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OPTIMISM : HAPPINESS AND HEALING. Lesson 11 for the 12 th of June, 2010. DEPRESSION. Depression is a mood disorder that involves despondency and unhappiness. It can be either temporary or permanent .
OPTIMISM: HAPPINESSAND HEALING Lesson 11 for the 12th of June, 2010
DEPRESSION Depression is a mood disorder that involves despondency and unhappiness. It can be either temporary or permanent. Many factors may lead to depression; for example, stress, feelings after seeing or experiencing an accident, a murder, a tragedy or a sentimental disappointment, receiving bad news, deep sadness and living a near death experience. • Other factors may be mourning, taking care of elderly or disabled people, consuming alcohol or drugs, a genetic predisposition or an educational conditioning.
BELIEVERS AND DEPRESSION • Everyone, believer or not, is exposed to depression. Feeling downhearted, depressed or despondent doesn’t mean to have lost the connection with God. We find examples of faithful believers in the Bible. They felt depressed but didn’t break his relationship with God.
BELIEVERS AND DEPRESSION DAVID David explains some causes of his deep sadness in Psalm 42. Some of them are not being able to come to the House of God to praise Him (vs. 4-5) and being pursued by his enemies (vs. 9-10) He found comfort in putting his hope in God (vs. 5 and 11)
BELIEVERS AND DEPRESSION ELIJAH After the success on Mount Carmel, Elijah expected a great spiritual reform of Israel. That immediate reform didn’t take place and Jezebel threatened to kill him, so depression seized Elijah and he lost his confidence in God. He wished death, so he fled to the depressing solitude of the desert.
“For the disheartened there is a sure remedy--faith, prayer, work. Faith and activity will impart assurance and satisfaction that will increase day by day. Are you tempted to give way to feelings of anxious foreboding or utter despondency? In the darkest days, when appearances seem most forbidding, fear not. Have faith in God. He knows your need. He has all power. His infinite love and compassion never weary. Fear not that He will fail of fulfilling His promise. He is eternal truth. Never will He change the covenant He has made with those who love Him. And He will bestow upon His faithful servants the measure of efficiency that their need demands” E.G.W. (Prophets and kings, cp. 12, page 164)
DON’T LET THE THORNS CHOCKE YOU • A personal relationship with God must be our priority in this life. Then, we could prioritize all our activities and we’ll get rid of many worries that have a bad effect in our physical and emotional health “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah, 6: 8)
BE ALWAYSHAPPY We must have a joyful attitude even if problems come. Why?
BENEFITS OF LAUGH “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs, 17: 22) • Experts state that laugh has many advantages: • It immunizes against depression and anguish. • Adrenaline is segregated when we laugh. It boosts creativity and imagination. • When laughing, our body segregates endorphins. They are natural sedatives —like morphine— which fight pain. Five or six minutes of constant laugh work like an analgesic. • 400 muscles work with every guffaw. Some of them, near the stomach, can be exercised only through laugh.
BENEFITS OF LAUGH “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs, 17: 22) • Experts state that laugh has many advantages: • It acts like a massage. Spine column and cervical —where tension is usually accumulated— are stretched when we laugh. In addition, spleen is stimulated and toxins are eliminated. With the diaphragm movement, an inner massage facilitates digestion and helps in reducing fatty acids and toxic substances. • Eyes are cleaned are lubricated by tears when we laugh. A guffaw makes our head to vibrate and our nose and ears are cleared. • When laughing, the air volume in our lungs is doubled, so the skin is more oxygenated. Our lungs move 12 litres of air, instead of the usual 6, so breathing is improved and there is a higher oxygenation.
A POSITIVE ATTITUDE • If we keep a good relationship with Christ, our attitude toward other people will be different. Some studies proved that acting positively and in a good way with other people can result in a better resistance to infections, and it also will make us pleasant to others. Having a good relationship with Christ and a positive attitude toward other people benefits our physical, emotional and spiritual health.
“Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote health and prolong life. A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul.” E.G.W. (The Ministry of Healing, cp. 18, page 241)