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UNECE and MDG-Monitoring: Database and regional indicators

The UNECE Regional MDG Database provides a comprehensive overview of MDG indicators for Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia, promoting data comparability and accessibility. It eliminates duplication of efforts and ensures data harmonization across countries. The database includes official national and UN estimates, along with additional regional indicators and detailed metadata for reliable interpretation. Users can access historical data, alternative indicators, and disaggregated information, facilitating cross-country comparisons and in-depth analysis.

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UNECE and MDG-Monitoring: Database and regional indicators

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  1. UNECE UNECE and MDG-Monitoring:Database and regional indicators

  2. UNECE Regional MDG Database: Principles • UNECE has a mandate to produce a regional MDG database • Focus on Eastern Europe, South-eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia • Added value for member states • No duplication of efforts • No increase in national burden but alleviate

  3. Regional MDG-database: further considerations • National estimates should be acknowledged • Different alternative/harmonized UN estimates exist • Comparing estimates and sources useful • All data are publicly available but not in one place and not documented • General audience should not be confused with multiple estimates • UNECE provides a neutral platform with a regional focus

  4. MDG data: Issues • Comparability of data: • Several estimates for the same MDG-indicator for the same period exist, sometimes even in one National MDG-report • Limited deviation from recommended (exact definition often differs) • Alternative indicators exist • Disaggregated data exists • Updated and corrected figures published •  Need for overview with adequate metadata for interpretation

  5. UNECE regional MDG-database: • Three levels in UNECE regional MDG-database: 1) Official National MDG data 2) Official UN MDG data 3) Data Repository • Other: Additional Regional Indicators • Subcategories and Disaggregated data when relevant (e.g. by sex, rural/urban) • Additional regional/national MDG-indicators

  6. 1) Official National MDG estimates • Regional overview nationally authorized MDGs estimates • Sources: • National MDG-reports • National MDG websites • Official statistics (NSO yearbooks and publications) • Data request by UN-family • Updates: Most recent estimate for certain period only • Relevant disaggregated MDG indicators • Additional regional MDG indicators

  7. 2) Official UN-estimates • Data Sources: • Copy or link to unstats.un.org • Copy or link to additional indicators from other UN agencies (e.g. WHO, WB etc.) • Use: • To compare with official national data • Additional indicators for analysis • Compare: more harmonized data • Sometimes estimates when no national data

  8. 3) Data repository: • All national MDG-data produced • Historical backup • Digital overview in one location (incl time-series) • More alternative indicators and disaggregated data • Extensive Metadata • More selection criteria (e.g. exact definition, broadly similar, referring to same MDG • For national and international experts, not for general public

  9. Metadata • Reference to document and original source of data • Type of source, reference period (retrospective survey data), sample size, sample population etc. • Exact definition of data and grouping into broader concept group • Method used (e.g. direct/indirect, regression analysis etc.) • Indication of data quality • English and Russian version (subject to funds available)

  10. Other • Languages: • English • Russian • Manuals, recommendations etc. • Sources might be added in .pdf format (National MDG-Reports, Manuals etc.) • Links to national MDG websites can be added

  11. UNECE regional MDG-database: summary of advantages • National producers and users: • Regional comparison • Overview of national sources/estimates (might explain differences with UN-estimates) with detailed metadata • Comparison with official UN-estimates • Less data requests • International Organizations: • Source of data for estimates • Access to additional indicators • Detailed Metadata and in English • General public: • Regional overview of official national estimates of MDGs • Other (expert) users: • Multiple estimates and sources and extensive metadata • Additional indicators for analysis

  12. Additional Indicators Regional Database: • Relevant additional indicators, subcategories or disaggregated indicators • Principles: • No extra data requests • Relevant for the region • General availability • Only if wider regional coverage  regional relevance & general agreement to include

  13. Additional Indicators MDG 4&5: sources/types • Subcategories official UN MDGs • Disaggregated official UN MDGs • Additional from other International Agencies • Regional/National subcategories • Regional/National disaggregated MDGs • Regional/National additional MDGs

  14. Subcategories MDG 5: UNSTATS • Current contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, any method: • Modern Method • Condom use (contraceptive purposes) • Unmet need for family planning, total: • Spacing • Limiting

  15. Additional Indicators MDG 4&5: International Agencies • Goal 4 : Reduce Infant & Child mortality: • Prenatal mortality rate, per 1,000 life births (WHO) • Breast-feeding rate at 3 and at 6 months (WHO) • Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health • Rate of induced abortions (WHO)

  16. Availability of data (at WHO):

  17. Additional Indicators and subcategories National MDG-reports MDG 4 (selection): • Neonatal mortality (early neonatal, post-neonatal) • Still birth rate (perinatal mortality rate) • Immunization against diseases other than measles • Under-five mortality associated with thalassemia • Prevalence of respiratory illnesses among the under 5 age Group. • Percentage of newborn children weighting less than 2,500 grams • Proportion of exclusively breast-fed infants under 4 month • Percentage of breastfeeding children under 6 month

  18. Additional Indicators and Subcategories National MDG-reports MDG 5 (selection): • Abortion rate 15-44/49 • Abortion rate adolescents/under 20 • Maternal mortality by cause • Number of Gynaecologists and Qualified Midwifery staff per 1,000 women • Adolescent contraceptive prevalence

  19. Disaggregations (& subgroups) National MDG-reports MDG 4 & 5 (selection): • by sex: IMR/q5 • by rural/urban: MDG4&5 • by region: IMR/q5 • by cause: MDG4.1, 4.2 & 5.2 • By ethnic group • Disability status

  20. For Discussion / Feedback needed: • Usefulness of having both Official national estimate versus official UN estimate • Usefulness of data repository • Metadata required • Data collection mechanism: Specific data collection; data via other UN agencies; or other UN-agencies data via UNECE • Additional indictors to include: see next slide

  21. Include in Official National Estimates, MDG 4&5: Proposal • Subcategories MDG5 as in unstats.un.org • Disaggregates by sex and rural/urban: for MDG-indicators with five countries or more reporting • Additional indicators: • Proportion of (exclusively) breast-fed under 6 months • Abortion rate women of fertile ages • Perinatal mortality rate • Other Proposals?

  22. Additional Options Repository, MDG 4 & 5: • Subcategory (MDG 5.3): adolescent contraceptive prevalence rate • Subcategory: adolescents abortion rate • Subcategories perinatal mortality: Neonatal mortality & still birth • Any other disaggregate published in National MDG-report of at least 5 countries • Any other indicator published in National MDG-report of at least 5 countries

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