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Organic chemistry 生物学科 有机化学教学多媒体课件 2006.02. By junru wang. 作业 :. P151: 1 : (2,3,4,6) 3: (3,4) 4: (3,4). 第 4 章 立 体 化 学. Stereochemistry. 胰岛素. 第四章 Stereochemistry 重点讲授内容. 一、分子手性与旋光性 Molecular Chirality:Enantiomers 二、对称性、手性、手性碳与构型标记 三、不含手性碳的旋光活性分子 四、光活性物质的物性与旋光性的测定 五、反应中的立体化学
Organic chemistry 生物学科 有机化学教学多媒体课件 2006.02 By junru wang
作业: • P151: • 1: (2,3,4,6) • 3: (3,4) • 4: (3,4)
第4章 立 体 化 学 Stereochemistry
第四章 Stereochemistry重点讲授内容 • 一、分子手性与旋光性 Molecular Chirality:Enantiomers • 二、对称性、手性、手性碳与构型标记 • 三、不含手性碳的旋光活性分子 • 四、光活性物质的物性与旋光性的测定 • 五、反应中的立体化学 • 六、光活性混合物的拆分方法
第一节 分子手性与旋光性Molecular Chirality: Enantiomers
第一节 分子手性与旋光性Molecular Chirality: Enantiomers
The ancient Egyptians had less care for the chirality of hands Pharaohs, with two left hands or two right hands—they just didn’t seem to notice.
Chirality A molecule is chiralif its two mirror image forms are notsuperposable upon one another. A molecule is achiral if its two mirror image forms are superposable.
Bromochlorofluoromethane is chiral It cannot be superposed point for point on its mirror image. Cl Br H F
Bromochlorofluoromethane is chiral To show nonsuperposability, rotate this model 180° around a vertical axis. Cl Cl Br Br H H F F
Bromochlorofluoromethane is chiral Cl Br Cl Br H H F F
Enantiomers are enantiomers with respect to each other nonsuperposable mirror images are called enantiomers and
碳架异构 位置异构 构造异构 官能团异构 (互变异构) 同分异构 构象异构 顺反异构 立体异构 构型异构 对映异构 旋光异构 对映异构:分子式、构造式相同、构型互呈镜像对映关系的立体异构现象
Chlorodifluoromethaneis achiral The two structures are mirror images, but are not enantiomers, because they can be superposed on each other.
w x y C z The Stereogenic Center a carbon atom with fourdifferent groups attached to it also called: chiral centerasymmetric centerstereocenter
第二节 对称性、手性、手性碳与构型标记 • 对称性与手性 • 手性碳与分子手性 • 手性、对称性与旋光性 • 构型标记 • 绝对构型 • 相对构型
一、旋光性与分子结构的关系 • 凡是可具有结构不对称性(无反映对称性)的分子都具有旋光性;最常见的旋光活性物质是含有手性碳的化合物。 • 对称因素:对称面();对称中心(i) • 对称性、不对称性与手性: 凡是具有反映对称性的分子称为非手性分子 凡是没有反映对称性的分子称为手性分子 • 不对称性:找不到任何一个对称因素的分子 • 手性是不对称性之一种 • 反映对称性———对称分子———无旋光性
一、旋光性与分子结构的关系 • 对称性与手性: 有对称性的分子一定是非手性分子 有手性的分子一定具有非反映应对称性 • 手性碳与手性分子二者关系 有手性碳的分子不一定就是手性分子 手性分子并不一定就含有手性碳 只有一个手性碳的分子一定就是手性分子
一、旋光性与分子结构的关系 • 手性碳与手性分子二者关系 手性分子并不一定就含有手性碳 右手螺旋 左手螺旋
一、旋光性与分子结构的关系 • 手性、对称性与旋光性 (1)有反应对称性的分子:物象重合,不具有旋光性,是非手性分子 (2)无对称性的分子:物象不重合,有旋光性,是手性分子 • 构型与旋光性 分子结构的不对称性导致,物象不重合;二者主要差异在于构型不同;
对称因素 手性(chirality):物质的分子与其镜像不能重合的性质,是产生旋光性的充分和必要条件。 1、对称面(Mirror) 反映对称性: Sn,n1; S1= ; S2=i
Plane of symmetry A plane of symmetry bisects a molecule into two mirror image halves. Chlorodifluoromethane has a plane of symmetry.
Plane of symmetry A plane of symmetry bisects a molecule into two mirror image halves.1-Bromo-1-chloro-2-fluoroethene has a planeof symmetry.
2、对称中心 对称中心
Center of symmetry A point in the center of themolecule is a center of symmetry if a line drawn from it to some element, when extended an equal distance in the opposite direction, encounters an identical element.
Center of symmetry A point in the center of themolecule is a center of symmetry if a line drawn from it to any element, when extended an equal distance in the opposite direction, encounters an identical element.
对称中心 反映对称性: Sn,n1; S1= ; S2=i
3、对称轴 对称轴
C Chirality and stereogenic centers A molecule with a single stereogenic center is chiral. Bromochlorofluoromethane is an example. H F Cl Br
C Chirality and stereogenic centers A molecule with a single stereogenic center is chiral. 2-Butanol is another example. H CH3 CH2CH3 OH
CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH3 Examples of molecules with 1 stereogenic center a chiral alkane
OH Examples of molecules with 1 stereogenic center Linalool, a naturally occurring chiral alcohol
H2C CHCH3 O Examples of molecules with 1 stereogenic center attached to the stereogenic center are: —H —CH3 —OCH2 —CH2O 1,2-Epoxypropane: a stereogenic center can be part of a ring
CH3 H C CH2 CH3 Examples of molecules with 1 stereogenic center attached to thestereogenic center are: —H —CH2CH2 —CH2CH= —C= Limonene: a stereogenic center can be part of a ring
H CH3 D C T Examples of molecules with 1 stereogenic center Chiral as a result of isotopic substitution
二、构型标记Relative and Absolute Configuration • 相对构型 • 绝对构型
Configuration • 相对构型 • Relative configurationcompares the arrangement of atoms in space of one compound with those of another. • until the 1950s, all configurations were relative • 绝对构型 • Absolute configuration is the precise arrangement of atoms in space. • now we can determine the absolute configuration of almost any compound
1、相对构型标记D/L CHO CHO (+)-甘油醛 (-)-甘油醛 D L D -(+)-甘油醛 L-(-)-甘油醛 常用来确定糖、氨基酸等构型 H OH HO H CH2OH CH2OH
D -(+)- 甘油醛 L -(+)- 甘油醛 D-(+)-甘油醛 D-(-)-甘油酸 D-(-)-乳酸 相对构型(Relative Conformation) 化学关联法:
R -(+)- 甘油醛 S -(+)- 甘油醛 2、绝对构型的标记 • 1970 IUPAC R/S 标记任何一个手性碳(或手性分子) • 明确与手性碳相连的4个不同基团的优先次序 • 用手模型法或透视法判断其构型 Which is which? E. Fisher 1891; 1954 x-ray证实
绝对构型(Absolute Conformation) IUPAC(1970) R、S构型系统命名法: a>b>c>d
1 1 4 3 3 4 2 2 Example 2.1 含一个手性碳的化合物 Order of decreasing rank:4 > 3 > 2 > 1
1 1 4 3 3 4 2 2 Example Order of decreasing rank:4>3> 2 anticlockwise clockwise R S
H H CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C HO C OH CH3 H3C Enantiomers of 2-butanol (S)-2-Butanol (R)-2-Butanol
H3C H R H H Stereogenic center in a ring —CH2C=C > —CH2CH2 > —CH3 > —H