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Department of Chemistry Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Department of Chemistry Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor Dennis Burns, Chair. Departmental Mission.

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Department of Chemistry Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

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  1. Department of Chemistry Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor Dennis Burns, Chair

  2. Departmental Mission • Offer a high-quality and well-rounded undergraduate education, including exposure to research for the B.S. degree, which is certified by the American Chemical Society for the past least 50 years. Other B.S. degrees are: Pre-Med, Chem-Business, Field Major in Biochemistry, B.S. with Biochemistry Option and B.A. • Six Divisions: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, and Polymer. • M.S.: Research oriented, offered since 1930 (requires 6 courses spread over 5 areas plus a thesis). • Ph.D.: Research oriented, offered since 1986 (encompassing six up-to-date courses plus dissertation). • One measure of our success: All graduate-degree candidates have found employment.

  3. CONTRIBUTION TO WSU PROGRAMS OUTSIDE CHEMISTRY • a) GENERAL EDUCATION • Cover three general introductory courses (101, 103, 211), latter two have labs. • Four further studies courses (212, 514, 523, 531) all having labs except 514. • One (CHEM 301) is an issues and perspectives course. • b) CLASSES SUPPORTING OTHER WSU PROGRAMS • CHEM 103 – prerequisite for dental hygiene, nursing majors. • CHEM 211 – all engineering majors and nursing or geology. • CHEM 211 & 212 – required for all medical technicians and physician assistants • CHEM 531 & 532 (organic) – all Biology majors or Biomedical emphasis • c) BIOCHEM. FIELD MAJOR • Joint venture of Chemistry and Biology Departments. • d) Co-op EDUCATION

  4. FACULTY • At present, 12 faculty: 9 Professors; 2 Associate Professors; 1 Assistant Professor. Of these, one is on phased retirement (half-time) and one is half-time (and half-time as Associate Dean of Graduate School). Additionally, utilize a half-time instructor. • Currently searching for a Physical Chemist or Physical Biochemist. • Our newly renovated facilities plus generous start-up funds helped attract good candidates in our last successful search.

  5. TEACHING AWARDS • Three Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching • Two Regents Award for Leadership in Advancement of Teaching • WSU Award by Academy of Effective Teaching • Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year from the State of Kansas, 1999 AWARDS FOR RESEARCH • Two Young Faculty Scholar Awards • Four Excellence in Research Awards • KBRIN Faculty Scholar Award (2003) • NSF Career Development Award (2003) • One Award for Outstanding Service to WSU

  6. MEASURE OF SUCCESS OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM Data for Last Ten Years (*renovation of bldg) *1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Undergrad. 73 60 70 78 68 69 87 130 190 235 244 Majors (* as of fall semester, 2006 is spring semester) Total 7211 6430 6661 5999 6385 6999 8112 8690 9056 9040 Student Cr. Hrs. (*in AY, i.e., 1996 = 96/97, 1997 = 97/98, etc.)

  7. MEASURE OF SUCCESS OF GRADUATE PROGRAM Data for Last Ten Years (*renovation of bldg) *1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Ph.D. 20 21 18 20 16 16 28 28 29 27 M.S. 8 11 11 8 10 9 5 6 10 15 (*fall semester) SCH 402 486 392 355 345 375 444 532 517 551 Production (Grad crses.) (*AY, i.e., 1996 = 96/97, etc.)

  8. DEGREES AWARDED Data for Last Ten Years (*renovation of bldg) AY:96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 Undergrad 28 19 29 253617 23 28 30 42 Ph.D.2 3 1 4 2 0 0 3 4 4 M.S. 2 3 5 145 4 9 1 4 TEN-YEAR TOTAL Undergraduate: 277 (B.S., B.A., B.G.S., B.A. Field major) Graduate: 61 (23 Ph.D.; 38 M.S.)

  9. SCHOLARSHIP MONEY (2005-2006) Eight Undergraduate Chemistry Scholarships. Total of all Undergraduate Scholarships awarded: $12,780 Parker Fellowship and Talaty Endowed Fellowship for Chemistry Graduate Students. Total awarded: $16,760


  11. PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS YearTotal PublicationsPeer Institutions 1996 37U Nevada, Las VegasPortland State 1997 40BS, MSBS, MS, PhD 1998 49# of Faculty: 20# of Faculty: 16 1999 34 2000 43 2001 33 2002 48 2003 314931 2004 574027 2005 37 2006 (to date)37

  12. Page ID Visits Course Catalog 28757 Graduate School 27020 Human Resources 15101 Academic Calendar 14585 Graduate School Factsheets 12884 WIN Home 11566 HR Employment 9356 Tuition and Fees 8891 About WSU 8109 Chemistry 7296 Heskett Center 6636 Graduate School Admissions Forms 6459 Housing 6397 Electrical and Computer Engineering 6363 College of Education 5807 Shocker Bowling 5574 Liberal Arts and Sciences 5334 Web Stats from AY 05-06

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