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Digital Video Working Group – RNP - Brazil

Digital Video Working Group – RNP - Brazil. Virtual Cheering - A Java TV Application for Interactive TV. April 2002. Spring 2003 Member Meeting. Outline. Digital Video Working Group Goals Activities Experiences Digital Video Virtual Cheering Application. Final Comments. DEMO.

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Digital Video Working Group – RNP - Brazil

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  1. Digital Video Working Group – RNP - Brazil • Virtual Cheering - A Java TV Application for Interactive TV April 2002 Spring 2003 Member Meeting

  2. Outline • Digital Video Working Group • Goals • Activities • Experiences • Digital Video • Virtual Cheering Application • Final Comments • DEMO

  3. RNPDIGITAL VIDEO WORKING GROUP • What´s DVWG? • Iniciative of RNP-Brazil where a group of people are concerned with digital video applications. • Goal: • Infrastructure for Digital Video Experiences • Objectives: • Video Digital Portal • RNP Video Digital Network

  4. RNPDIGITAL VIDEO WORKING GROUP • DV-Net: Servers (2) Reflectors (7) • Reflectors Strategy • DV-Portal http://www.natalnet.br/~gtvd

  5. EXPERIENCES... • VD WG Experiences • Digital Video Transmission • Video on Demand Services • Interactive TV

  6. EXPERIENCES Capturing/ Coding Transmitting Decoding Transmitting • Transmission (Analogical TV and Digital Video) São João Digital Analogical Event: Regional Party called São João located in Mossoró city Capturing analogical video and coding it into digital format. Transmitting digital video for Natal city Receiving digital video (in Natal city) and decoding into analogical format.

  7. EXPERIENCES • RNP VoD Project and SBC Video Library Goal: Generating digital video contend for different clients (WEB, Internet2) Main Activities: Acquiring, editing, indexing and publishing. Contend: Technical/Academical PPT Video +

  8. EXPERIENCES L O The idea... O ...how to turn more interesting watching soccer game at home? O G • Interactive TV -Virtual Cheering Program What about cheering??? Many ways of cheering... One is making noise.

  9. VIRTUAL CHEERING Stadium... People watching the game. People cheering. People talking. TV... People watching the game. People cheering. People talking.

  10. VIRTUAL CHEERING Using a computer program... People watching the game. People cheering. People talking.

  11. + + VC Server VC Client VC Client VC Client VIRTUAL CHEERING Virtual Cheering Application is a way for connecting people using sound and mixing in real time applications

  12. VIRTUAL CHEERING Virtual stadium Video Poll Chat • First ExperienceVirtual Cheering Program Natal/RN (Brazil) Server Miami (EUA) Client

  13. FINAL COMMENTS But what we want... • This first experience puts together people in Natal-Brazil and Miami-EUA watching the same program at the same time, so it´s possible! • It was implemented to run over the Java TV platform, so it runs in set-top boxes and digital TV sets • Here is a way to include people in the “information society”

  14. FINAL COMMENTS • Interactive TV is an interesting market for advanced applications with digital video. • Now our main goal is putting people together for cheering but we also can have people working or learning using the same idea.

  15. DEMO • Let´s see a little demo of virtual cheering application...

  16. CONTACT • Supervisor Guido Lemos de Souza Filho guido@di.ufpb.br • Lab Homepage: www.natalnet.br • WGDV Homepage: www.natalnet.br/~gtvd • Personal contact: Tatiana Aires Tavares www.natalnet.br/~tati tati@natalnet.br

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