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PMA: Municipal Role in Economic Development April, 2012

PMA: Municipal Role in Economic Development April, 2012. Overview The Municipal Role in Economic Development The Need for Collaboration Municipal Economic Development Approaches Opportunity Management. The Municipal Role in Economic Development. Context

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PMA: Municipal Role in Economic Development April, 2012

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  1. PMA: Municipal Role in Economic Development April, 2012

  2. Overview • The Municipal Role in Economic Development • The Need for Collaboration • Municipal Economic Development Approaches • Opportunity Management

  3. The Municipal Role in Economic Development

  4. Context • In 1995 the Community Taskforce on CED (which included MNL) released the Community Matters Report • The report recommended legislative changes to give municipalities an explicit mandate in CED consistent with the role of REDBs • In 1999, municipalities were given that role via legislation.

  5. Context • In 2005 the Ministerial Committee on the Process to Renew Regional Economic Development released its final report • It recommended municipalities be engaged in the REDB planning process to ensure municipal priorities were addressed, REDBs include municipal seats, & government explore mechanisms for municipalities to contribute financially to the REDB process.

  6. Context • Municipalities need to play a central role in Community Economic Development (CED) if they are to flourish • CED is a core service that must be provided or many communities will suffer or die • Many municipalities don’t recognize they have a role in CED • Municipalities lack capacity (tax base, staff levels, skills currently required, engaged councils, partnerships, etc.)

  7. Context • Municipalities are busy with the provision of basic services (garbage collection, water & sewer, animal control, etc.) • Many lack the willingness to act (difficult, competing priorities, “government should do something”) • Many do not know where to start with economic development

  8. Need for Collaboration

  9. 74% of municipalities have one full-time staff-person or less than full-time

  10. 2011 MNL Census of Municipalities • 11.7% of small municipalities (fewer than 1000 residents) have economic development committees • 27.9% of medium municipalities (between 1000 and 4000 residents) have economic development committees • 88.2% of urban municipalities (more than 4000 residents) have economic development committees

  11. Assessment Officer I AE&S (Student aid) • Salary $43,625.40 - $48,448.40 (GS-30) Client Services Off. AE&S (Client Services) • Salary $49,849.80 - $55,546.40 (GS-34) Manager of Compensation & Benefits (CNA) • Salary: (HL 22) $65,967.00 - $85,757.00 (Under Review)

  12. Remuneration of Municipal Councils • 74% of responding municipalities pay their mayor between zero and $2000 per year • 77% of responding municipalities pay their deputy mayor between zero and $2000 per year • 81% of responding municipalities pay their councilors between zero and $2000 per year.

  13. Summary • Most municipalities don’t have the bodies, cash or skill sets required to engage in CED unless they work with others

  14. Some Municipal / REDB Collaboration • Regional Marketing Initiatives • Facilitation of Regional ICSPs • Formation / Support for Joint Councils • Sector Development Initiatives • Project Specific Support • Proposal Writing • Dedicated Development Resources • Training / Capacity Building

  15. Municipal Economic Development Approaches

  16. Economic Development: • A community informed, place-based, strategic approach to 1) developing new enterprises, 2) stabilizing existing enterprises 3) growing existing enterprises, 4) attracting new enterprises, or 5) creating the conditions for these activities to take place.

  17. Why do we care? • Business Taxes • Employment • Population Growth • Community Confidence and Pride • Benefits (Direct, Indirect and Induced) • Bigger homes • Better collection rates

  18. Developing New Enterprises • Social Enterprise Development • Cooperative Development • Incubation • Responsiveness (permits, information) • Promoting Entrepreneurship • Sector Development Initiatives (e.g. Cranberries)

  19. Stabilizing Existing Enterprises • Land-use Planning • Succession Planning • “Emergency Crisis Response” • Business Retention and Expansion • Red-tape Reduction • Industrial Related Benefits • Competitive Tax Structures / Fees • Access to Information and Programs

  20. Growing Existing Businesses • “Big Industry – Small Towns” • Zoning • Business Retention and Expansion • Buy Local / Local Procurement Programs • Regional Marketing • Supporting Development Organizations • Supporting Business Networks • Industrial Water Supplies / Strategic Infrastructure

  21. Attracting New Enterprises • Strategic Infrastructure • Community Profiles • Investment Attraction Desks • Tax Incentives (Edge) • Websites • Welcoming Communities • Community Readiness • Regional Marketing • Land-use Planning

  22. Opportunity Management

  23. There is a difference between being busy and being productive!

  24. Final Outcomes The Logic Model To Accomplish Intermediate Outcomes To Accomplish Less control as you move up Immediate Outcomes To Accomplish Outputs To Accomplish Activities To Accomplish Inputs

  25. Inputs vs. Activities In summary, every REDB and every Municipality undertakes Activities that consume Inputs

  26. Outputs vs. Outcomes In summary, every REDB and every Municipality undertakes Activities that consume Inputs to produce Outputsthat contribute to one or more Outcomes

  27. Direct employment, diversified economy, prosperous region Logic Model: Investment Attraction To Accomplish Foreign businesses locate locally To Accomplish Less control as you move up Foreign businesses aware of regional opportunities To Accomplish Investment attraction website To Accomplish Contracting website developers, data collection To Accomplish Staff, volunteer Committee, Budget, offices

  28. Key Elements of OM • Identifying Economic Dev. Opportunities • Evaluating & Prioritizing Opportunities • Developing criteria, deliberating & ranking • Driving Opportunities • Assigning leads, project management, accountability & action plans • Constant Monitoring • Advance: Commit resources to progress idea • Rework: More investigation / rethinking • Kill: Stop working on idea & move on

  29. PMA MNL Joint Councils REDB Municipal Reps Individual Municipalities ICSP Consultations Gate 1: Core Functions Gate 2: Assessment Criteria Gate 3: Technical Feasibility Gate 4: Champion Gate 5: Business Case Gate 6: Funding

  30. Talk to Friends Looking at cars on the Road Suggestions from Family Check Consumer Reports Advertising Visit Car Lots Buying a vehicle! Gate 1: Do I like the way it looks? Gate 2: Is it the right size? Gate 3: Can I afford it? Gate 4: Does it have good fuel mileage? Gate 5: Is it available locally? Gate 6: Do they take trade-ins / Can I get Financing?

  31. Why do we use Opportunity Management? • Limited time, energy, funding, skill sets, etc. • Transparent process • Focus on things that make a difference • Focus on things we can successfully complete

  32. NOTEMany municipalities and community groups are now using OM to prioritize initiatives: Town of Port aux Basques EDANL Town of Port Hope Simpson Town of Mary’s Harbour Town of St. Lewis , Charlottetown, Cartwright… • House of Diamonds Art Corporation • Town of New Wes Valley • Town of Fogo Island • Town of Glovertown • Town of Centreville-Wareham-Trinity • Cape Freels Heritage Trust

  33. We Need Municipalities to: • Participate in REDB / regional OM • Develop and use OM at the community level • Partner with REDBs, private sector and other municipalities to help advance initiatives

  34. We Need Municipal Staff to: • Try to learn more about CED • Learn from each other • To remind their Councils that CED is part of their role • To support their Councils in learning more about CED • Engage in CED processes (REDBs, MNL, Memorial, Province) • Let us know if there are supports that you need to engage in CED

  35. www.nlreda.ca

  36. Questions?

  37. Thank You!

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