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Barbara Abspoel 3380149 Magnus Vøllo 3916987 Joost Weeda 4027418

Barbara Abspoel 3380149 Magnus Vøllo 3916987 Joost Weeda 4027418. Content. Defining the actor: Jeugdraad Feijenoord Slide nr. 3 – 5 The area: Deelgemeente Feijenoord Slide nr. 6 – 10 Socio-economic status Ethnical diversity Social index Safety index

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Barbara Abspoel 3380149 Magnus Vøllo 3916987 Joost Weeda 4027418

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  1. Barbara Abspoel 3380149 Magnus Vøllo 3916987 JoostWeeda 4027418

  2. Content • Defining the actor: Jeugdraad Feijenoord Slide nr. 3 – 5 • The area: Deelgemeente Feijenoord Slide nr. 6 – 10 • Socio-economic status • Ethnicaldiversity • Social index • Safety index • Mapping trends Slide nr. 11 – 16 • On mappingandchoosing trends • Segregation or Integration • Understanding Segregation • EconomicDevelopment • Understanding Economic Development • Creating scenario’s Slide nr. 17 – 25 • Scenario 1 – Hand in Hand Kameraden • Scenario 2 – A New Feijenoord • Scenario 3 – Survival of the Fittest • Scenario 4 – IncreasingInequality • Deriving Strategic Implications Slide nr. 26 – 34 • How torepresent? • What Issues? • Remaininglegitimate, how? • Hand in Hand Kameraden • A New Feijenoord • Survival of the Fittest • IncreasingInequality • RobustStrategiesSlide nr. 35

  3. 1. Defining the actor:THE YOUTH COUNCIL FEIJENOORD Goal • Representing the 10.000 young people living in the DeelgemeenteFeijenoord Tasks • Giving advice to the local politicians • This can be asked advice on a topic presented by politicians • This can also be unasked advice, in which the youth council comes up with relevant topics that concerns the youth in the area • Organizing activities for (and by) young people in the area • Recruit new members for the youth council • Be present at meetings that relate to the topics of advice, organized by other organizations in the deelgemeenteFeijenoord

  4. Meet The Youth Council • The Council currentlyexists of 10 members and is in a continuous process of recruiting new members • New members and more members means higherlegitimacyandhigherrepresentation • New members are selectedby the project manager, trainees andcurrent members • Members are aged 14 to 25 yearsand live in the area (Deelgemeente Feijenoord) • Within the council there is a high variety of educational level, ageandcultural background • The Council meetseveryone or two weeks todiscuss the currently dealt topics andrelatedadvice • The members have had a five-day training in Brussels, The Hague and Rotterdam • The Council is fundedby the deelgemeente/semi-municipality

  5. Strategic Questions The Youth Council of Feijenoordstruggles daily with finding an answer to the following strategic questions: • How should the Council represent the 10.000 young people in the area of Feijenoord? • What topics are most relevant at the moment? What should the Council focus on? And how? • How does the Council remain legitimate in the eyes of those they represent, as well as in the eyes of politicians?

  6. 2. The Area: FEIJENOORD • The DeelgemeenteFeijenoord is a historical working class harbor area • The area has 70.000 inhabitants and exists of 8 districts • Low socio-economic status • 1 out of 3 persons receives welfare benefits (29%) • Almost half of the people is younger than 35 years • 56% non-Western immigrants • Relatively low educated • Low social index • Low safety index

