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Cyberbullying. What it is and how it affects YOU. Discussion Questions. What is Cyberbullying ? What are students doing when they cyberbully ? How do they do it? What hardware and software is being used? Do we have cyberbullying at this school? What form does it take?. What is it?.
Cyberbullying What it is and how it affects YOU
Discussion Questions • What is Cyberbullying? • What are students doing when they cyberbully? • How do they do it? What hardware and software is being used? • Do we have cyberbullying at this school? • What form does it take?
What is it? Cyberbullying is sending or posting harmful or cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices Cyber Bullying
Where is it found? • E-mails • Instant messaging • Text or digital imaging messages sent on cell phones • Web pages, • Web logs (blogs) • Chat rooms or discussion groups • Other information communication technologies
Cyberbullying information Watch video on Cyberbullying (by Parry Aftab from wiredsafety.org)
Examples of Cyberbullys • The 'Vengeful Angel' • The 'Power-hungry' which includes 'Revenge of the Nerds' • The 'Mean Girl’ • The 'Inadvertent“ Watch ‘Mean Girl’ animation
Cyberbullying Statistics • “Over 40% of all teenagers with Internet access have reported being bullied online during the past year. • Girls are more likely than boys to be the target of cyberbullying. • Also, there is a direct correlation to the amount of time girls spend online and the likelihood that they will be bullied.
“The fastest growing problems within the world of cyberbullying are: • Stealing an individual’s name and password to a social networking site, then using their profile to post rumors, gossip or other damaging information. • Altering photographs using Photoshop or other photo editing software in order to humiliate the individual. • Recording conversations without the individual’s knowledge or consent, then posting the call online. • Creating confrontational and mean-spirited online polls about the individual and posting them on different web sites. • Using web sites and blogs to post hurtful, embarrassing information about another individual.” • http://www.cyberbullyalert.com/blog/2008/08/cyber-bullying-statistics-that-may-shock-you/
Part I: What is Bullying or Harassment According to NJ Law? • “Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any gesture, any written, verbal or physicalact, or any electroniccommunicationthat is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identify and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school busthat would have the effect of… Discipline Policy
That would have the effect of… • harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or • has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school” • (Legal Issues, 2008). Vague
Legislation Involving Cyberbullying • NJ has one of the first cyber bullying laws in the country enacted in 2007 (P.L.2007, c.129.). • It added “electronic communication” to the definition of bullying. • The law allows school administrators to enforce consequences/penalties for cyber-bullying off school property; however, only if the act committed “substantially disrupts school.” • (State action on cyber-bullying, 2008) Click and Print & Do Not Erase
New Anti-Bullying Law 12/07 in NJ • Anti-bullying policies must be posted on a school’s website. • Board Policy 5512.01 HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING • Established an anti-bullying commission for the state of New Jersey that will aid the legislature in making future improvements on the existing anti-bullying law. • The commission will also lead initiatives regarding bullying state wide and offer support to individual schools in need. (Legal Issues, 2008)
Cyberbullying & Awareness • The courts have given some direction for schools dealing with cyberbullying. • "School districts are well within their legal rights to intervene in cyberbullying incidents - even if these incidents were initiated off-campus if it can be demonstrated that the incident resulted in a substantial disruption of the educational environment“ Off-campus to on-campus • (Hinduja and Patchin, 2007) • http://www.techlearning.com/article/8544
Online Netiquette • Start by making sure you are sending things to the right place, that it arrives and that the right person gets it. • Is it worth sending? Don’t waste peoples’ time or bandwidth with junk, chain e-mails and false rumours
Online Netiquette • Proofread and spell-check your e-mails and make sure they know who you are • Don’t attack others online, say anything that could be considered insulting or that is controversial
Online Netiquette • Don’t forward other people’s e-mails without their permission or share their personal information • Are you angry when you are writing this message?
Online Netiquette • Don’t reply to spam, even to ask to be removed from their mailing list • How private is the message you are sending? Are you willing to have others read this message or forward it to others without your permission?
A Student Perspective….. Watch video created by a student about cyberbullying
Cyberbullying: What works? • “Schools should start addressing students, parents and staff about the issues of cyberbullying. • Students need to be reminded that what they do in cyberspace is not really anonymous. They need to know their behaviors and words are downloadable, printable and sometimes punishable by law. • Students also need to be reminded not to share personal informational such as passwords, contact information and financial information with anyone.” • http://www.techlearning.com/article/8544
Are YOU a cyberbully? • Complete ‘Are you a Cyberbully?’ survey • Calculate your score /18 Survey adapted from Stop Bullying
Survey Results! • 0-5 points = Caring Cyber Citizen: Congratulations! You’re a caring cyber citizen! Your online behavior is exemplary! Keep up the good work!
Survey Results! • 6-10 points = Cyber Risky: Well, you’re not perfect, but few people are. Chances are you haven’t done anything terrible and were just having fun, but try not to repeat your behaviours, since they are all offences. Keep in mind the pain that your fun might be causing others!
Survey Results! • 11-18 points = Cyber Careless: You’re online behaviour needs to be reproached! You have done way too many cyber no-no’s! Keep in mind that these practices are dangerous, wrong, and punishable and try to clean up that cyber record!
Survey Results! • More than 18 points = Cyber Bully: Put on the breaks and turn that PC/MAC/text-messaging device around! You are headed in a very bad direction. You qualify, without doubt, as a cyberbully. You need to sign off and think about where that little mouse of yours has been clicking before serious trouble results for you and/or your victim(s), if it hasn’t happened already!