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GEOPAK Tips Tricks

Version. Latest released version ? GEOPAK for MicroStation included in the GEOPAK\Bin folder:What'sChangedInGEOPAK08050259.html. Configuration Variables. Startup VariablesSimplifies computer setup - allows organizations to install all GEOPAK products across all computersNo need for custom installs, batch files or multiple workspacesUnused tools within a department can be disabled.

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GEOPAK Tips Tricks

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    2. Version Latest released version – GEOPAK for MicroStation Now included in the GEOPAK\Bin folder: What'sChangedInGEOPAK08050259.html

    3. Configuration Variables Startup Variables Simplifies computer setup - allows organizations to install all GEOPAK products across all computers No need for custom installs, batch files or multiple workspaces Unused tools within a department can be disabled

    4. Configuration Variables Startup Variables GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG = 1 Adds option to Activate GEOPAK called “Startup Configuration”

    5. Configuration Variables Startup Variables GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG = 1 Adds option to Activate GEOPAK called “Startup Configuration”

    6. Configuration Variables Startup Variables The following variables will force activation on ‘=1’ or off ‘=0’ GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_SUITE = 1 GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_SITE = 1 GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_SURVEY = 1 GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_BRIDGE = 1 GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_REBAR = 1 GPK_STARTUP_CONFIG_CIVILEXT = 1

    7. Configuration Variables Civil Extension Trick If you want both the Suite and Civil Extension available to a user perform the following steps: Install the Suite on their computer Open the GEOPAK\bin folder Create a new file called p09.log Startup will now offer Civil Extension as an option without performing the full install

    8. Configuration Variables GPK_LEVEL_CREATE_NEW When set to 1, GEOPAK creates new levels in the active drawing as needed When set to 0, elements will be drawn on the MS level ‘Default’ GPK_LEVEL_DEFAULT Set to a level name used as a default level when a specified level is not found and GPK_LEVEL_CREATE_NEW=0 GPK_LEVEL_WARNING Warning issued when elements are placed on the default level instead of specified level

    9. Configuration Variables GPK_COMPUTATION_ENGLISH_UNIT_DEF_FILE GPK_COMPUTATION_METRIC_UNIT_DEF_FILE Files containing the user specified English or Metric units used for computation in D&C Manager. GPK_PROFILE_COMPUTATION Set to AASHTO2001 to use this standard GPK_NOAUTOACTIVATE causes GEOPAK to always be inactive when MicroStation is invoked.


    11. Configuration Variables GPK_SPLASH_VERSION When activated (set to 1), the current version is displayed on the splash screen when opening GEOPAK.

    13. Project Manager Master Project Concept A master project is set up with runs for the most commonly used tool configurations The master project is stored in a common server location When a user needs to create a new run, they copy a standard run from the master project Advantages Saves time setting up runs Helps enforce standards

    14. Project Manager Master Project Concept

    15. Project Manager Run Files (saved in user folder under PROJDBS folder) Vertical Alignment proj.00a Plan/Profile Sheets proj.00b Limits of Construction proj.00c Existing Ground proj.00d Existing Ground XS proj.00e Superelevation proj.002 Proposed XS proj.003 Earthwork proj.004 Cross Section Sheets proj.005 Working Alignment Def proj.008 Existing Ground Profile proj.009 Draw Pattern Lines proj.011

    16. Coordinate Geometry Merging 2 GPK Files – Old Method Open first job number ex: job001.gpk COGO Command: Make Input File <filename> All <filename> includes job number you will merge into ex: merge002.iop Open second job number ex: job002.gpk Load and Read Input File

    17. Coordinate Geometry Merging 2 GPK files – New Method VBA Application

    18. Coordinate Geometry Navigator ID Element - Only works with COGO Visualized Elements, not D&C Manager drawn elements Selection Sets $SEL can be used to substitute the selection set in any COGO command Some tools provide an icon that allows you to use the selection set

    19. Coordinate Geometry COGO Next Available Element Can be used in all COGO dialogs and commands to store new elements NEVER redefines existing COGO elements SHOW NEXT ELEMENT Lists the next element name per user SET NEXT element_name name Set next poi 500 Set next cur c35

    20. Coordinate Geometry COGO Next Available Element Use a ? to indicate to the software the next available element will be utilized Key in Commands: Store Point ? 10000 10000 Dialogs:

    21. Coordinate Geometry Default values for Next Available Elements Point P1 Line L1 Curve C1 Spiral S1 Chain CHN1 Parcel PAR1 Profile PRF1

    22. Design & Computation Manager Design Mode Draw lines between points by entering point names in the Lines operation Use / for point to point Use – for point ranges

