Mica Manufacturing In USA (NY)
WhatisMica Mica is a naturally occurring mineral, based on a group of silicate minerals composed of varying amounts of aluminum, potassium, magnesium, iron and water having thin sheet-like or plate-like structure with different composition and physical properties.
TYPES of MICA Muscovite Mica KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 Phlogopite Mica – KMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 Green Ruby Ruby
Muscovite Mica • Greater dielectric strength • Insensitive to atmospheric weathering • Greater resistance to outside chemical influence. • It is harder than Phlogopite Mica • Commonly used Mica in electrical insulation • Dielectric strength, thermal endurance, mechanical strength, moisture resistance, transparency, flexibility, resilience, toughness and perfection of cleavage and is therefore recognized as the best Mica for electrical and electronics devices.
Phlogopite Mica • Phlogopite Mica is commonly called amber Mica • Varies in color from light silver to dark brown • Phlogopite Mica is softer than Muscovite Mica • Makes it more suitable for the manufacture of commutator Micanite used in commutators of flush running designs. • Phlogopite Mica has poor electrical properties and chemical resistance
Axim Mica 188 Atlantic Ave Garden City Park, NY 11040 USA http://aximmica.com/ Tel: (516) 248-0045 Fax: (516) 706-4949 info@aximmica.com