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ARRGOS 3% A dvance of European R egions R &D GO vernance S ystems to reach the 3 % objective

Hello ! My name is Jason and I’m pleased to present you the ARRGOS project. REGION OF KNOWLEDGE II. ARRGOS 3% A dvance of European R egions R &D GO vernance S ystems to reach the 3 % objective. A project involving Breizh , Aquitaine , Comunidad de Madrid

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ARRGOS 3% A dvance of European R egions R &D GO vernance S ystems to reach the 3 % objective

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  1. Hello ! My name is Jason and I’m pleased to present you the ARRGOS project. REGION OF KNOWLEDGE II ARRGOS 3%Advance of European Regions R&D GOvernance Systems to reach the 3 % objective A project involving Breizh, Aquitaine, Comunidad de Madrid Hessen, Novo Mesto, Syddanmark, Wielkopolska, North East of England

  2. KNOWREG II Call for proposals REGION OF KNOWLEDGE II • KNOWREG II was built on the success of the KNOWREG Pilot Action, initiated by the European Parliament in 2003 and fully developed and deployed by the Commission • Identifier: [FP6-2004-KNOW-REG-2] • OJ Reference: OJ C325 of 31.12.2004 • Publication date : 31 December 2004 • Closing Date : 19 May 2005 at 17h00 (Brussels local time) • Budget: € 8.950 million • Specific programme 1 : « Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area »Activity area(s): « Coherent development of research and innovation policies »


  4. KNOWREG II • KNOWREG II will focus on achieving the Barcelona targets at regional level. • Support will be given to trans-national, trans-regional collaborative projects focusing on RTD policy-making and investment strategy at regional level. • KNOWREG II will also focus on ways of further spreading and increasing outreach of existing regional RTD initiatives. • Greater importance will be given to exchange of experience among supported projects. • The aim of the projects would be : • to promote increased and better regional investment in research through mutual learning, coordination and collaboration between regional policies and initiatives.

  5. KNOWREG II Results • 115 proposals (EPSS) • 18 projects selected • ARRGOS 3% : favourably evaluated (25,3/30) • EC contribution : € 450,000 • Contract negotiation : September 2005 • Contract signature : November 2005 • Beginning of the project : January 2006

  6. KNOWREG II Presentation of the consortium

  7. KNOWREG II Consortium partners • Associated Régions : • Wales (Welsh Assembly) (UK) • Vlaanderen (IWT Flanders) (B) • Regione Toscana (I) • Southern Great Plain (H) • Kriti (STEP-C) (G) • Provincie Flevoland (NL) • Trondelag (Mid-Norway) (N) • Sachsen (D)

  8. KNOWREG II Background • Critical role for regions in the ERA process - Enhancing endogenous research potential - Networking at regional and trans-national levels • A very heterogeneous group in terms of R&D characteristics and needs : - Need for guidance in research and technology policies - Need for exchange of information and experience, for benchmarking and application of prospective studies in order to make informed policy decisions.


  10. KNOWREG II Overall strategic objective To promote better and increased R&D investments in the participating regions by a better governance of regional R&D systemsin order to reach the Barcelona target* and the wider objectives set out by the Commission for the European research area. * 3 % of GDP for research and development

  11. KNOWREG II Objectives • To develop a common vision for the coherent development of R&D governance systems at a regional level • To plan relevant common actions between the partners - To support the coordination of regional programmes

  12. KNOWREG II Main scope : GOVERNANCE Regional Research & Development Governance Systems

  13. KNOW REG II European level Interactions & assessment National level (government, national agencies,…) Regional level Regional authotrities STRATEGY Consulation bodies Back offices Consultation Management Public funding assessment Regional actors Policy tools Action plan Private funding Research centres, Labs,… Intermediaries actors (services) (technology transfer, Innovation, incubators…) Enterprises Programmes Citizens

  14. Univ HSE NRI Hosp CSRT Evaluators CESR UDB CCRRDT CDGEB COREB NOE Laboratories EC SAIC MDERB Training Megalis Bretloire Gov CRITT TC BI CCST & Associations Region Funds IRC RTD / PB Competitivness networks Dept Citizens Unions Enterprises Cities Technology Parks & Emergys PC Brittany R&D governance scheme Assessment ANVAR KR Products and services Banks Chambers of commerce,…

  15. KNOWREG II 5 items • RTD local systems (key players, activities, organisation, public and private investments) • System of exchanges and communication among all the local RTD players (policymakers, intermediary players, targets and users) • Policy tools, both design and implementation • Assessment of both regional players and the regional RTD policies • Interaction between regional, national and European governances in the R&D field

  16. KNOWREG II Progress against the state of the art

  17. KNOWREG II Stakeholders Remark: businesses can also be targets

  18. KNOWREG II Work packages list

  19. KNOWREG II Project structure

  20. Workplanning KNOWREG II

  21. KNOWREG II Project Management

  22. KNOWREG II Scientific Advisory Group - SAG The SAG will be composed of 15 high-level national experts having strong skills in politics and social sciences and hands on experience in the RTD governance field. The SAG has a consultancy and dissemination role. Its members, under the responsibility of a chairman, will have to validate the methodology and the concepts developed under the project. The scientists will therefore support the project and give advices to the partners and especially to the PEC.

  23. KNOWREG II Budget • Budget : € 684,940 • Requested grant : € 450,000 • Cost model : Full Cost Flat – FCF • Indirect cost : 20 %

  24. KNOWREG II Presentation of the Brittany Task Force for the preparation of the project • 8 persons : • Regional Council of Brittany : • Damien Périssé (Brussels Liaison Office) • Jérôme Biasotto • Yannick Pont • Stanislas Mennetrier • Aude Rigaudier • Mission for European development of research in Brittany • Matthieu Rolland (Brest) • Nicolas Bellégo (Rennes) • Regional innovation agency • Hélène Morin

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