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An Approach to a Case

An Approach to a Case. Dr. M.R. Srivatsan, M.D. ( Hom ) Victory Homoeo Clinic Malleswaram , 5 th Cross, Bangalore vatsanmrs@gmail.com. Understanding Homoeopathic Case Taking. How do we Start.  . Concomitant. Causation. Location + Sensation. Homoeopathic Symptom.

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An Approach to a Case

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Approach to a Case Dr. M.R. Srivatsan, M.D. (Hom) Victory Homoeo Clinic Malleswaram, 5th Cross, Bangalore vatsanmrs@gmail.com

  2. Understanding Homoeopathic Case Taking

  3. How do we Start   Concomitant Causation Location + Sensation Homoeopathic Symptom

  4. Complete a Case record Past h/o Family h/o Presenting Complaint Constitutional Miasm Prescribing Totality

  5. Classification of Prescription Acute Chronic Pathological Intercurrent Miasmatic Constitutional

  6. Occupational Hazards

  7. House Wife

  8. Common ailments in House wives Acidity Allergies Headache Menses Suppression Joints pain Anger Leucorrhoea Backache Obesity

  9. Staphysagria Tarentula Pulsatilla Natr Mur Sepia Aur Met Chamomilla Lycopodium Ignatia BufoRana NuxVom Hyoscyamus CarboVeg Conium Opium Calc Carb

  10. Gaertner NatrSulph Proteus Asoka Dys Co a Agrimony b Cherry Plum c Kali Phos d Calc Phos e Natr Mur f

  11. Children

  12. Aethusa BarytaCarb Pulsatilla Natr Mur Belladonna Bryonia Chamomilla Lycopodium Ignatia Cina NuxVom Hyoscyamus CarboVeg Conium Opium Calc Carb

  13. Guru Shishya

  14. NuxVom Tarentula Pulsatilla Natr Mur a Aur Met Chamomilla Lycopodium Ignatia BufoRana NuxVom Hyoscyamus CarboVeg Conium Opium Calc Carb

  15. Professionals

  16. Staphysagria Tarentula Pulsatilla Natr Mur Sepia Aur Met Chamomilla Lycopodium Ignatia BufoRana NuxVom Hyoscyamus CarboVeg Conium Opium Calc Carb

  17. World Competitive

  18. Menarche

  19. Staphysagria Sabina Pulsatilla Natr Mur Sepia China Chamomilla Hamamelis Ignatia Phos Cimicifuga Kreosote NuxMosch Conium Vib Op Calc Carb

  20. Pregnancy

  21. Ignatia Kali Chlor Pulsatilla Aesculus Sepia Collinsonia Chamomilla Cuprum Conium Erigeron NuxVom s CarboVeg v Bellis Per v

  22. Family

  23. Climacteric

  24. Ignatia Kali Chlor Pulsatilla Aesculus Sepia Collinsonia Chamomilla Cuprum Conium Erigeron NuxVom s CarboVeg v Bellis Per v

  25. Old age

  26. Dependable

  27. Freedom

  28. Its possible only with Homoeopathy

  29. Thank U

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