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CIA Briefing for the President

CIA Briefing for the President. Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba. Map of Cuban Missile sites. U2 Photo of Convoy. MRBM Filed Launch Site. U.S. Navy low-level photograph of San Cristobal MRBM site no. 1. MRBM/IRBM/ICBM Range. Soviet MRBM. EX-COM.

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CIA Briefing for the President

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CIA Briefing for the President Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba

  2. Map of Cuban Missile sites

  3. U2 Photo of Convoy

  4. MRBM Filed Launch Site

  5. U.S. Navy low-level photograph of San Cristobal MRBM site no. 1


  7. Soviet MRBM

  8. EX-COM • At your request, we formed a committee to figure out the best way to respond to this new threat from the Soviet Union and their Cuban allies—the Ex-Com. • After deliberating, the Ex-Com has come up with a variety of options…which will you choose?

  9. OPTIONS: • Do nothing • Give the Soviets and Cubans 24 hrs. to remove missiles. If they do not begin missile removal in that time, launch an air strike to take missiles out • Open diplomatic discussion with Castro and Khrushchev and negotiate the removal of the missiles • Launch a surprise air strike to take out all of the missile installations • Quarantine Cuba – do not allow anything in or out without U.S. approval until the missile sites are removed • Other ideas?

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