  7. Low socio-economic status

  8. High ethnicaldiversity

  9. Safety Index: “Attention!” See footnote ¹

  10. Social Index Feijenoord: 4,9 Rotterdam: 5,5 See footnote ²

  11. 3. Mapping Trends

  12. On MappingandChoosing the trends • The four trends werechosenbecausetheywerethoughttobe the four trends with the most impact on the area of Feijenoord, with the underlyingassumptionthatespecially major changes in the area of Feijenoordwill impact on the Youth Council, sincethat is the area whichyouththeyneedtorepresent. • Populationaging was deemedtobe of high impact, sinceit has consequencesfor the group the youth council representsandtheirrelativesizecomparedtootheragegroups. However, it was notchosen as a keyuncertaintybecausepopulationagingcanbepredictedthroughstudyingcurrentdemographics • Social welfare cutbacks (theiroccurences – or not – andsize) are uncertainand of relatively large impact on the youth council, sincetheymight affect the youth in Feijenoordandthus change the needs of thosetheyrepresent. However, it was notchosen as a keyuncertaintybecause we feltit is largelycaptured in one of the other trends, economicdevelopment. • Both EconomicGrowth as well as Segregation or Integration are consideredtobeveryuncertainand have a large possible impact on the people living in Feijenoord, includingitsyouth, andthus on the Youth Council. How exactly, willbe made apparantthrough the scenarios later in thispresentation.

  13. Segregation or integration • Will ethnic and social-economic groups in Feijenoord become either more segregated or more integrated, in the next 5 years? Will there be more conflict or cohesion, as a result?

  14. Understanding segregation Whether Feijenoord develops into a more segregated or integrated area will have consequences for the area. We argue that… • Trust in neighbors • Social capital and state of civil society • Equality and level of discrimination …will have an important impact on key factors in society such as crime, sense of belonging, safety, participation. Hence, the development of segregation is important to map as we believe that it is linked to some of the core determinants of the everyday life.

  15. Economic development • Will there be economic growth or economic decline in Feijenoord, in the next 5 years?

  16. Understanding economic development The state of the economy affects several important factors in the everyday life in Feijenoord: • How many can afford education? • Number of new businesses being started • Unemployment-rates • Income • Urban development Depending on the development of these measures we argue that other key factors such as crime, health, and safety either increase or decrease. This illustrates the importance of the trend, as Feijenoord will look very different in many aspects, depending on the development of these factors.

  17. 4. Creating scenarios Based on our understanding of how the trends impact the life within the area of Feijenoord, we created the following four scenarios “Hand in Hand Kameraden” “A New Feijenoord” “Survival of the Fittest” “Increasing Inequality”

  18. “Hand in Hand Kameraden” This is a scenario in which low segregation and economic decline occurs. This gives a society in which people help each other out when they need something. There is some sense of belonging to a group. People may trade furniture, cook together, and solve problems together. Due to the economic decline little jobs are available, there is high unemployment, but also a high level of social- and voluntary work. A booming civil society is the result of strong social ties and relative poverty. People take care of each other and streets are safe.

  19. “A New Feijenoord” Urban renewal draws more business and money to the area, increasing its diversity. More local jobs result in lower unemployment. Both the physical environment as well as the average income rises. With renewed vigor, the inhabitants of Feijenoord engage in an active civil society. Problems such as crime and unsafetydo not disappear entirely, but do diminish strongly and are tackled in unison by the various groups in society.

  20. “Survival of the Fittest” Economic decline lowers the amount of jobs available in the area.Unemployment rises, especially under young people. For lack of things to do, more young people hang around in the streets, which creates nuisance and feelings of unsafetyin the neighborhood. Crime levels rise. In these uncertain times, people are drawn to what they know and become suspicious of those they identify as different. Segregation between higher and lower income groups and between groups of different ethnic background increases.

  21. “Increasing inequality” Feijenoord is developing into an important economical center of the city, new businesses with skyscraper offices and trendy stores attract wealthy citizens’ to come and live in gentrified enclaves of the town. Those not affected by these positive changes however, remain segmented in challenging social situations. They feel left behind, lose confidence in political institutions, crimerates are rising.

  22. 5. Strategic implications- Per strategic question In each of these 4 scenarios, the Youth Council of Feijenoord should have their strategic questions in mind: • If this scenario would come to be, how to represent the youth of Feijenoord? • If this scenario would come to be, what topics should we focus on? And how? • If this scenario would come to be, how do we remain legitimate in the eyes of those we represent as well as in the eyes of politicians?

