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Themes. The Key to successful essays Mrs Masson ’ s quick dos and don ’ ts. Do have focus. Ensure that you have a good introduction, this doesn ’ t just focus the reader but it also focuses you.

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  1. Themes The Key to successful essays Mrs Masson’s quick dos and don’ts

  2. Do have focus • Ensure that you have a good introduction, this doesn’t just focus the reader but it also focuses you. • Ensure that you know the answer to the question before you begin if you don’t it will show and your essay will wander all over the place. • It is imperative that every paragraph helps to answer the question- if it doesn’t chances are it is irrelevant. • End each paragraph with a summary sentence that relates back to the question. Eg therefore it is clear that ………….

  3. Do compare • The whole point of the module is to compare across a 100 year period of history, if you don’t compare you won’t even rech an E grade! • Make sure that you use comparison words and connectives. To help you with this there is a list up in class and you each have your own copy- add to this any others you can think of. • Ensure that you focus across the period. If you always mention Alexander II and Khrushchev then throw in say Stalin and Nicholas II then you have a good selection. Don’t leave one area woefully neglected.

  4. Do- Have a substantiated conclusion • What is the point making a sandwich without a bottom layer of bread?? • It spills out everywhere and makes an awful mess. • If your essay is ‘conclusionless’ it does the same! • Always forgo an extra paragraph to provide time for a conclusion.

  5. Don’t Generalise • Don’t generalise eg. The Tsars, the communists. Who do you mean?? Not all the Tsars were the same so don’t lump them together. • Don’t just use the term reforms, at least narrow it down to the area, eg economic or social. • If at all possible ensure that you have some key facts at your fingertips for each theme. This is supporting evidence and really strengthens your work. • PEE on your page! Point, Evidence, explain how it links to the question.

  6. Don’t- Panic • This is a new style of essay, you will be getting much lower marks than you are used to. • Combined with this we can’t do a fully themes essay till after christmas, so not just you and your written style but me and my marking will be difficult.

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