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INTERCONNCETION PROTOCOLS TERM PROJECT. CAN ANALYZER H üseyin Fatih Lokumcu. OUTLINE. Introduction to Controller Area Network CAN Analyzer Hardware Components Software Components Software and Hardware Components for the demonstration Future Improvements. INTRODUCTION to CAN.
OUTLINE • Introduction to Controller Area Network • CAN Analyzer • Hardware Components • Software Components • Software and Hardware Components for the demonstration • Future Improvements
INTRODUCTION to CAN • CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial bus system, which was originally developed for automotive applications in the early 1980's. • The CAN protocol was standardized in 1993 as ISO 11898-1 and comprises the data link layer and the physical layer of the seven layer ISO/OSI reference.
INTRODUCTION to CAN CAN provides: • a multi-master hierarchy, which allows building intelligent and redundant systems. If one network node is defect the network is still able to operate. • broadcast communication. A sender of information transmits to all devices on the bus. All receiving devices read the message and then decide if it is relevant to them. This guarantees data integrity as all devices in the system use the same information. • sophisticated error detecting mechanisms and re-transmission of faulty messages. This also guarantees data integrity.
INTRODUCTION to CAN Use CAN if you want to: • Avoid cable pollution • Immune your system to harsh environments • Gather time critical data with minimum latency (Real time requirements)
INTRODUCTION to CAN CAN Messages CAN 2.0A and 2.0B standarts differ only in ID size.
INTRODUCTION to CAN CAN Application Fields • Passenger Cars • Trucks and buses • Passenger and cargo trains • Maritime electronics • Aircraft and aerospace electronic • Factory automation • Building automation • Medical equipment and devices
CAN Analyzer • CAN analyzers are tools for diagnosing CAN networks. • Its job is listening reporting all the activity in a CAN bus like message types, frequencies, timestamps, etc.
CAN Analyzer • Some CAN analyzers avaible on the market: ADFWEB CAN analyzer tool:
CAN ANALYZER • CAN analyzer developed in this project: CAN microcontroller board PC RS232 CANH to the bus CANL
HARDWARE COMPONENTS • Hardware of the developed CAN Analyzer consists of a single PCB with a CAN specific microcontroller. (ATMEL T89C51CC02) • T89C51CC02 is a 8051 based 8 bit microcontroller with 512 bytes of ram and 16K flash. It has a 10 bit adc and a CAN controller with 4 independent message objects
HARDWARE COMPONENTS • The development board is supplied by ERA elektronik, which is a company specialized on vehicle electronics. • It has the microcontroller, power regulator and a max232 transreceiver to connect to a PC.
SOFTWARE COMPONENTS • Software consists of two parts: Microcontroller and PC software. • Microcontroller software is the core part.It connects to the bus, listens and reports the activity with its uart port. • Three interrupt driven receiver message objects have been implemented so three consecutive can messages can be analyzed.
SOFTWARE COMPONENTS MICROCONTROLLER SOFTWARE CAN irq Main Program Copy and signal Receive object1 buffer1 UART Reenable Receive object2 buffer2 Receive object3 buffer3
SOFTWARE COMPONENTS • Interconnection protocol between the microcontroller and PC is a single 19 byte- packet containing the data of the received CAN message sync1 sync2 Data 1-7 CAN IDT 1-4 CANCONCH CANSTMPH CANSTMPL sync3 sync4
SOTFWARE COMPONENTS • Microcontroller software is implemented in C language using keil compiler for atmel products. Keil C compiler lets to operate on microcontroller register like C variables. Microcontroller software is doxygen documentable.
SOFTWARE COMPONENTS • PC interface software is developed in Microsoft Visual C++ .NET • Interface software displays the packets received from the COM port which are sent by the microcontroller. It also calculates the frequency of the messages by using the time id of received can packets.
Software and Hardware Components for the Demonstration • For demonstration, a system which transmits three different CAN messages is developed. • CAN2.0A or CAN2.0B messages can be transmitted • The user chooses frequency(1-100hz) and ID number of a message
Software and Hardware Components for the Demonstration PC CAN Analyzer RS232 CAN lines Demo CAN Transmitter RS232
Connection Protocols • The demonstation system consists of three devices.(Transmitter,Analyzer,PC) • All of these devices communicate with each other. • Transmitter and Analyzer communicates via the CAN bus. CAN chips implement the CAN protocol. • RS232 connections between devices and the PC is implemented using a simple protocol
Connection Protocols • All of the messages between the PC and devices are of this common standard: sync1 sync2 DATA sync3 sync4 • There are five kinds of messages. • 1. Transmitter Start: Parameters of the transmiiter messages.
Connection Protocols • 2.Transmitter Acknowledge. (Indicating that the transmitter received the parameters) • 3. Analyzer Start.(Analyzer sends the baudrate and standard information of the network to the PC) • 4. PC Acknowledge (PC acknowledges the analyzer.
Connection Protocols • 5.Analyzer Received CAN packet: (Data and timing information of the received CAN packet. • As you can see,Transmitter and Analyzer devices receive only one type of packet from the PC. PC receives three different kinds of messages and all of these messages have different lengths. That’s how, PC differs message kinds and there is no length field in the packet format.
Connection Protocols CAN Packets Analyzer Start PC CAN Analyzer PC ACK CAN Packets Demo CAN Transmitter Transmitter Start Transmitter ACK
USAGE • Transmitter is connected to PC. ID’s, CAN standart(2.0A or 2.0B) and frequencies (1-100hz) of the messages are sent to the transmitter. Transmittet begins sending messages. • Then the analyzer is connected to PC. It first sends the baudrate and standard of the system to the PC and then begins sending received messages.
Software and Hardware Components for the Demonstration • The demo board is the same board as the analyzer board • Software of the demo board is developed in C language. • After the user chooses the parameters via the rs232 port, transmission begins and is ready to be analyzed.
Future Improvements • Since three interrupt driven receive objects are used, if four consecutive messages arrive the last one will be missed. Instead, four receive message objects can be used but it is the max number avaible. • The analyze capability is limited by the uart(57600 bps). If suitable system clock is used this could be improved to a 115200 for a standard PC serial port. Using high baud rate serial ports can be considered in order to fully cover 1 mbit CAN’s.
Future Improvements • Most of the CAN analyzers on the market use RS232 ports to report the network. But it may be desirable to gather all of the data of network and if It is a 1Mbit network, rs232 capacity may be not enough. USB or paralel port can be used. • Some of the devices work independent from the PC by recording the data to the local flash. This is a very useful case espacially for industrial infiltrating.