  23. How torepresent? • Hand-in-Hand-Kameraden • Mobilize young people to do volunteer work and become active for the youth council • A New Feijenoord • Mobilize young people to do volunteer work and become active for the youth council • Survival of the Fittest • Equalrepresentation of groups • Bring together different groups of young people in a positive way • IncreasingInequality • Representallyouth, but with a focus on the underpriviliged

  24. What issues? • Hand-in-Hand-Kameraden • Focus on basic needs in the community • Explore possibilities that stimulate economic growth • A New Feijenoord • Focus on ‘lighter’ topics such as culture, education, environment, sports. • Survival of the Fittest • Focus on basic needs in the community andaimfor consensus on these topics. • Be aware of howsensitive topics can make or break you. • IncreasingInequality • Focus on topics that empower underprivileged youth • Make sure these are represented in the youth council.

  25. Remaininglegitimate, how? • Hand-in-Hand-Kameraden • Create strong networks with community and politics • Emphasize the shared area identity • A New Feijenoord • Prove that the council is still needed by being professional, active and visible • Focus on own initiatives (advice and activities) • Survival of the Fittest • Focus on original initiatives (advice and activities) • Be an independent actor facilitating interaction between groups • IncreasingInequality • Connect privileged and underprivileged • Advocate that economic growth should also benefit the underprivileged.

  26. Strategic implications - Per scenario Although the council should keep all strategic questions in mind when analyzing their future strategic choices, some questions will be more relevant then others depending on what the scenarios looks like. In the following slides we have therefore tried to highlight the main challenges and possibilities for the youth council within each scenario.

  27. Hand in Hand Kameraden-The Youth Council as a Facilitator In this scenario the high level of integration is a possibility that can be taken advantage of. Being a youth council in this world entails that representation can be achieved by facilitating young people to do volunteer work and become active for the youth council. Further, they should create strong networks with community and politics by emphasizing the shared area identity. The economic decline is a problem, and hence the council should focus on basic needs in the community and explore possibilities that stimulate economic growth. This is important in order to stay relevant and legitimate among the young people.

  28. A New Feijenoord- The Youth Council as a MobilizerandInitiater This scenario includes the possibilities stemming from a strong civil society. This means that the youth council should mobilize young people to do volunteer work and become active for the youth council. A potential challenge may be that politicians and youth don’t see the need for a council in this new and better world. In order to remain legitimate and avoid being seen as obsolete the council should focus on own initiatives (advice and activities). These initiatives can be related to‘lighter’ topics such as culture, education, environment, sports. They must prove that the council is still needed by being professional, active and visible.

  29. Survival of the Fittest- The Youth Council as Innovator Even though both trends are taking the negative direction in this scenario, we see a possibility for the council in that they can take the role as a bridge between different groups. When traditional policies are perceived as failing, a window opens up for innovative initiatives (advice and activities) from the council. In order to bring together different groups of young people in a positive way, they should be an independent actor facilitating interaction between groups. The segregation is a challenge that forces the council to consider equal representation of different groups. They should also be aware of how sensitive topics can make or break you. The focus should be on basic needs in the community, and the council should aim for consensus on these topics.

  30. IncreasingInequality- The Youth Council as a Bridge The challenge for the youth council in this scenario is that although the economy are booming, certain groups are left behind. Therefore it is important to represent all youth, but with a focus on the underprivileged. This can be achieved by focusing on topics that empower underprivileged youth, making sure these are represented in the youth council and by connect privileged and underprivileged. The council should try to take advantage of the economic growth by advocating that this should also benefit the underprivileged.

  31. 6. Robust strategies • Mobilize young people to do volunteer work and become active for the youth council while still paying attention to equal representation of group. • Focus on basic needs • Focus on own initiatives (advice and activities) Hand in Hand Kameraden A New Feijenoord 1,2 1,3 Survival of the Fittest Increasing Inequality 1,2,3 1,2

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