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Student Name Teacher Name English 11 Period # Date I want to be a pediatrician. My personality survey said I was a guardian. On OCIS pediatrics, medicine, was listed as one of the careers that fit my interests.
Student Name • Teacher Name • English 11 Period # • Date • I want to be a pediatrician. • My personality survey said I was a guardian. • On OCIS pediatrics, medicine, was listed as one of the careers that fit my interests. • Being a pediatrician is what I want to have for my career when I am old enough since it fits my personality and interests.
In order to become a pediatrician one must have further training and schooling after high school, from a college of some sort as well as become trained, graduate with a degree from a medical school and take several tests that every pediatrician must take • In order to become a pediatrician a person must have a high school diploma or a GED (Preparation). • One must have a bachelor’s degree in order to become a pediatrician (Preparation). • A person will need to attend and graduate from medical school to peruse a career in pediatrics (Preparation). • One will need to have completed at least one internship to be a pediatrician (Preparation). • A person will need to take and pass the state licensing exam in order to become a pediatrician (Preparation). • In order to be considered in becoming a pediatrician a person will need to complete residency in pediatrics (Preparation). • The amount of additional schooling is as follows, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 1 year pediatric internship, and 2 years senior residency (Breen). Conclusively, there are about 11 years of ,after high school, schooling and training that a person must take in order to become a pediatrician.
A person must become licensed and board certified in order to become a pediatrician. • In order to receive a medical license a person must graduate from a medical school or osteopathy (Licensing/Certification) which is another name for a school where one can learn the system of healing based on the manipulation of parts of the body or of the bones (Osteopathy). • In order to become board certified a person must complete three additional years of training in pediatrics (Licensing/Certification). • National tests are required for a person to take to become certified, such as the USMLE steps 1, 2 and 3 (Breen). • In order to become a pediatrician one must pass the board certification exam (Licensing/Certification). In the end, a person must graduate from a medical school or osteopathy , have 3 years of additional training, take national tests, and pass the board certification exam in order for them to become a licensed and certified pediatrician.
There are many aspects of the job that people should know before becoming a pediatrician, such as the wages from start to peak so they know whether or not they can make a living off of it, the daily average of patients seen and the hours of work each week as well as the benefits of the job. • The average starting salary for a pediatrician in Columbus, Ohio is a good enough amount being at about $115,420 yearly (Wages). • The peak average salary for a pediatrician in Columbus, Ohio is about greater than $166,000 yearly (Wages). • The hours worked a week vary due to where the doctor works, whether or not being self-employed (Wages). • The average amount of patients seen daily is about 35 (Breen). • The benefits of being a pediatrician is sick leave, paid vacation, health insurance, and a retirement plan. Health insurance and retirement plans must be provided by themselves if the pediatrician is self-employed (Wages). Overall, the wages made and the benefits don’t out way the hours worked and patients seen daily. Sure there are a lot of patients seen but there is a lot of money made that a person could surely make a living off of.
One must be able to meet the physical and mental demands that are required to be a pediatrician. • A few of the mental and physical aspects needed to be a pediatrician are have strengths in science and math as well as having social interaction (Breen). • Pediatricians use their hands frequently to control, feel objects, and to use tools (Physical Demands). • A pediatrician must be able to stand for long periods of time to examine their patients (Physical Demands). • Speaking clearly, see details of objects that are less than a few feet away, be able to assemble very small objects, understand other people’s speech, and make quick and precise adjustments to machine controls are important for pediatricians to do (Physical Demands). • It’s necessary for a pediatrician to be able to focus on a source of sound and to ignore other sounds, hear and recognize the differences between sounds, see the difference between colors, shades, and brightness as well as se details of objects that are more than a few feet away (Physical Demands). As shown above, a pediatrician, is a person that has to be able to meet the many different requirements, physically and mentally, so that they can perform at their best to help their patients. I believe that this is a description of myself which is why I could be and want to be a pediatrician.
A person can take several personality tests to see if they correspond to the personality and interest types that a pediatrician usually portrays. • With the results from Pagine Blu Psychofun’s personality test I give those around me the sense of security which is needed when being a pediatrician so that the patients and families trust me as their doctor (Personality Test). • According to the personality test of Pagnie Blu Psychofun, I am perceived as being warm and human which is needed when trying to help patients that are frightened by needles or other objects (Personality Test). • According to the Color Quiz, I have a problem with wanting to be valued and respected, and I seeks a close and peaceful relationship with others. Doctors need to be respected and should have a close and peaceful relationship with their patients (Color Test-Results). As seen above, I fit the part of security and being warm and human as well as wanting to be valued and respected which are all the personality traits of what a pediatrician should be.