    23. Design & Computation Manager Match Point Text Sets MicroStation Text attributes to match those set in D&C point text settings for the item selected

    24. Design & Computation Manager Display and Compute Mode Collections of Items can be Cleared, Saved, and Opened Right-Click in Collection Box

    25. Ad hoc Attributes

    26. Ad hoc Attributes

    27. Ad hoc Attributes Up to 255 can be placed per element Each has a Name, Type and Value Name can be up to 40 characters

    28. Ad hoc Attributes 5 types of Ad hocs: Numeric 123.45 String Used as Description for Pay item 255 char. max Unit Any valid unit as defined in the .CSV file Quantity Actual numeric value to use as quantity Remarks Exported to QM database

    29. V8.5/Ad hoc Attributes For Quantities: Must have a Type = Unit Optional: Type = Quantity Optional: Type = String Optional: Type = Remarks If Unit and Quantity are present, the value in the Quantity field is used. If Unit only is present, then the Quantity is computed from the MS element.

    30. Compute Multiple Pay Items from a Single Graphic Element

    31. Ad hoc Attribute Manager

    32. Ad Hoc Attribute Display Filter Display of elements which meet ad hoc attribute value conditions Hilite all elements with diameter > 11.5 Hide all elements with material = “PVC” Compound expressions Select all elements with type = “metal” and size > 5.2 Hilite elements with type = “plastic” or type = “concrete” Display and selection set creation Accusnap ID element shows ad hoc data Synergistic with D&C Manager display filter

    33. DTM – Types of Voids Void X,Y & Z are used during triangulation Lines connecting vertices are draped onto triangulated model Break Void X,Y & Z are used during triangulation Lines connecting vertices are processed as break lines during triangulation Drape Void X,Y & Z(dummy) are NOT used during triangulation Draped onto surface after triangulation is complete.

    34. Pattern Lines All vertices must be within the Chain i.e. Software must be able to compute a station/offset for each vertex Cannot end interior to a shape Kinked sections must be drawn as Line Strings If you must modify a pattern line Delete the original cross-sections and cells Rerun existing ground cross-sections

    35. Cross Sections Lock Existing Ground and XS Cell before proposed cross sections are run Allows you to use MicroStation Select All and Delete to clean out all proposed elements and leave existing elements Record these steps (and maybe Compress) in a macro and assign to a function key

    36. Cross Sections When cross sections are obtained from non-GEOPAK sources use Draw XS Cell tool Places GEOPAK cross section cells on each cross section so GEOPAK will recognize them for other operations: Compute earthwork Layout cross section sheets Generate cross section reports Etc.

    37. What is a PGL? (Profile Grade Line) In simplest form, it is the designated location where GEOPAK applies the proposed profile elevation.

    38. What is a PGL Chain? A PGL Chain is a GEOPAK chain that identifies the proposed profile location (PGL) in certain design situations. Typically, this is used when the proposed profile location (PGL) does not parallel the shape cluster baseline.

    39. Typical PGL Chain Application Divided Multi-Lane Highway Left shape cluster PGL location not parallel to proposed baseline. PGL Chain required.

    40. Stationing Along A PGL Chain One of the most common misunderstandings in using PGL Chains is PGL chain stationing. PGL chain stationing is not used by GEOPAK when computing elevations. A user can start all PGL Chains with any desired station value. Profile stationing is determined solely by the stationing along the Shape Cluster Baseline.

    41. Earthwork Centroid Adjustment Adjusts the distance used to calculate average end area volume by using the cross section centroids Used mainly on alignments with tight curves like ramps

    42. Earthwork Centroid Adjustment

    43. Earthwork Skip Areas If pattern lines don't exist at the skip area limits GEOPAK will interpolate an end area between the two adjacent pattern lines If one pattern line is on a bridge, for example, the interpolated end area isn't going to be an accurate measurement Use pattern lines at beginning and ending of skip areas Quantities will be calculated up to the stations desired without interpolation

    44. Earthwork Excavation Limits Required whenever existing suitable or unsuitable classifications are used and the removal area is not a closed area completely within a cut area Must be used in pairs Must be lines (no line strings, curves, etc.) Must intersect the removal material and existing ground Compute quantities between pairs of Excavation limit lines

    45. Plan Labeling - Tools Placing multiple labels with the same format Place one label at a desired location Use MicroStation to copy the label to the other locations Use Label Updater to synchronize all labels with their locations Selection Set Labeling Label all elements in a MicroStation Selection Set with the specified label format

    46. GEOPAK Newsgroup discussion.bentley.com bentley.geopak

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