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Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks. MASUG 02/18/2005. Multiple Graphs on One Page. Multiple Graphs on One Page. Often it is useful to put several or even many graphs on one page Graphs are created first and stored in a SAS graphics catalog

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  1. Tips & Tricks MASUG 02/18/2005

  2. Multiple Graphs on One Page

  3. Multiple Graphs on One Page • Often it is useful to put several or even many graphs on one page • Graphs are created first and stored in a SAS graphics catalog • Using proc greplay a template can be defined and graphic elements put into the various panels

  4. Defining a template can be tedious • Here is the template definition code for a sample 3 panel template: tdef mytemp 1 / llx=0 ulx=0 lrx=100 urx=100 lly=0 lry=0 uly=100 ury=100 2 / llx=0 ulx=0 lrx=100 urx=100 lly=65 lry=65 uly=95 ury=95 3 / llx=0 ulx=0 lrx=100 urx=100 lly=35 lry=35 uly=65 ury=65 ; • Rather than define the two opposite corners of a rectangle (to define a panel), SAS wants the user to define all four corners of each rectangle (each panel). • Each (x,y) value is repeated twice, opening the door to human error. (Yes, I’ve seen templates with “crooked” panels.)

  5. PanelDef /********************************************************************* * Name: PanelDef * * Desc: Returns the text for a greplay panel definition. * * Type: Graphics Utility * * History: * * 7/1/04 WJS * *********************************************************************/ %macro paneldef( pnlnbr , leftx , rightx , lowery , uppery , color ); %local return; %let return = &pnlnbr /; %let return = &return llx=&leftx ulx=&leftx lrx=&rightx urx=&rightx; %let return = &return lly=&lowery lry=&lowery uly=&uppery ury=&uppery; %if ( %length( &color ) > 0 ) %then %let return = &return color=&color; &return %mend;

  6. Sample Code goptions nodisplay; proc gplot data=rpt gout=&mygout; plot &var * &timevar = 9 / grid frame autovref vaxis = axis1 haxis = axis2 name = "Top“ ; plot &var * fmonth = fyear / grid frame autovref vaxis = axis1 haxis = axis3 legend = legend1 name = "RRTrks“ ; run; [snip] goptions display; proc greplay nofs tc=mytcat igout=&mygout; tdef mytemp %panelDef( 1 ,0,100,0,100) %panelDef( 2 ,0,100,&lowery1,&uppery1) %panelDef( 3 ,0,100,&lowery2,&uppery2) ; template mytemp; treplay 1:titles 2:Top 3:RRTrks ; run;

  7. Three Macros to Simplify Annotations

  8. Three Macros to Simplify Annotations • The SAS annotate facility give great flexibility in writing or drawing things on graphs – even producing specialized graphs • Typically, simple text is “dropped” onto a graph • Learning annotate is not difficult but takes time

  9. Three simple macros can help • Macro avars creates the basic variable needed in a dataset to annotate a graph • Macro xyhsys specifies a “coordinate system” • Macro alabel defines a text label, placed anywhere you need it

  10. First an example • The following code defines a “graph” that has the titles for a Multi-graph page: data annotitles; %avars %xyhsys( 1,1,1 ) %alabel( 50,100, "&title1",,,, 3.5, centb,E ) %alabel( 50,95, "&title2",,,, 2.5, centb,E ) run; proc ganno annotate=annotitles gout=&mygout name='titles'; run;

  11. avars /*********************************************************** * Name: avars * * Desc: Annotate macro to declare and size standard * * annotate dataset variables * * Type: Graphics Utility - Annotate Macro * * Walt Smith May 10, 2001 * ***********************************************************/ %macro avars; length color function style $8; length text $200; length x y 8; %mend;