The Keirsey Test is a personality test that helps to show if a person is an Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, or Rational which all have different meanings and roles/jobs in society. • Guardians are one of the kinds of people that are the fundamentals to society and the most important social institutions (Guardian). • Guardians are serious about their duties and responsibilities which is what a pediatrician has to be about their work (Guardian). • Guardians, like pediatricians, are very serious about schedules and pay close attention to perform proper procedures (Guardian). • You enjoy being a part of a team and as a pediatrician, I would be the leader for that team (Guardian). • You are responsible and loyal to any work place that you sign onto which a pediatrician should be (Guardian). • Guardians like to be dependable and trustworthy which is why when there’s a job that needs to be done they can be trusted to try their best and to get the job done (Guardian). As shown above, a Guardian is the personification of the medical field, being a pediatrician. My being a Guardian helps to prove how I would want to go into the medical field since a doctor, pediatrician, is an example of a guardian.
Pediatricians usually have similar personalities even though there are differences in all the ways that people act. • Pediatricians consider achievement important since they like to see the finished product of their work, use their strongest abilities and feel the accomplishment of their work (Interests). • People that consider recognition important fit the personality of a pediatrician because they like to work on jobs that could advance them, have the chance for recognition, and direct or instruct others so that they are looked up to by others (Interests). • Those that would like to become pediatricians usually consider relationships important because they like friendly work conditions, non-competitive environments, doing things for others (Breen), and also being able to stick to their morals, knowing what’s right and wrong (Interests). • People considering pediatrics as a career should feel that independence is important as well as good working conditions so that they can work by them selves and not have to ask for others help as well as having a good pay that satisfies the amount of work they do (Interests). All in all, these personality types should be what a person has so that they can further themselves as a better pediatrician and if they don’t fit the personality types previously listed then that person may want to reconsider career opportunities.
Conclusion • My personality and interest are what have influenced my choice in wanting a career as a pediatrician. • Overall, a pediatrician has to have social skills, lots of education after high school, precision, and the ability to be able to notice details and illnesses that their patients have. There are many interests that a pediatrician has for example, the need for independence. Also how a pediatrician is a doctor because they enjoy helping others when they are in need. • The personality tests taken show that I would be a fit for having a career in pediatrics because I give those people around me the sense of security and am perceived as being warm and human. I am hard working and like to feel recognized for what I do, just like a pediatrician. I was said to be a Guardian by the Keirsey personality test which helps to show how I am serious about my responsibilities and like to have a sharp eye on proper procedures and have a set of morals that I won’t break, just like a pediatrician. • As seen throughout the research process my plan for being a pediatrician has been reinforced at each step. In all the tests taken they have helped in some way to answer my question. The answer I have found is that yes, pediatrics is a career choice that fits me and my personality as a whole.
Works Cited • Breen MD, Richard. "Pediatrician Interview Questions." Fax interview. 06 Oct. 2011. • "Color Test - Results." Color Quiz. Colorquiz.com, 2009. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <http://www.colorquiz.com/results.php?code=f,1,7,2,5,0,3,4,6,3,1,5,3,7,2,0,4,6,1&p=full>. • "Guardian." Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II. 2011. Web. 06 Oct. 2011. <http://www.keirsey.com/sorter/user.aspx>. • "Interests." OCIS. University of Oregon, 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. <http://www.ocis.org/info2.aspx?FileID=Occ&FileNum=100507&TopicNum=14>. • "Licensing/Certification." OCIS. University of Oregon, 2011. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. <http://www.ocis.org/info2.aspx?FileID=Occ&FileNum=100507&TopicNum=11>. • "Osteopathy." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, LLC, 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/osteopathy>. • "Personality Test." Pagine Blu Psychofun. Pagine Blu Degli Psicologi Psicoterapeuti, 2011. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <http://www.psicologi-psicoterapeuti.it/test/downtoearth.html>. • "Physical Demands." OCIS. University of Oregon, 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. <http://www.ocis.org/info2.aspx?FileID=Occ&FileNum=100507&TopicNum=5>. • "Wages." OCIS. University of Oregon, 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. <http://www.ocis.org/info2.aspx?FileID=Occ&FileNum=100507&TopicNum=12>.