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Exploring Faces of Diversity, Finding Our Roots: The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit. Summer Research Institute Merrimack College June 23, 2012.
Exploring Faces of Diversity, Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit Summer Research Institute Merrimack College June 23, 2012
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibithttp://www.svc.edu/pr/index.html?release_id=1322
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit Quest For Success is required of all students at SVC. The course is intended to familiarize students with a range of essential skills and the knowledge necessary for success at all levels in a college setting, while providing them with significant and engaging learning experiences in a supportive and supervised civic endeavor. http://www.svc.edu/academics/first_year_course.html
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit “Exploring Faces of Diversity” and “Finding Our Roots” resulted from the collaborative effort on the part of students and their professor from Southern Vermont College. The team benefitted from the assistance provided by the staffs at the Bennington Museum and Southern Vermont College, the support from Ancestry.com and FamilyTreeDNA.com, and the mentoring of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The displays are the products of a process that took the class on a dynamic exploration of their roots, much as Gates reported for those highlighted in his 2006 documentary African American Lives and through Finding Oprah’s Roots, Finding Your Own (2007), Faces of America (2010), and Finding Your Roots (2012).
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit From the Exhibit Placard “Exploring Faces of Diversity” and “Finding Our Roots” are exhibits that consider the different ways viewers learn. The exhibitors built and painted the pedestals upon which their ancestral objects are displayed. You will learn about the exhibitors by examining their graphic displays, which include autobiographical text, vital records, and family photographs. You may listen to their recordings with or about family members. You will read facsimiles of the exhibitors’ DNA certificates, which include results.
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit The exhibitors traced their roots by recording oral histories and documenting them through genealogical research, which included vital records searches and online investigations. Finally, the exhibitors underwent Autosomal DNA testing. The DNA results provided scientific proof of their maternal ancestries.
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit I keep my family tree on a wall in my kitchen. I glance at it at least once every day. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that is difficult to explain. . . . Just being able to read the names of several of my third and fourth great grandmothers and grandfathers places me in the world just as surely, in its way, as does my birth certificate. . . . The record of our family’s past is hanging on the wall of our kitchen for [my daughters] to see if they ever want to; their family lineage has been established for all time. This is who we are as a family, who our people were, and are, and where they came from. And nobody in our family, ever again, has to wonder about their origins. That is the power of genealogy. And that, for an African American, is a marvelous thing. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Finding Oprah’s Roots 172
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Finding-Our Roots-Quest-for-Success2011/279271702098606 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Exploring Faces-of-Diversity/108016842598468
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) CAP is both a 2-credit, letter-graded academic course and an academic program: it is supported and coordinated through the Office of the SVC Provost. CAP students are nominated and selected by a faculty sponsor; they work closely with the faculty member whose course they are “apprenticing” within, those students who are matriculating in this course, and the professor of the CAP course, which provides their preparation.
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) CAP students work with small groups of students during class time to help facilitate discussions and activities under the supervision and at the direction of their faculty sponsors. Outside the classroom, CAP students facilitate small group sessions on particular aspects of class content, again under the direct supervision and support of their faculty sponsors. CAP students provide direct feedback, insight, and input to their faculty sponsors about their everyday contact with the students in the class
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) Brett Clatworthy
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP)
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) Using at least one citation from Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Henry Louis Gates’s Finding Oprah’s Roots, Finding Your Own, and Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street, write a 2-4 page, word processed paper in which you discuss some “othering” practices that the authors write about, including their own experiences of these practices as well as the experiences of those whose stories they narrate. . . . You should have a draft that you can share with the class by September 26. We will workshop this draft on September 26 and then again on October 3. The final paper, with all drafts and critiques, is due on October 17. You should make use of the College’s Success Center writing tutors in completing all drafts of this paper.
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) Has the writer met the requirements of the assignment, including citing our three books? What did you like best about the draft? What would like to read more about in a revision? Does the draft have a thesis and is it supported well? What words, phases, sentences seem really effective? What is almost said that you wish had been included? When using quotations, did the writer cite them accurately? If the writer did not use quotations, can you suggest places where they could be used in the draft? Is there anything, technically or grammatically, that you think the writer should review? What would you like to tell the writer about your overall reaction to the draft?
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) It was great to hear other papers and be able to compare them to mine. I wanted to hear other perspectives and approaches so that, while drafting my own, I can consider them and make sure that I am clearly stating what I want to say. Getting feedback from the three Upper-class students was extremely helpful considering they had to write a similar paper last year. Now that we've gone through the first peer editing session, I can be more confident that my final will be much improved from my first draft.—Katherine Grayson
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) It was definitely good to hear other perspectives, especially the upper-class students because they've had this experience before in the same class. I definitely agree that all the perspectives from students as well were good.—Angelina Rodriguez I think Monday’s class was very helpful in revising my draft. Mai, Molly, and Brett were very helpful.—Salvatore Sciara
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’s Course Apprentice Program (CAP) Because the CAP students were clearly more mature than the rest of the students, they were comfortable as mentors and as co-learners with the newer students. The newer students respected Ben and Brett, learning from them because of the strong relationship they established and because of their acquired academic skills as a result of their years at SVC. Because Brett and Ben did so well, I sincerely hope that the program will be extended and expanded in the future so that CAP students permeate the entire curriculum.
From Interdependence to Independence: SVC’ Course Apprentice Program (CAP) Amy was always an active participant in these discussions. The first-year students in the class looked up to her as an older peer and valued her advice and experiences at SVC. Amy and I met weekly to discuss how the course was progressing, details about student performance, and ways to improve the class.
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit Numerous articles about the first-year seminar, the exhibit, and the Gates visit/lecture in the Bennington Banner and the Rutland Herald Blogging about the First-Year Seminar See http://www.pearsoncustom.com/student-success-alliance/blog.php Northeast Writing Association Conference (presentation at Boston University, April 10, 2010) International FYE Conference (accepted presentation in Maui, June 10, 2010) AAC&U Conference onCreativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines (accepted presentation in Durham, NC, November 2010)
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit Southern Vermont College and the Bennington Museum are proud to be partners in this first-in- the-nation project.
Exploring Faces of Diversity and Finding Our Roots:The “I am . . .” “I am from . . .” Exhibit