as physical (P) or chemical (C) changes. _____1. NaCl (Table Salt) dissolves in water. _____2. Ag (Silver) tarnishes. in water. _____3. An apple is cut. _____4. Heat changes H2O to steam. . _____5. Baking soda reacts to vinegar. _____6. Fe (Iron) rusts. . _____7. Alcohol evaporates . _____8. Ice melts. P C P P C C P P

  21. Identify the following as physical (P) or chemical (C) changes. ______9. Milk sours. ______10. Sugar dissolves in water. ______11. Wood rots. ______12. Pancakes cook. ______13. Grass grows. ______14. A tire is inflated. . ______15. Food is digested. ______16. Paper towel absorbs water. C P C C C P C P

  22. Part A Can you recognize the chemical and physical changes that happen all around us? If you change the way something looks, but haven’t made a new substance, a physical change (P) has occurred. If the substance has been changes into another substance, a chemical change (C) has occurred. P C C P C

  23. Part A Can you recognize the chemical and physical changes that happen all around us? If you change the way something looks, but haven’t made a new substance, a physical change (P) has occurred. If the substance has been changes into another substance, a chemical change (C) has occurred. C P P C P

  24. Part B Read each scenario. Decide whether a physical or chemical change has occurred and give evidence for your decision. The first one has been done for you to use as an example. The bread is burned- changed into carbon and smoke released- odor change Chemical The knife changed colors- rust Chemical

  25. Did not change your hair- evaporated the water Physical Releasing of gases and changing to another substance Chemical The silver is tarnished- same thing as rusting changed colors Chemical

  26. Its still the same piece of wire- changed appearance Physical Its still water- just tinted Physical Breaking up food to smaller pieces Physical Changing the food to something else Chemical Heat and light are released –changing into new substance Chemical

  27. NEXT TIME- Math readiness- simple algebra 9th grade Chemistry recollection This will separate the wheat from the chaff. STRONGLY recommend a calculator!

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