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WARNING! beyond of understanding  hope you have  no hate for any earthling please do not read

WARNING! beyond of understanding  hope you have  no hate for any earthling please do not read if you do not want food of thought the best  Poem ever some one read hope you  Laugh hope you  Enjoy hope you  Appreciate hope you  Smile hope you  Entertain .

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WARNING! beyond of understanding  hope you have  no hate for any earthling please do not read

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  1. WARNING! beyond of understanding  hope you have  no hate for any earthling please do not read if you do not want food of thought the best  Poem ever some one read hope you  Laugh hope you  Enjoy hope you  Appreciate hope you  Smile hope you  Entertain 

  2. This is my short story of the month. The child migrate to a new country. 1..The child's parents moved to a new country. The are happy to keep their customs in the new country. Many challenge are found in the new country and they are over come quickly, with their new life in the new country.

  3. 2..The child dad started working at the local engineering company. The mother start working as a baby sitter at home. The child went to school every day, and after school he delivered news papers . Every day he play out side by the big rock underneath a big tree, every day he brings toy and hide them on the ground at his secret place.

  4. 3..The child's Excitement encouraged his parents to be happy for his activities. His reports from school were excellent.

  5. 4..The weather was changing more bright days were turning darker. After his delivery of his news papers, he played out side then he come home, In the home he ate food he finish his home work he is ready to go to his bed room. Every day child ask his mom and dad, you are not mad with me? Every day mom and dad replied same,  (no you are a good child) His mom and dad do not have any idea why their son asking.

  6. 5.. At his secret place by the big rock underneath a big tree on the ground he hide gifts for his friends in the old country and friends in the new country. One day, It was snowing heavy and it was dark ,his dad want to go shopping with his family, before holiday start.

  7. 6..They are in the shopping center and dad start his shopping with his wife. The child was looking at the toy, he ask his dad can i have this toy dad replied (no we have some important shopping to do.) The child kiss the toy and said i want to take you my home but my dad have important shopping to do, and put the toy back. The child's was walking to wards mom and dad saw a big tall man, talking to his dad he come closer to dad and mom big tall man gave a gift to the child and said this is for you, The child look at his dad and dad shook his head said OK .Child said to the big tall man thank you and kiss that toy and said to the toy, know you coming to my home with me.

  8. 7..His Parents finished shopping his family is at home. He start playing with the same toy, big tall man gave him a gift. At home his dad was asking to his wife why this man bought a gift to our son. His mom replied may be he is missing his own child.

  9. 8..Tomorrow every thing is closed in town it is a special holiday around the world. The child went out side by the big rock underneath a big tree at his secret place where there is many gifts on the ground which he collects them. He was plying enjoying in the snow. After a while his dad start calling hem it is getting dark come home yours mom made food for you. child said bye to his gifts at secret place by the big rock underneath a big tree.

  10. 9..At home he finished his food he finished his home work, he played with his toy he received it from the man. Mom ask hem to go to bed, before going to bed he ask mom and dad again, (You are not made with me)? His parent's replied (no we are not mad,) You are a good child ,you received excellent in the reports of the school we are happy for you. 10..After a good night sleep, in the morning he woke up early before his parent's. He went downstairs look out the window saw the white snow out side. He puts his jacket on his boot on and ran out side. By the big rock underneath a big tree he picked two gifts and brought it in side the home. He hang the jacket puts on house slippers  and walked in the kitchen, on the table he sets the gifts with two cereal bowls. The noise in the kitchen he made dad and mom woke up after little while they were downstairs at the kitchen table .Saw two gifts and two bowls with cereal. ask what is this? their son replied this is for you, because you give me food and cloth. Dad and mom right away thank to their child and kiss hem they were so happy they start eating their breakfasts.

  11. 11..The child family was busy in breakfasts some one knocked on the door child open the door, Saw a man and a woman standing at the door introducing their self we are your neighbor we saw your child play out side every day we brought this gift for hem.  The child ran out side in hurry, picked up two gifts from his secret place, brought two gifts and said this is for you, neighbor thanked to the child and said we will send our son to your home so you both can have fun and child said (yes)and the neighbor left.

  12. 12..After little while some one knocked at the door child open the door saw neighbor son and ran out side with hem at his secret place. He gave the gift to the neighbor son He  showed hem the secret place and said this gift is for my friends in new country and this gifts is for my friends in old country. Both kids were giggling and playing by the big rock underneath the big tree in the snow After a while another kid joined with them Know three kids were laughing enjoying playing out side. It was the beautiful sound in the air of three happy kids. They hear neighbor dad calling his son come home it is getting dark. His son said OK dad and continue play.

  13. 12..It was snowing and it was dark. A big heavy voice was calling oh my child oh my child come home it is getting dark. As the voice was coming closer and louder near to the kids, voice said oh my child, I found you here you are by the big rock underneath the big tree, and what is this? This is yours my child?

  14. 13..His son step back and stood quiet and said nothing. Neighbor son step forward and said i tell you this gifts are for the friends in the old country. This gifts are for the Friends in a new country. This is my gift and this is our third friend gift he is standing right beside you. His dad look in to the  son eyes he tried to say some thing and son saw tears in dad eyes and picked one gift from the ground and said this is for you dad. Dad reached with both arm lift his son up and start singing the song…………………………

  15. 14..Oh Happy, Oh Happy, Oh happy, We are Happy We are not Mad. Oh Happy,Oh Happy, Oh Happy, We are Happy We are not Sad. His dad was dancing and said to the kids lets come in side the home. In side the home he ask to his wife please make food we have gusts. They were all in side the home they hear door knock child open the door saw a neighbor dad, asking to his son come home your mom made food for you. His son said to his dad, Look dad Look dad we brought all the gifts in side the home, look dad this gifts are for the friends in the old country. This gifts are for the Friends in a new country Look dad this is my gift and this is my third Friend gift.

  16. 15..Neighbor said your child is a happy spirit. The child dad said so i am not. He stand up and hold child hand start dancing. And singing. Oh happy, Oh Happy, Oh Happy, We are Happy We are not Mad. Oh Happy, Oh Happy, Oh Happy, We are Happy We are not Sad. They all start singing together In side the home it was a beautiful sound of three kids and two man

  17. Oh Happy Oh Happy Oh Happy We are Happy We are not Mad. Oh Happy Oh Happy Oh Happy We are Happy We are not Sad. The End. This Child is in you and me. This child is in every Happy spirit. Hope this story lift you up. Hope this story Touché you. Hope this story Fascinate you. Hope this story Amazed you. I am not a poet. But I see every one as a poet.

  18. The child's migrate to a new country.

  19. The child live for ever in you and in me With a happy spirit

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