  12. xyhsys /**************************************************************** * Name: xyhsys * * Desc: Annotate macro to set the value of three annotate * * variables: xsys, ysys, and hsys. * * Type: Graphics Utility - Annotate Macro * *---------------------------------------------------------------* * ============================================= * * | Table of Coordinate System Codes | * * | (See SAS/Graph Software pg 476) | * * +-----------+---------+----------+----------+ * * | Area | Units | Absolute | Relative | * * +-----------+---------+----------+----------+ * * | Data | % | 1 | 7 | * * | Area | Values | 2 | 8 | * * +-----------+---------+----------+----------+ * * | Graphics | % | 3 | 9 | * * | Output | Cells | 4 | A | * * | Area | | | | * * +-----------+---------+----------+----------+ * * | Procedure | % | 5 | B | * * | Output | Cells | 6 | C | * * | Area | | | | * * ============================================= * ****************************************************************/ %macro xyhsys( xsys , ysys , hsys ); xsys = "&xsys"; ysys = "&ysys"; hsys = "&hsys"; %mend;

  13. alabel /*********************************************************** * Name: alabel * * Desc: Annotate macro to place text on a graph * * Type: Graphics Utility - Annotate Macro * * * * Walt Smith November 30, 1999 * * 5/8/02 WJS Modify logic for pos parm * ***********************************************************/ %macro alabel (x,y,txt,coltxt,ang,rot,size,font,pos); %if ( %length( &x ) >0 ) %then x = &x %str(;); %if ( %length( &y ) >0 ) %then y = &y %str(;); %if ( %length( &ang ) >0 ) %then angle = &ang %str(;); %if ( %length( &rot ) >0 ) %then rotate = &rot %str(;); %if ( %length( &size ) >0 ) %then size = &size%str(;); %if ( %length( &txt ) >0 ) %then text = &txt %str(;); %if ( %length( &font ) >0 ) %then style = "&font"%str(;); %if ( %length( &pos ) =1 ) %then position = "&pos"%str(;); %else %if ( %length( &pos ) > 1 ) %then position = &pos %str(;); %if %length(&coltxt)>0 %then color = "&coltxt"%str(;); function='label'; output; %mend;

  14. PROC SQL vs. PROC MEANS by John AngSenior Merchandising AnalystAutoZone

  15. Summary Functions in PROC SQL • The following summary functions are available when using PROC SQL: • AVG • COUNT • MIN • MAX • STD • SUM • VAR • The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with these summary functions.

  16. PROC SQL Query procsql; create table boo as select hoo, sum(foo) as goo from doo group by hoo; quit;

  17. Output Statistics in PROC MEANS • The following output statistics are available when using PROC SQL: • MEAN • N • MIN • MAX • STD • SUM • VAR • The OUTPUT statement is used in conjunction with these output statistics.

  18. PROC MEANS Query procmeans data=doo sum mean noprint; class hoo; var foo; output out=boo sum=goo; run;

  19. Comparison of SAS Log 135 proc sql; 136 create table boo as 137 select hoo, sum(foo) as goo 138 from doo 139 group by hoo; NOTE: Table WORK.BOO created, with 18607 rows and 2 columns. 140 quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used: real time 1:15.31 cpu time 46.82 seconds 141 proc means data=doo sum mean noprint; 142 class hoo; 143 var foo; 144 output out=boo2 sum=goo; 145 run; NOTE: There were 20532029 observations read from the data set DAD5DATA.SSPOLK. NOTE: The data set WORK.BOO2 has 18608 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used: real time 39.10 seconds cpu time 34.89 seconds

  20. Another Example proc means data=limahl.omd sum noprint; class time; var edge; output out=sting1 sum=toto; run; proc sql; create table sting2 as select time, sum(edge) as toto from limahl.omd group by time; quit;

  21. Another SAS Log 3 proc means data=limahl.omd sum noprint; 4 class time; 5 var edge; 6 output out=sting1 sum=toto; 7 run; NOTE: There were 444186953 observations read from the data set SREGDATA.VITEMADJ_DOWNLOAD. NOTE: The data set WORK.STING1 has 158234 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used: real time 23:16.58 cpu time 12:52.62 8 9 proc sql; 10 create table sting2 as 11 select time, sum(edge) as toto 12 from limahl.omd 13 group by time; NOTE: Table WORK.STING2 created, with 158233 rows and 2 columns. 14 quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used: real time 50:50.62 cpu time 23:33.05

  22. PROC SQL or PROC MEANS? • PROC SQL code can be more readable and easily understood by other SAS users. • Generally, PROC MEANS will produce the same summarized result in less CPU time than PROC SQL will. • More descriptive statistics (e.g. quantiles) are available with PROC MEANS than with PROC SQL.

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