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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Xjvjs8gdGas. How did George W. Bush gain power in the United States? Is he a great leader? Why did people vote for him? How do people of authority, in your every day gain power? . LOTF – Propaganda & Power.
How did George W. Bush gain power in the United States? • Is he a great leader? • Why did people vote for him? • How do people of authority, in your every day gain power?
The action or fact of persuading someone or being persuaded to do or believe • Heidi needed a lot of persuasion before she actually left the party Persuasion
Derogatory information of biased or misleading nature used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view • The parties leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary Propaganda
What is the fine line between Persuasion & Propaganda? • With a partner, brainstorm a list of techniques or devices used by propagandists The Fine Line
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af44Slin7lg German Propaganda
Used slogans to reduce complicated issues in Germany to propagate hatred towards Juden(Jews) and; other minorities • Spoken word vs. written word was used to play upon the hope of the “people” tailoring a propaganda message • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSF_J8O2Txo Hitler
Jack is a link to the moral and ‘real life’ connection of the novel with regards to propaganda • Jack uses the fear of pain upon the other boys, making certain ones among them entice others Jack
Jack represents and uses the same tactics as world leaders such as Hitler did to recruit help in the form of people • Jack conquered most of the island and was about to kill off the goodwill of hope, but there is a slight twist
That is ‘good prevails over evil’-Just like the Nazi’s being defeated at the end of the Second World War by the British, Canada and the United States.
Which character stands out as the greater propagandist? • To what degree are the propaganda devices used successfully? • What techniques are used most frequently in the novel? • Why are they effective? • How do these techniques enhance the individual leadership styles?