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Moving Toward Conflict

Moving Toward Conflict. Chapter 30 Section 1. Daily Objective & Do Now. Objective Understand the reasoning behind the United States entering in the Vietnam conflict Do Now: Under what circumstances is it ok for the U.S. invade and fight in a sovereign country?.

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Moving Toward Conflict

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  1. Moving Toward Conflict Chapter 30 Section 1

  2. Daily Objective & Do Now Objective Understand the reasoning behind the United States entering in the Vietnam conflict Do Now: Under what circumstances is it ok for the U.S. invade and fight in a sovereign country?

  3. I Roots of American Involvement • France ruled Indochina until Japan takes over in WWII • Exploited land pop for profit/restricted freedoms  rise of nationalism • Indochinese Communist Party forms (1930) • Leader = Ho Chi Minh  org. uprisings from exile in SU & China • 1941 returns home combines Vietnamese Com. Party w/ others to form Vietminh • Sought indep & thought they had it after Japans defeat in WWII

  4. French return in 1946 & drive out Vietminh  control southern half • Ho Chi Minh fight from North to drive them out of South • US enters in 1950 (Truman) Paying for France’s war to beat a man we supported during WWII in order to beat the Japanese • Cold War fever & the Red Scare  support France because… • Maintain an ally & help stop another Asian country from going RED

  5. US settling of stalemate in Korea  strengthening of anti-communist feelings • Eisenhower’s Domino Theory = countries on brink of communism are like dominoes, when one falls the others around it will fall • Vietminh overruns French at Dien Bien Phu French pull out of Vietnam • Geneva Accords peace agreement that temp. divide Vietnam • N = Communists & S = anti- communists until an election in 1956 would unify them

  6. II the United States Steps In • Ho Chi Minh wins support by redistributing land to peasants • Ngo Dinh Diem (Pres. Of S & staunch anti-comm) refuses to take part in election • US supports suspension of elections out of fear that that would lead to Ho Chi Minh victory • US sends mil aid to Diem in return for stable gov’t in south but he fails  Vietcong attacks on Diem gov’t • Vietcong AKA National Liberation Front = communist in south Vietnam • Minh sends support to Vietcong  Ho Chi Minh Trail

  7. JFK increases aid to Diem’s corrupt gov’t because DEMS were seen as “soft” on communism • Increase in finance and military support against NLF • Diem’s institute Hamlet Program to combat growing Vietcong presence in South • Diem (catholic) attacked Buddhism imprisonment & destroying temples • Self-Immolation in protests horrified Americans  JFK demanding Diem stop persecution but he refuses • 1963 US military coup topples Diems regime JFK assassinated LBJ now controls Vietnam situation

  8. III President Johnson Expands Vietnam Conflict • Diem’s death instability in South Vietnam & growing Vietcong presence • LBJ knew communist takeover of S Vietnam would spell disaster for a DEM Party • Also seem like an appeaser around the globe • LBJ announces N Viet. Troops attack an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin • LBJ launched bombing campaign in N Vietnam & request Congress to allow him to use “all necessary measures…to prevent further aggression” • Tonkin Gulf Resolution = NOT decl. of war but gave LBJ broad military powers in Vietnam

  9. Operation Rolling Thunder = the first sustained bombing of North Vietnam • Shortly after thousands of Amer. Troops land in South Vietnam  beginning of Vietnam war

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